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jo and scott

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Everything posted by jo and scott

  1. hi Avalonia, thanks for your reply, visa bureau are charging us about £3000, you pay half upfront for the initial check, if you fail this, then you get a refund. just wasn't sure what else there was to pay. thanks for the website, I will have a look. jo.
  2. hi thanks for all of your replies, we have decided to keep all of our belongings and store it, our friend who has bought our house is letting us use the garages in 'our' garden. then we will ship it all over in a container. probably a whole one. scott doesn't have a job at the mo, do people have jobs lined up already or apply for them when you arrive ? we have a friend in oz who has said he will help scott get a job where he works. 8 days on 6 days off, fixing the trucks. but we have no idea when we will be going, just hoping its within the next 2 years. we are looking at staying in the baldivis area. it does seem completely insane selling our house when we havnt even applied for our visas, but tbh we need the money from the house to apply for it, if it doenst work out then we will buy another house. if its meant to be it will happen. we are very excited about it but need to start packing and sorting out the house, I have 1 more week with the girls at school then they are off for 6 weeks, so 1 week to empty the house :-// scott has the week after off :-)) jo.
  3. hi, does anyone know the breakdown of costs for everything please. we are paying visa bureau for our visa, but what about all the other stuff that we have to have done like medicals, police checks, ielts. where can I find this out. many thanks jo.
  4. the more ive found out about medicals the more I don't believe it either ! fingers crossed ours goes smoothly jo.
  5. maybe that's what they told my friend but really, they changed their mind :-/ who knows !
  6. I have a friend in perth, she said it took her 3 1/2 years to feel at home. she felt homesick but didn't have the money to come back and visit, her hubby on the other hand loves it and has never felt homesick. apart from my friends the only person im going to really really miss will be my mum, and im hoping she can come out and stay with us anyway. shes pleased for us but devastated at the same time. jo.
  7. how exciting !!! I cant wait to say my flights have been booked :-)) good luck with the job search !! jo.
  8. hi we are in Essex, just at the very beginning of this journey, hoping to be in perth within 2 years :-))) scott is a mechanic, im mum. we have lauren 9 1st aug and lucychops 7 1/2.
  9. hi ! does anyone know what they do in the medicals and how easy they are ?? my friend in perth said she knows someone that failed and didn't get into oz because they had a hairline fracture on his knee :-/ im a bit worried because scott had a bad accident when he was younger so wonder if this would affect us. thanks jo.
  10. hi, we have sold our house and are moving in with my mother in law so we can save for Australia, my hubby wants to go out with lots of money, just wondered what others have done. I wonder if when we got our visas (189 visa) and went straight away but didn't have enough money, hubby will be working. what do you all do with your personal belongings ? I wasn't sure wether to sell it all and buy stuff out there or rent fully furnished, not even sure they do that anyway, or store it which costs a fortune and the ship it over, so much to think about !! thanks jo.
  11. hi nikki, visa bureau have been great with us so far :-) we live in latchingdon, a small village about 10 mins from Maldon. we have yet to apply for our visa, but we have sold our house this weekend and hoping to move within the next couple of weeks, we are moving in with my mother in law so we can save for Australia. we will apply for visas this week :-) jo. x
  12. nikki, I see your from Chelmsford ! we are near Maldon, only 30 mins from you.
  13. thanks nikki ! the agent we are using is visa bureau :-) im glad you said they were one of the ones recommended. jo. x
  14. hi judilc, how do you know if your agent is a good one, we are at the very beginning of this, we are about the start the process of applying for the visas, thanks
  15. Hi, I was just wondering what happens about healthcare, ive heard about medicare, and my friend in perth has said we will need private healthcare, but my daughter lauren has type 1 diabetes, this means her pancreas doesn't produce insulin. therefore she wears and insulin pump and we have to match her insulin to the food shes going to eat. does anyone know anyone with children in perth with type 1 that could help me find out more information about the care she would receive. at the moment we are under uclh hospital in London and see them every 3 months for checks. thanks jo
  16. thanks debs, im getting the hang of posting, so ive done a few more ;-)
  17. hi, would you mind sharing your reasons for moving to perth. thanks jo.
  18. we have told our mums, both really happy for us, my mum said she will miss us terribly but understands too. she then told her sister and my sister, so now the whole family on my side knows ! my aunties husband used to live in Australia, years and years ago when he was a small child, but he told my mum that the cost of living is high, I asked her where he got that info from, its just like when your pregnant and people want to tell you their horror stories of giving birth ! just to put a dampener on it, so annoying. MIL is quite excited for us, not sure if she has told scotts 2 sisters. we havnt heard from them anyway. we are not that close and rarely see them. ive started to tell a few friends, one of them thinks we are completely crazy as we have never been to oz and only been thinking about it for a short time. jo.
  19. hi everyone, we have just joined and wanted to introduce ourselves. we are jo and scott, we have lauren and lucy 7 and 8 and are hoping to move to perth within the next 2 years. we have yet to send the visas off to start it all, but received the paperwork for that today :-))) looking forward to chatting with you all. jo.
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