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sun lovers

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  1. He Becs I've sent you a message ?
  2. I'm north of the river joondalup, we could have a meet up in the city. Are you on fb x
  3. Hi I'm Helen I've been here 3 and a bit years now, would love to meet knew people, I'm a very young 49 ? In my mind lol Love socializing nights out and coffees, and would love a meet up.
  4. Hi my names Helen and we've been here 5 weeks and we're loving it, just moved into our rental and waiting for the furniture to arrive. My dog arrived safely but has contracted kennel cough so he is on antibiotics and it seems to be working. Ive brought my car from uk so when it arrives I will be up for a meet. I've been lucky as knew a few women who live here already so that has helped a lot, let me know if you want to meet up x
  5. Hi Claudia have you sold your items yet, we need to buy fridge freezer washing machine and house hold goods if you haven't can you private message me, we live in joondalup cheers Helen
  6. Thanks everyone on route to Heathrow, alant sounds like we will be on same flight we land in Perth at 240 Friday afternoon
  7. My husband a I first started trying to emigrate in 2008 so this day has been a long time coming, We fly out tomorrow. I don't think my feet have touched the ground the last two weeks, organising everything. Just wondered anyone else flying out tomorrow!! We will be the ones with the moody teenagers. Even though we have been trying to get out for so long, I think it finally hit me yesterday, while writing a few cards to loved ones. I'm sure I'm going to have those moments over there too, I won't be working to begin with so would love to meet people for coffee, I'm 45 but don't admit that often lol. Anyone in similar position please get in touch, we have rented a house in Joondalup xx
  8. Hi I am going through the same at the moment I have a griffon he is a snub nose I have tried everything I found one shipper that would take him via emirates, but then found out he would be shut in his cage for a long time. At the moment there is no other way, may be by next year quarantine will only be 10 days. I still am having trouble and haven't booked yet the thought of him on his own and not being able to visit is pulling on the heart strings, he is such a nervous dog. Im sending this from my phone so excuse my spelling
  9. Yes that's our flight it's me and our 2 kids they are 16 and 14, the husband was going out b4 me to find a place to stay, but now is thinking of coming on the same flight, as we have been offered a house to rent that is in ocean reef. We applied back in 2008. It's been a long road for us, but we are finally going??
  10. Recon we are going to be on the Singapore to perth flight with you we leave on 29th aug straight through, exciting times !!!
  11. Hi We fly out the 29th aug, looking at the same places to live as Kerry also like Kingsley, I'm in my 40's and have two teenagers, I love my girls days out, maybe we could all meet for a coffee or a wine!! Or I can join you when I arrive xxx
  12. Booked our flights yesterday we fly out on the 29th Aug, had the same feeling as mad cow, going to send the hubby out b4 the kids and myself to try and sort a place to live, excited, but so much to sort out now i have got a the date
  13. Hi Katenollie just got the rabbies results back yesterday for my dog, he is a little griffon, will be interesting to find out what quotes people get i am gong to call pet air on tue, as it's bank hols. Not happy about having to send them all the way to sydney first, such a long trip.
  14. Thanks for your qick reply, he went out for an assessment the other day, and got on really well. did you wait till you got to oz to do your test. he was going to try and get his HGV before he comes over, is the uk HGV recognised, i read somewhere you will still have to do their test, but it would be better to have it on uk licence b4 he comes, plus he can get experence b4 we come out, and he will need to work as business sale is going through. Did you find it easy to find work, sorry 4 all the questions.
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