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Everything posted by Redrobbersdog

  1. Great to hear you are settling in. Great post. We live in Aveley and our daughter (8) also goes to swan valley Anglican after approx 4 weeks at the public school and loves it. Good luck with PR, fingers crossed you will be able to get that pool.
  2. Hope you have settled in OK. Disappointing about the pool especially with the very hot weather this weekend. Time to head to the beach.
  3. Hi roxy, there is a new surgery just opened in Aveley village. I have heard good things although never needed to go myself yet (hopefully won't need to!)
  4. Hi Nikkis I am originally from Irlam and my hubby is from chadderton. When we first got married our first home was in Bury. ? Good luck with your plans and keep In touch and let us know how you get on, it'll be great to hear how it works out for you.
  5. We have lived in Aveley for just over 2 years now and are building too. I agree with a lot of comments here, as it's definitely got to be something that you either like or dislike, I don't think there is anything in between. We love it for the cycling in the vines, parks, wineries and lakes. It's not too expensive because it is out of the way. Having said that it's very quiet. speaking to Ellenbrook planning only last week they said the cinema, swimming pool and shops extension is not too far away and a second pub! Woohoo. The pub, the brook is nice and the food is good, it lacks a bit of atmosphere but then again quite a lot of pubs in the perth I have found do too. It's a different way of life that's for sure I work in Osborne park and the travelling is very easy by car, it's certainly not the M60 We do use the bus and train into the city on a weekend and it's simple and quick. We go to the beach and we don't mind packing the car up and going, even if we lived ten minutes down the road from the beach with a little un' we would still have to pack everything up anyway. It's something only you can make a decision and if it's a good rental certainly worth a try for 6 months. I will say that the train line is a big disappointment for me personally, however a lot of locals in Ellenbrook don't want it anyway as they think it will ruin it by making it more accessible. As for the "yoof" problem it's as bad as kids egging cars and knock and run as far as I can gather because there is not a lot for them to do. I've not heard of any major violent or abusive behaviour and agin putting it into perspective in Manchester, well, it's very quiet. Hubby, me and my daughter don't really know many people so maybe I'm not speaking to the right people about it. Long reply, but hope it helps and as I say, open mind, very quiet, pretty in the wineries and each to their own. Good luck
  6. Glad you arrived safely, time settle in now. Good luck.
  7. Hi The Hoffs, I was just reading your post about coming to Perth soon and your occupation. My hubby (Rob Corry) is the workshop controller at Wanagara VW and he is currently recruiting for an experienced VW/Audi technician. We have been here for approx. 2 1/2 years from Manchester and live out in Ellenbrook. I know you said that you have a couple of job offers, but just thought I would let you know just in case you are still looking and especially as Wangara is so close to Duncraig. If you are interested in getting in touch with Rob then his email address is [EMAIL="rcorry@wangaravolkswagen.com.au"]rcorry@wangaravolkswagen.com.au[/EMAIL] Hope your move goes well. Good Luck Dawn
  8. Anna is in SVACS here in Aveley in year 1 and really enjoys it, schools are so important but the travelling can't be good for you at the minute every day. You're not going to know what to do with all your extra time in the day. We love Aveley but you definitely need a car to get out and about to other places from here. We don't mind the drive to the beach or the city and because we both work we love the parks on our door step for the evening walks and chilling out. It's not for everyone being so quiet and chilled though. It took some getting used to but we've made a nice network of friends now for the odd evening out in the local. Looking forward to meeting you guys when you get settled.
  9. Sounds great Lucie. What makes you move to aveley? Xmas in the sunshine is very different but just as enjoyable. Dawn
  10. Hi Amanda that sounds great, not long til the big move then now. How exciting, nerve wracking and every other emotion you can possibly think of. ? As I said my daughter is going on 17 anyway! Haha. She gets on well with anyone so it'll be fun for her. Let us know when you get settled and how you are getting on with the big move. Keep in touch and see ya on the other side soon. ? Dawn
  11. Hi Lucie, we live in Aveley, we have been here approx 18 months and love it. We have a 7 year old girl (going on 17!) Anna and there is me and Rob (hubby). We both work full time but happy to meet people in the evenings and weekends. we have met some lovely people on perth poms who live in area. Let us know when your settled in and I'm sure we can arrange a drink and BBQ. Take care and I hope your move goes well. Dawn
  12. Never a silly question. You can pay with your Australian card. ?
  13. Just to add Schuh to the list. Flat 18 gbp delivery rate.
  14. I'm loving being here in Perth and I really do not miss the uk, it's just the people. I spend most of the time being ok but have noticed it seems to be a couple of days every 3 months where I just want to jump on a plane and go and give everyone a big hug have a drink In the pub before getting back on a plane back to Perth! Silly I know!
  15. I'm not sure about furniture. If you go into the store website it will tell you all about their terms and conditions and what they do and don't ship. I got LOADS of bed linen off debenhams sales for the flat rate postage and it came in about 10 parcels and must have cost them a fortune! ?
  16. Just thought I would add oasis to the list
  17. Seems like you got sorted and settled fairly easily which is good. We are camping in Kalbarri at the moment so I'll message you when we get back and see if your around for a drink. We met another lovely couple on here who have 3 girls who live in Ellenbrook too but with work and one thing and another we haven't had the chance to meet up again! Time flies when your having fun!
  18. Unfortunately next oz website don't do the sales! I ordered from next uk sales and got it sent to family and then shipped over but it cost a fortune in shipping. I still think overall there was a saving though. On the next oz site you can now return items to Sydney which makes returns more reasonable too! More and more sites are now shipping and the cost of shipping is really reasonable. Listing the ones I know of below, not sure about exact shipping costs but I think most are reasonable. Next delivery is free and m&s and debenhams is fixed no matter how much you buy. Next M&S Debenhams River Island Monsoon ASOS Amazon John Lewis New Look Sports Direct Dorothy Perkins Zara Adams GAP Wallis I'm sure there are more which I don't know about
  19. It's amazing the amount of things you have to carry around whenever you go to the beach. We've tried everything and have a little tent and an umbrella and now looking at the gazebos but they are so big and heavy but will withstand the wind.
  20. Hi Emma, we really enjoy the area and have bought in Aveley now so were there for keeps. Wow only Friday, when did you get to Oz? What made you choose ellenbrook? There are quite a few Mancs in ellenbrook and aveley believe it or not! ;o) usually find them in The Brook! Haha!!! Typical Mancs. Important question is if you're red or blue? ;o) Hubby is originally from chadderton and I'm from Irlam. There is me (37) Rob (42) and Anna (6, soon to be 7 next week!) Dawn
  21. Hi Emma, we live in aveley too, Hubby arrived 18 months ago and me and daughter followed on 3 month later. We have settled in well and everything so far so good. Originally from Manchester. The Kilkenny is expensive so hubby only has it once in a while but closest proper beer on tap he's had. The Brook is a good place to meet people (beer drinkers!) and the kids club on a Wednesday steak night is great too. Dawn
  22. Hi Emma, I notice you are in Ellenbrook, my hubby drinks the Kilkenny and he says it a good pint of beer. Hope you're not a beer widow for too long
  23. Your emotions will be all over the place for a while yet, especially leaving such a close love one. Good luck for next Friday and just so you are ready, it's winter and 24 degrees and gorgeous sunshine!
  24. Great info thread. We are looking at heading up there in October for a week. Will the water be warm enough to swim in by then? We are also looking at tenting, any good parks anyone could recommend?
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