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Suburbs in Perth and Visa query

Guest Sidney03

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Guest Sidney03

Hi all, we have pondered for a while but have now decided to bite the bullet and just get on with it.


We are an unmarried couple with a daughter together and I have a 10 year old daughter from a previous marriage. My partner is a welder and has worked out in Oz before so knows the sort of work he can get out there. He is going to a apply for a Visa 189, do we need to be married for me to go out on this visa or is the fact that we have a child together enough? Also, providing we get permission from my daughter's father, can she also come out on that visa? We would prefer not to use an agent in order to save as much money as we can, do you think this is doable?


Suburbs we have looked into are Ridgewood, Waikiki and Bibra Lake, does anyone know much about the schooling etc. There's only so much you can read on the internet, it'd be good to have some first hand views.


Thank you in advance for any help


Bob, Allan, Sid and Emma

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Hi Bob


Have a look at booklet 6 on immi




You can apply together a defacto partner. You'll need to prove your relationship and immi need various forms of evidence for this.


I understand from reading posts on this forum and on its sister site that you will need permission from the child's father but you can include them on the same visa. There are forms etc to be competed for this by the child's after and no doubt it will all need to be done with a solicitor even if you don't use a migration agent.


We are also looking at Waikiki/ Rockingham area and have family there but I haven't asked them about schools yet. When I find out more I'll try and remember to let you know. Hopefully someone will give there opinion / some info before then.



Edited by Lou8670
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Guest Sidney03

Hi Lou,


Thank you very much for your reply and the link. All help and advice is greatly appreciated.


It'll be great to hear what you find out about the local schools too, thank you.



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Don't know about Bibra Lake Primary School, but know a few people travel to Leeming Senior High School. From 2015 children will start High School from year 7 (and not year 8 as it is currently), so you probably want to be thinking of the High School (rather than primary).

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