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After several months of my wife and I debating whether we should consider Australian emigration, we have decided that are going to start the visa process. We are fairly confident we will obtain visas, and are working with a reputable & registered emigration agency/agent. We presently live in the UK but are originally from South Africa. We have a good life here in the UK, good & stable jobs, a beautiful daughter, a lovely house and good amount of disposable income. Our reason for wanting to move is purely for the sake of our daughters childhood. We both have fond memories of growing up with long summers and an outdoors lifestyle. Despite being in the UK for 12+ years, we have not been able to adapt to the long winters, so our primary reason for moving is the weather.


I still have moments when I think to myself that the sensible decision would be to remain in the UK, but I am quite excited about the prospect of starting over in a new place with a warm climate.


I have no real reason for sharing this post apart from 'voicing' my excitement. I suppose it would be really useful to know whether there are folks that have moved to Perth that had good jobs etc prior to going and whether they have managed to replicate that in Perth?

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I have no real reason for sharing this post apart from 'voicing' my excitement. I suppose it would be really useful to know whether there are folks that have moved to Perth that had good jobs etc prior to going and whether they have managed to replicate that in Perth?


Good luck, long journey ahead of you.


One of my colleagues was from SA and she left the UK a month or so before me to come to Sydney. She had very similar reasons to you for doing so and they love it here.


With regards to the job thing I had a job and in the UK it felt fortunate to be in employment but it was suffocating.

I've just finished a job here and have nothing to go to except a kooky project my friend wants me to be involved in but it doesn't really matter, life has changed and it's just not important to me anymore.

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