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Hi all I am new to this so please excuse my dumbness.


me and the hubby are looking to move to Oz with our wee boy hes 2, and I have been on site after site and the information from them all is so confusing.


we are too old for a working holiday visa I am 32 and hes 38, we have been told my hubby has good chance of a job hes HGV Tanker driver but when I read articles and people are saying its better when your over there to apply because its face to face but this is the problem how do we get there to apply for jobs because we can get a holiday working visa, or a skilled visa it would have to be sponsored.


If there is any help at all please share I am at a loss as to what direction we need to take to have our dream.


cheers :)

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The first thing to do is see if his job is on the CSOL list as it must be on there to obtain even a sponsored visa. Have a look at immi.gov.au


The next thing is to start looking for jobs. The biggest job site is seek.com.au


Getting sponsorship is not easy and getting harder as the job market is slowing and the government are clamping down on sponsored visas. You also have to remember that a company has to establish that the reason they are sponsoring you is because they can't find anyone in Oz to do the job. I don't know a lot about tanker driving, but bear in mind you can obtain a truck licence in regional areas of Oz by simply having a local policeman jump in a cab for a 10 minute drive and he can sign you off.


Lastly, remember that a sponsored visa is a temp visa valid for 4 years. There is no automatic path to pr and if you lose your job you have 28 days to find another willing to sponsor or leave the country.

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