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Moving to Perth in August, advice needed

Guest Rach1

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Guest Rach1

Hey I am moving out to perth in august with my husband, 5yr old twins and a 2yr old. We are looking at area's Secret Harbour, Port Kennedy and Baldivis if anyone can give any info on these areas it 'd be really helpful. Also any advice on schools would be good too. Thanks

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Hi Rach1 we ummed and aahed around those areas among others further north too. We had a short term rental so spent a while driving about deciding on where to go and have now recently settled in Baldivis. It's really family friendly, short drive to the beach, lots of playgrounds, 3 primary schools, high schools and variety of shops on your doorstep. It's also very easy access to the freeway which ended up being the crunch for us really. Very happy with our choice. I'm sure there are longer term residents of all those areas who will know much more!

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Hi Rach I'd say pick a holiday rental in one of those areas and have a good look around. We picked a holiday rental at Secret Harbour and ended up staying in Secret Harbour for about 20 months. But have now built further south. Of the three Suburbs now I have experience I would choose Baldivis first Secret Harbour second and Port Kennedy third but they are all nice areas and each persons choice is subjective so you really need to come and see for yourself. Good luck .

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Guest Rach1

Thanks for that, hadn't thought of doing a short term rental will look into that. Hopefully we'll get a chance to look around before my OH starts work. Advice on primary school s would be helpful too in those areas?

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I can't give you any insider knowledge as my daughter only starts Makybe Rise in a couple of weeks after the hols. If you go to http://www.det.wa.edu.au/schoolsonline/home.do you can look up info about schools. For Baldivis its Baldivis Primary, Settlers Primary and Makybe Rise Primary depending where you live. For Secret Harbour its Comet Bay Primary and Secret Harbour Primary. Port Kennedy I know there's Port Kennedy Primary and Endeavour but there might be more! If it helps we used ozhouserental.com for our short term place and it was great, fully furnished, included all linens and they had coffee/tea, bread, milk etc all there for us on arrival! There are others I've seen people mention, stayz is one I think.

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Guest Rach1

Thanks I will have a look on that site for schools I haven't got any idea where we'll be able to get a house yet but want to be clued up on schools so one less thing to stress about. Hope your little one gets on ok in her new school.

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