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Secondary schools near to Kwinana

Guest Rachael Lemon

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Guest Rachael Lemon

Hello. We're looking for some advice on Secondary schools near Kiwana. Hubby's had a couple of successful interviews for employment out there and is now going through the motions with visa applications etc. If all goes well he'll be working in Kwinana and Baldivis and Rockingham have been suggested as places to live by the company. We've looked at Baldivis and the Secondary school situation doesn't look very promising. Is anyone out there able to offer advice and a better insight into Secondary schools please. We have 12 and 13 year old daughters as well as 6 and 3 year old daughters.


Thanks... one very excited yet anxious mummy!!!

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I would live north of Kwinana so you are going against the traffic and try and get in the catchment area for Willeton, Leeming or Rossmoyne High schools. They are the best govt high schools south of the river and are streets ahead of anything around kwinana or further south.

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If you live Baldivis they have the new high school there but at present they are only taking yr8s, otherwise you would have a choice of Warnbro High or Comet Bay, this would mean getting a bus from Baldivis to Warnbro train station, then a bus down Warnbro sound avenue to Warnbro high or further down to Comet Bay ( Secret HArbour). Baldivis is a huge suburb with lots of building still going on be awre that you may be some way from the nearest bus stop which means you might have to play chauffer to the kids a lot. Having said that a lot kids live there and manage to get to and from both Warnbro High and Comet Bay without too much problem. Depending on where you lived in Rockingham you would have either Safety Bay High or Rockingham High, in Kwinana itself you have Gilmore College. Wen do you think it's likely you would be arriving?

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A few statistics from the exam results 2012 for these schools. The number of students who obtained an A or B in their stage 3 exams (like A levels)

NAPLAN results - all are below or substantially below the national average in numeracy and reading in year 9


Gilmore College zero

Safety Bay High 12%

Warnbro 26%

Comet Bay 24%

Rockingham High 6%



NAPLAN - average or above the National average.

Willeton - 63%

Leeming - 52%

Rossmoyne - 73%

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Guest madoramag

Hi we recently moved from UK to work in Kwinana, Baldivis is fine as we lived there for 7 months before moving further south to Madora Bay. Baldivis has a brand new High School and Primary School. Our boys went to Makybe Rise Primary before we moved. Lets us know how everything goes regarding job offer and i will let you know some of our experiences. Other places to check out are Secret Harbour, Meadow Springs, Success, Aubin Grove, a lot depends on what you want, ie on the coast close to metro all of these place are 25 mins tops to Kwinana. Success, Aubin Grove is closer to City.

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Guest chedac

Hi, I am a secondary school teacher in the area you are talking about, I would stay away from Gilmore college, and warnbro both are rough. Comet bay is probably the most academic of the high schools in the area, but safety bay has a very good soccer academy. Other than that there are a number of private schools in the area.

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As a recently retired employee of the Dept of Education, I advise you to listen to Chedac as her/his comments are absolutely on the ball


Whatever you do, stay away from Gilmore College.


Baldivis College is only taking year 8's this year, and will increase a year at a time. If your child is older than this, Comet Bay College is worth considering. The following link will take you to the independent schools in Rockingham area. http://www.aism.edu.my/Secondary_School

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