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Everything posted by rickandange

  1. Hi Wes. I've got three sets of chums from the UK who have all recently had kids over here (all their first actually). I you need any help/advice, then PM me, and if your wife is on Facebook, I can pass on my friend's details (I'll ask them first, lol).
  2. Hi Guys I'm just wondering if we've got any competitive players out there who are able to play Monday evenings at Lords in Subi? We're a bunch of Poms in our 30's who are in a lower league, but needing competitive players who can help us raise our game! Ideally we need a couple of extra players, and in particular we're looking for a good GK who can boost our defence. We are going to be training for 6 weeks on Tuesday evenings too in Mount Lawley, so if you'd be able to commit to some training too that would be awesome! The league is really mixed with ages, so if you're younger or older then don't be put off. We are a social team too, so try to do things off the court together as much as possible! Hope we have some budding netballers out there!! Angie
  3. You wouldn't be normal if you weren't thinking about all the things you've mentioned :-) If I'm honest my emotions have taken far more of a kicking than I thought they would, but with each week things become more 'normal' and you start to look forward to life here and it's easier to cope with the 'what ifs'. The morning of the flight and the three hours at the airport was bloody awful, as were the first few weeks on and off, so unfortunately it'll probably get harder before it gets easier. The area your moving to is really lovely though and the weather should be lovely by the time you arrive. You've got so much to look forward too, but looking back is one of those things you can't avoid! Just make the most of the wonderful opportunities you could have here. Good luck :-)
  4. That's the same visa we got. Rick was the main applicant and I was classed as a secondary applicant. The visa was based on his occupation, so he had to do the IELTS test and skills assessment, and then we both had to have medicals and police checks. The defacto part of the visa application (proving you've been in a genuine relationship for at least 12 months prior) involved getting a piece of evidence for each month to show we were at the same address and had joint interests, and then submitting a written summary of a couple of typed sides about how we met and stuff about our relationship. This was what our agent asked for, but there is loads of guidance online about what evidence you can submit in stead. It seems to be summit that people approach quite differently for some reason. Hope that helps.
  5. Leaving Baldivis at 6:30, it was taking me 1 1/2 hours or more to get through the city to Trigg, so I'd estimate about an hour plus to get to the CBD if you're based in the Baldivis area. If you're nearer the coast in Secret Harbour then you can add an extra 10 minutes on top to get to the freeway too. The parking space is a real bonus, so if he doesn't mind sitting in traffic he'll be fine :-)
  6. Was exactly how I felt. I got emotional at my friend's wedding when it sunk it that it might be the last time we'd see many of the people there, but a lot of that was because I was pi$$ed I think. When it came to saying goodbye to family it didn't seem real, so it was hard to get upset about something which didn't seem like reality. The closest thing I can compare it to was being sat in the funeral car before my grandma's funeral; where it was like I was watching it happen on the TV and i wasn't actually there. I was completely numb, and then got worried afterwards that I was some sort of emotionless odd bod for not crying. Sitting at the departure lounge waiting to board was the hardest thing I found. If Rick had have turned round and said that he wanted to go back home I think I'd have jumped at the chance. There was no sense of celebration just impending doom and fear of what we were about to do. Once the plane took off though a weight was lifted because the decision had been made and we were off, so there was bugger all I could do about it. Then there were a few wobbles in the first few weeks when I thought about family and stuff, but on the whole I've been too busy to stop and think much. You'll be reet. Just enjoy your last days in blighty and make the most of the people you're with x
  7. We approached a couple of owners directly through gumtree, but the property we've secured was found via reiwa.com.au, and it was advertised by Sarah Johnson from real return realty. She's actually been fantastic to deal with and has a very no nonsense and straight to it approach. I've contacted her at all hours and she's been straight back in contact and got things sorted etc. Will be interesting to see if this continues once we move in on Sunday :-) Ange
  8. Hi Deb For us it was a lot more straightforward than we'd been led to believe. We viewed the house with the agent, decided we liked it, and then because they liked the look of us they gave us first refusal and it was ours. I explained that we owned in the UK and that we're staying with a relative in Perth, so all they needed was a copy of passports, visa letter and then they took a copy of my contract of employment. I think I sent a bank statement for one of our accounts here too. I don't think it would do any harm to get a reference or summit to support the fact that you're good eggs and stuff, but I wouldn't stress too much about getting loads of evidence. Ange
  9. Before we set off we knew we were going to be based near Rockingham initially (in Baldivis), so looked at suburbs around there in an attempt to work out where would be 'right for us'. Our initial thoughts were that we really liked the look of Waikiki and Shoalwater because they seemed more established, quieter than other places, and very close to the coast. On visiting them they haven't disappointed on the whole; the coastline down there is absolutely stunning (and varied) and so quiet compared to the some of the northern beaches. The majority of housing looks quite well maintained, but like others have said, some areas are a bit tired looking like you'd find anywhere I suppose. The foreshore at Rockingham is lovely and there is a good selection of reasonably priced places to eat and drink (WAY more reasonable than the likes of Freo and Hillarys etc), and I think the shopping centre is fantastic. There is such a big selection of shops and places to eat, and also a cinema. It's also really handy for drives down to Mandurah, Serpentine and then further south for weekends away. We feel really settled down here, but unfortunately the reality for us is that it's just too far away from work in peak traffic. What should be a quick 45 min hop down the freeway has taken 2 hours at worst, and we really didn't consider this factor when deciding upon where we wanted to settle (seems really daft now on reflection). My 'fast' route to work (still nearly 1 1/2 hours each way) takes me down the coast through Coogee, which I know very little about, but might be a closer 'coastal living' alternative so that you're not too far for Cockburn possibly? Anyway, I think what I'm trying to get at is that you don't really know what is going to be suitable until you get here and get used the true practicalitles of living in a place. The practical things really come down to work and money for us; we've had to discount the places that are too far and too expensive, and find the best fit elsewhere.
  10. Thanks for that Bibbs. Just found out that one of my colleagues lives there, and with traffic it takes around 25 mins to our work which is great. That'll mean my overall commute will be 2 hours less each day! Can't wait!
  11. Well I've put up with 3 weeks of commuting from Baldivis to Trigg and I can't bloody take it anymore !!!! We've secured a lovely little rental in Dianella and we move in just over two weeks, so I'm wondering if anyone can advise on places to look out for in the area? I've driven by Coventry Village which looks interesting, and I'm know we're near Yokine reserve and relatively close to Mt Lawley for eating and drinking out, but is there anything else we need to check out?? Ta in advance!
  12. Oh I'm glad someone has asked this. We've been looking around for a team for Rick, but we're moving up towards Yokine in a few weeks, so don't know whether there are any up there. Does anyone know if there are? Thanks.
  13. Have you thought about maybe going for helpdesk stuff to get a foot in the door? Seems to be plenty of that about, and I managed to get a good job relatively easily in that role. Good luck with it anyway, I'm sure you'll get a break soon :-)
  14. Not sure about the opposite direction, but I have to leave Baldivis at 6:40 to get to work in Scarborough at 8. I go down the west coast highway and cockburn road now, but some days it was taking up to two hours on the freeway and mitchell. The mitchell looks pretty rammed going in the city north to south at that time too, but I'm not sure what way you'd be going.
  15. Thanks for your support chaps. It's been a good few months of sending endless CVs and letters with not even a thanks but no thanks, but in the end we've both got work in the same jobs we had in theUK but both with more responsibility, and more progression opportunities. I'm in IT Support in a private school and Rick is now a welding supervisor. He is new to the role so his potential earnings will be much higher. We were told that things work very slowly over here, but our feet have hardly touched. I think if you've got the right approach and put a bit of effort in then there really are plenty of opportunities out here still.
  16. After all my worrying about getting jobs and being able to afford to live over here, after just two weeks in we've both landed permanent jobs and have quadrupled our combined UK income... so you can do it!!!!
  17. Cheers Scot and Fifi. It does look like a pisser of a journey in traffic. Once Rick gets going and we know how much money we've got to play with, then we're going to have to have a look around aren't we. We we're planning on sending his CV out to welding/fabrication companies SOR, so I think we might move that search to a slightly narrower area around the city or further to the north. Thanks for your suggestions.
  18. No doom and gloom here too. Just been offered my ideal job whilst over here in the UK after having a skype interview yesterday morning.... and I'm not a nurse... so there's hope for all us mere mortals! We can do it!!!
  19. Cheers Kaz and Stormy - we'll have to give ourselves time to have a good look around and work out where we fit once Rick gets sorted. Just had an email to say that I've got the job I wanted (was not expecting it), so I'll have to see now how long I can put up with a Baldivis to Trigg commute. It's my ideal flippin' job though, so I would have been prepared to travel that far regardless. Just can't wait to get over there and start now!
  20. Hi Chaps We're heading out in a couple of weeks and will be based at the BIL's initially in Baldivis. I really like the look of Rockingham and had my heart set on settling in Waikiki (I liked the look of the area, proximity to the beach, house prices etc etc), but with a potential job on the cards near Scabs (very 'potential' at the moment), I'm really not sure whether I can cope with the prospect of a long commute each day. I'm still really keen on being SOR though, and have been looking at coastal(ish) suburbs within a certain price range which would be a bit nearer to the city. Has anyone got any views on Munster, or any areas similar areas with 'mid-range' house prices near the coast? Thanks in advance!
  21. They are absolutely AMAZING! I can't sing Steve and Martin's praises enough. They were so professional and at the same time personable and easy going. The whole process was far easier than I anticipated, and that really is down to them and how simple they make it for you. They really were fantastic, and such nice fellas to deal with too. They're based in the Manchester office, but I've read similar feedback about the other office too.
  22. I've got a horrible feeling in my stomach reading this Akasully 2. I'm dreading saying 'goodbye' to my mum and dad in two weeks. It sounds bad, but I'm not is the slightest bit worried/bothered about anyone else, but I just know how hard them two are going to find it. Boooooooo!
  23. It makes me even more eager to get out there reading how everyone is getting on and beginning to settle. It's nice to know that everyone seems so happy and that all the hard work was worth it too. I'm dreading saying goodbye to the old dears in 4 weeks, but other than that I'm raring to go and get our adventure started. Me and Rick are around in July if a meet up happens then
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