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Nearly two years after deciding we wanted to move to Perth, today we landed!!!

Was a great feeling walking out the airport to be greeted with blue skies, we've a lot to do, find a job etc but it will all come together in time.

We're staying in Scarborough and hoping we might settle in this area so if anyone fancies a coffee/beer or even to watch the footy/6 nations (welshies) then give us a shout.

Onwards and upwards...:laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Katarina,

hope you're settling in ok? I'm a Welshie and would love to be watching the 6 Nations with you in sunny Perth! Only problem is I don't land until 1st April, so maybe next year hey!?

Me and my husband are mid 30's (no kids) and will be up for meeting like minded people to have BBQ's and beers with if you're up for it.

Where in Wales are you from? I'm from the sticks in South West Wales, but have been living in Manchester for the last few years, so I absolutely cannot wait to get out there.


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Hi Katarina,

hope you're settling in ok? I'm a Welshie and would love to be watching the 6 Nations with you in sunny Perth! Only problem is I don't land until 1st April, so maybe next year hey!?

Me and my husband are mid 30's (no kids) and will be up for meeting like minded people to have BBQ's and beers with if you're up for it.

Where in Wales are you from? I'm from the sticks in South West Wales, but have been living in Manchester for the last few years, so I absolutely cannot wait to get out there.


Hi Sam, we're from Wrexham up North, loving it and the heat. Job hunting it at the moment which is taking up most of our time. Meet up would be great, where are you gonna be staying? Bet your counting down the days!

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Can't wait! 4 weeks today and we'll be on that flight. I'm looking forward to some warmer weather too. I know it will be heading into winter there, but for me it'll still be lovely compared to what we're used to in the UK.

We're staying in a holiday let in Beaconsfield for the first month while we try and find a long term rental in the Fremantle area. How about you?

How are you finding the job hunting? What is it you are looking to do?

That is the one area I'm a bit worried about, as I've read a lot of negative comments about finding work. I am applying now and linking with recruiters on LinkedIn, but no luck so far. I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself it will be easier once I'm there, and I can be more pushy! I'm hoping we can both land jobs within the first couple of months, but I've read so many stories of people really struggling several months in. My husband is in IT and I'm looking for PA / office work, and like most people we really can't afford to out of work long term. What's been your experience so far? have you managed to get any interviews?

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We've been here 3 weeks and nothing so far, I'm in Customer service and my fellas a spark so he's still jumping through hoops and will be for a while yet. There seems to be work here but everything takes time. I would def say to budget for 3 months, it's amazing how fast the time goes, and obviously you'll be shelling out the dollars to set up too. We're currently staying with friends so we've saved on that front but we don't want to outstay our welcome so are looking for our own place which again isn't cheap!! I would say bring all your spare cash, you'll need it! But it's still a fantastic place to be, and will be worth it. X

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Can't wait! 4 weeks today and we'll be on that flight. I'm looking forward to some warmer weather too. I know it will be heading into winter there, but for me it'll still be lovely compared to what we're used to in the UK.

We're staying in a holiday let in Beaconsfield for the first month while we try and find a long term rental in the Fremantle area. How about you?

How are you finding the job hunting? What is it you are looking to do?

That is the one area I'm a bit worried about, as I've read a lot of negative comments about finding work. I am applying now and linking with recruiters on LinkedIn, but no luck so far. I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself it will be easier once I'm there, and I can be more pushy! I'm hoping we can both land jobs within the first couple of months, but I've read so many stories of people really struggling several months in. My husband is in IT and I'm looking for PA / office work, and like most people we really can't afford to out of work long term. What's been your experience so far? have you managed to get any interviews?

It is so exciting isn't it! We leave 5 weeks today! It's schools that are causing me the biggest headache though we haven't got jobs, I'd like the boys settled but every school I've been in touch with tells me they can only fit my eldest in! So annoying! However, it's a bit chicken and egg situation though as I think we need to get a rental near to school, but don't know where we will end up as I hear the rental market is tough too! Still it'll all work itself out in the end...

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It is so exciting isn't it! We leave 5 weeks today! It's schools that are causing me the biggest headache though we haven't got jobs, I'd like the boys settled but every school I've been in touch with tells me they can only fit my eldest in! So annoying! However, it's a bit chicken and egg situation though as I think we need to get a rental near to school, but don't know where we will end up as I hear the rental market is tough too! Still it'll all work itself out in the end...


I think the same, that it'll all work itself out in the end. But I can't imagine what it must be like to have to think about sorting children out as well, hats off to you!

Where will you be flying from? And whereabouts are you looking to settle once you get there?

When I booked the flights we had 5 months to wait, now it's less than 4 weeks I start to go into a mild panic when I think about it!

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We've been here 3 weeks and nothing so far, I'm in Customer service and my fellas a spark so he's still jumping through hoops and will be for a while yet. There seems to be work here but everything takes time. I would def say to budget for 3 months, it's amazing how fast the time goes, and obviously you'll be shelling out the dollars to set up too. We're currently staying with friends so we've saved on that front but we don't want to outstay our welcome so are looking for our own place which again isn't cheap!! I would say bring all your spare cash, you'll need it! But it's still a fantastic place to be, and will be worth it. X


That's lucky you have someone to stay with, they can show you around and give you the best advice!

Hopefully we've budgeted enough for 3 months, and even though we want to get to work quickly, like you say time flies and we want to have a bit of holiday those first couple of weeks, getting over the jet lag, getting to know the place and obviously getting on our feet with a long term rental and car etc.

It's good that there is work out there at least, sounds like you're keeping positive but realistic, so fingers crossed you'll both get yourselves a job soon!

Where are you guys looking to rent? or does that depend on where you get work? x

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Sunshinebee we are flying from Newcastle. It really depends on which day of the week that you ask me to my answer re where! Possibly Baldivis/wellard, but then again it could be Willetton/leeming.....or...Ellen Brook! 3 totally different suburbia so I'm going to be all over in our first 2/3 weeks!! Trouble is I like them all for different reasons! What about you?

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We fly from Manchester, and are hoping to find somewhere as close to South Fremantle as our finances will allow! Although, we could get there and after a few days of exploring, it really wouldn't surprise me if we completely change our mind and decide to live somewhere we've not even considered yet.

I don't really know the areas you mentioned, I'm going to check them out now!

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It is so exciting isn't it! We leave 5 weeks today! It's schools that are causing me the biggest headache though we haven't got jobs, I'd like the boys settled but every school I've been in touch with tells me they can only fit my eldest in! So annoying! However, it's a bit chicken and egg situation though as I think we need to get a rental near to school, but don't know where we will end up as I hear the rental market is tough too! Still it'll all work itself out in the end...


the date ebbs ever closer for many of us on here. Scary and exciting at the same time. I'm looking around my house and wondering how on earth we are going o get everything done in a few months. Lots to sell as we need EVERY penny and share the same worries with regard to jobs. We cant afford to be without work so will have to take whatever we can until what we want comes along. A scary thought too.... however with schools we were super worried, like yourself. Its such a huge decision and we wanted to get the older children (aged 16 & 12) settled into school asap so they can start making friends and not get homesick. We opted for private school as when we worked out the finances, it was as cheap to go there as it was to rent in a quality high school catchment area due to the rent inflation that brings. So we thought, get the school, and then we can live in a cheaper sub if necessary and commute in. It was the children who chose the school which then dictated where we headed to. They are already enrolled, confirmed and will start when we arrive. Guess that's the difference with going private. I will struggle with the cost, but they are sorted at least and the school have been fab in accommodating them. Good luck with it :)

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That's lucky you have someone to stay with, they can show you around and give you the best advice!

Hopefully we've budgeted enough for 3 months, and even though we want to get to work quickly, like you say time flies and we want to have a bit of holiday those first couple of weeks, getting over the jet lag, getting to know the place and obviously getting on our feet with a long term rental and car etc.

It's good that there is work out there at least, sounds like you're keeping positive but realistic, so fingers crossed you'll both get yourselves a job soon!

Where are you guys looking to rent? or does that depend on where you get work? x

We're thinking of staying up here in the Scarborough area, the beach is fantastic and so pretty, although if work takes us elsewhere that might change. We didn't think much of it here when we called in a few years ago but it's funny once you live somewhere and get abit involved that you see how lovely a place can be. Freo has an amazing music scene, and we're big into all that, be great for you coming from Manchester x

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A bet you're feeling the heat compared to wet, wild and windy UK! Good luck with your move and hope you find the right schools, work and place to live soon. Keep us all updated on PP! 9 weeks and 6 days until our arrival (although we start our journey in 5 weeks and 5 days). Not that I'm counting or anything! :embarrassed:

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