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sending my collection of blu rays in container help


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Im not saying i dont trust shipping companies or who they use oz side or customs but i have a large collection of blu ray films stored in about 90 really usefull boxes,they are sturdy strong and are made of hard plastic and would take a lot to crush them or break them,they hold about 20 sometimes less in each one,depends on whats inside each one.

I would rather the shippers keep them in these and they can do what they like with them after than box them into other boxes or leave as is,I do worry that somewhere along the way that some of these boxes go missing or some blu rays go missing from there boxes.

Has anyone sent large collections of say same thing blu rays,dvds,games and did they arrive ok or did you have some missing etc.

I was also wondering do customs go through them and check them out or not bothered,i was thinking to make it harder for anyone to tamper with any inside the boxes was to wrap with cling film the stuff you pack pallets with etc so its harder for anyone to take the odd one or two,ok yes if they wanted they could take a box or two,whats your thought im i worried about nothing,or would this be a good idea,as i have as said about 1500 of these and so many of them stored in these boxes it would be harder for anyone to take a few if wrapped in cling,whats your thought.

You do hear of peoples stuff going missing,damaged etc and this was something i thought be a good idea.

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Make sure whatever insurance your shippers provide would cover replacing them.

And I'd probably not wrap them in cling film. As I understand it, Customs fumigate the container - if you've sealed stuff airtight they may be tempted to rummage. However you pack them, if they want to open them, they will.

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Make sure whatever insurance your shippers provide would cover replacing them.

And I'd probably not wrap them in cling film. As I understand it, Customs fumigate the container - if you've sealed stuff airtight they may be tempted to rummage. However you pack them, if they want to open them, they will.



If anything I'd make they were secure but do nothing to impede customs. Anything you do to make it harder for them to look, the more likely they are to do so.


We had several pieces of sculpture. Very expensive, delicate, ceramic pieces with hidden voids. We were worried about ensuring they were protected vs ensuring if customs wanted to look closer they'd be able to do so without breaking them.

In the end they weren't opened but the shippers (Crown) did a great job of packing.

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