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First visa?

Guest Lisa

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Hi all,


Its all so confusing and my partner and I are not sure how to get the ball rolling and how to apply for a visa. We have a 2 year old little girl. Has anybody used first visa to apply for citizenship and if so were they any good? Many thanks.

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OK thank you. Where should I look at getting a visa? My partner spoke to first visa and they want £50 to send an application pack out. Is this normal?


Never heard of this agent.


When choosing an agent you should make sure that they person dealing with your case is MARA registered. You have no comeback if they mess up your case if they are not.


I have never heard of having to pay £50 for an application pack. Many will give you an initial assessment free, to see if you qualify.


I would try Go Matilda, Visa Bureau, or Ian Harrop/Overseas Emigration all have good reputation and have been well recommended in the past from other members.



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Hi, first of all, you need to find out if you are eligible for a visa. What are your occupations etc. you have to have lived in oz for four years, two of them as a permanent resident, before you could apply for citizenship. A few more details might help.


It's actually four years with the last 12 months being as a permanent resident, not two years as you stated. Refer to link http://www.citizenship.gov.au/applying/how_to_apply/conferral_app_process/

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OK thank you. Where should I look at getting a visa? My partner spoke to first visa and they want £50 to send an application pack out. Is this normal?



Ok first thing to do is to have a look at this Australian government site and to work through the visa wizard. http://www.immi.gov.au/visawizard/


You perhaps have got confused between visa's and citizenship but assuming you mean visa as per this post. Once you have had a go at this then read through the posts / threads on this site just to get a feel of the types of questions, information and replies that are on here. (All the forums are listed when you are on the Home page.) There is a lot of people who have posted on here who have not been sure about which visa and have used and recommended agents to others and so you do not need to worry there is plenty of current information about. Also if you are new to this, and a bit worried, try and find out if there are any Australian immigration type exhibitions and/or seminars on near where you live and go to one or more of those as a source of general information and fact finding. Sure if you Google you will find something.


As for charging for an application pack all businesses do different things and without really understanding what you asked them in a little bit more detail then it would be hard to comment. To be honest once you do a some more research on this site you will be able to make up a short list of agents to approach and so no need to worry.

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Thank you so much everyone :smile2: I will get looking into it. I did get confused with the citizenship, one of the agents said that as we had an infant we could not go on a working visa for 12 months so we needed to apply for residence. I will look on the site of registered agents. Fingers crossed all goes well

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My partner is a Gas engineer (he was trained as an apprentice by British Gas) and has been fully qualified for nearly 6 years now. I have not worked since having my daughter (I was a project worker- looking after children with challenging behaviour and mental health issues) although I'm not sure if I would like to do that if we got in to Oz so maybe do what I done prior to that position- Administration.


My partner is 28 and I am 29. We both have clear enhanced CRB's and hopefully things like a medical check will be clear. The company we spoke to was very positive and said that he thinks we have a good chance.

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CRB are not used for Australin immigration. It is a different police check. Police checks and medicals are done at the end of the process.


Going forward, you husband as main applicant will need to get a positive skills assessment and sit IELTS test for extra points.

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The agent was right in that you can't have any dependents travel with you on a working holiday visa. First step as everyone has indicated is to look at the occupations list to see if your occupations are on it.


Thank you. My partner is on the skilled list and we have received our visa documents today- they are very long! :confused:

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Yes it is twelve months! I knew that as we are citizens! Just an absent moment! Thanks for the correction anyhow!


No worries mad cow. It just made my heart palputate a bit as I am on a two year temp visa and didn't want to spend more time than necessary before applying for citizenship. Although I will still have to wait another two years anyway after this one! :sad:

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