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Hello everyone. I've just joined the site and thought I'd say hi and introduce my OH and I, since we might be pestering you for help over the next few months! I'm Yvonne, 28, and my OH is Mark, 34, and we're from Glasgow, Scotland.

I am an optometrist and I'm being sponsored by the company I work for to move to Perth - very exciting! I'm currently studying to sit my conversion exams, and (if I pass the London written exams in April, fingers crossed) we will be travelling out to Oz for a 3 week trip in June. Two weeks in Melbourne for practical exams then a week in Perth to familiarise ourselves and get a feel for the place. Well, me really, as my other half has been before, albeit 10+ years ago. All going well we should be making the big move in Oct/Nov 2014.

I've had a read through a few of the forums already and there's some really good advice :)

Where would you recommend visiting/staying when we are out on our whistlestop tour in June?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Yvonne x

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Hi portlaunay! :)

Well the trip is a bit of both really. I won't know exactly where in Perth I'll be working until I have passed the exams. Since I've never visited Australia (never mind Perth!) before we thought we'd tag on a week in Perth to get to know the place a bit before we move out. I'd like to get a rough idea of different neighbourhoods, good places to eat & drink, places to see and things to do at weekends etc. Its just our two selves, no kids. We figured we'd hire a car and go exploring! So if you've any favourite places I'd be glad to get a few recommendations. Thanks again :)

Yvonne x

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That's a lot to fit into a week.

Obviously I'm going to say you can't really come to WA without visiting Freo.

This landscape changes a lot and a tour along the coast and the river is a must but I think it's worth a trip into the hills too, east of the airport around Kalamunda area, as well as some wine tasting in the Swan Valley.

A lot of people seem to gravitate towards Hillary's boat harbour so that's worth checking out in the north and although Mandurah is beautiful, it may be overwhelming to pack too much in to one week so perhaps check out as far south as Rockingham, especially Point Peron for some snorkelling.


As to where you stay when you're here, that may depend on where your work is going to be. If you're going to be based in the CBD then why not just book into one of the city hotels and use that as your base? If your work is further out then a holiday let closer to that location may be your best option with a couple of trips into the city.


Whatever you do I'm sure you'll have a great time and hope there will be others who can also provide some advice.

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Agree with all that Porty says. And as far as accommodation goes, there are a few great apartment/hotels in East Perth that are worth looking at. You will be close to the CBD, on transport routes and it will be easy for you to go in any direction. Have a look at Mont Clare Apartments, Regal Apartments. Riverview on Mount St are studio apartments and reasonably good and a short walk over the freeway bridge into the CBD.

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It is Perth and this city moves very slowly so I do not think many things would have changed in the 10 years your other half has been away, those in oz will let you know if it has he he. Anyway agree with all Port has written I am sure you will enjoy your look around the city and Freo, coffee strip and fish n chips a must.Do the ocean drive to Hillarys, you will pass cottesloe beach and pass lots of areas to live.Enjoy your week and if you can go to Caversham to feed the kangeroos and hold the wombat good photo opportunity to take home

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