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How long did you wait for your vetassess practical assessment result??


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My OH did his practical assessment for electricians at Blackburn College on the 11th March and we're still waiting for his results. I'm sure that I read somewhere that results are e-mailed after 10 days. It's now day 15 of waiting and we're becoming more anxious by the day, checking vetassess status online daily!!



Just thought I'd ask you guys what your experience was waiting for results before I chase them up with an e-mail or phone call.






P.S Can you believe it's still snowing?! :nah:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi lancashirelass, so my husband sat his vetassess back in February, after waiting and waiting and constantly asking our agent if they had heard anything, it turned out that vetassess had been in touch with our agent to tell them that my OH's result had been finalised however could not be issued until they had recieved two passport photos which conformed with requirements. We sent other photos and ended up waiting approx a month for his result which in the end was successful!!! (Believe me, a long and agonising wait though!) So.... Maybe chase them up just incase they are waiting for some additional info before they release the result?! Good luck!!! Amy x

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Hi lancashirelass, so my husband sat his vetassess back in February, after waiting and waiting and constantly asking our agent if they had heard anything, it turned out that vetassess had been in touch with our agent to tell them that my OH's result had been finalised however could not be issued until they had recieved two passport photos which conformed with requirements. We sent other photos and ended up waiting approx a month for his result which in the end was successful!!! (Believe me, a long and agonising wait though!) So.... Maybe chase them up just incase they are waiting for some additional info before they release the result?! Good luck!!! Amy x


Thanks Amy


I e-mailed Vetassess few days ago and they replied promptly the next day to say it's still in progress and that they will send a copy of the results e-mail to us before posting! We check everyday and status is still in progress so all we can do is wait! I'm having to learn to be patient which is very hard for me, but suppose will have to get used to waiting as each stage is a waiting game so it seems.


is your OH an electrician? Congrats on passing, what's your next step?



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Hi LancashireLass,


I undertook my practical in London on the 7th Dec, they told us that the results would be out in the New Year due to the Christmas period. I received my result the first week back in January, however the certificate was dated 14th Dec. (Not sure why wasn't notified then). I was in contact with a Scottish dude who done the exam the same day and he said he had his results online 2 weeks after the exam date.


Hope the info has helped, the wait is no fun at all but at least you get experience for the visa application :)

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...yes, OH is an electrician. Our next stage is for him to re-sit his English test TOMORROW!!!!!! Third time (long story!) so, fingers crossed that he passes this time so we can procede with our application for state sponsorship. Like you said in your previous post, the waiting game is very difficult....when we were waiting for his skills assessment results i would check the emails last thing at night then again first thing in the morning and every half an hour or so throughtout the day!! It's awful isn't it?!!!...especially when people are constantly asking when are we going??!! Good luck once again with your results, Amy x

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  • 2 years later...

Hi there,


I'm preparing for the vetassess electrical practical assessment and was wondering if somebody could clarify some of my questions.


1. Does anyone know if the disconnection / re-connection procedure in the Vetassess guide booklet has to be followed step by step?

When I read through the disconnection process I recognised that the protective device should be isolated in step 16 and not at the beginning.

Wouldn't it be safer to de-energise the equipment conductors first and preform all measurements afterwards?


2. What are your experience with the PEES document? Did you fill in as much as possible or only the basics?


I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may be able to help!





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Hi Andy


1. spoke to my OH and he said that the disconnection reconnection has to be followed step by step. They are really hot on this. Learn this over and over and over again until you are saying this in your sleep! Fail this and you fail the whole thing (don't stress though, you will be fine!)

2. The more you put the better.


Make sure you swot up on DOL motors.


Hope this helps. Good luck.

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