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2015 arrivals

jo and scott

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Hi jo

We are hoping to move january 2015 ready for my daughter starting the new school year over there.

I also want to get my son settled into uni here before we go.

That's if everything goes to plan which it never does. My husband is going to start applying for jobs around september time this year.

There is so much to think about we are trying to take it a step at a time but I'm a nightmare I keep looking at areas and houses, im driving my oh mad with it because he cant get his head around that stage yet.

How far on are you with your visa application. Which visa are you applying for??


Sharon xx

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Oh ive looked at loads im addicted lol

I like mandurah, secret harbour, waikiki but the same as you it all depends on my husbands job.

Im also addicted to wanted down under. Im loving the revisited ones that are on at the moment. I record them then watch them on a night lol.

Has your visas been granted yet?

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Hi there :) when we originally decided to move abroad (albeit canada or perth - unfortunatley we are still undecided :( but my brother lives in Perth they moved October 2013) we are looking at then end of 2015! not too sure its too soon as we have literally not done much due to us being undecided - but all the same we can hope xxx

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No we haven't got ours yet. Our agent says it should be around August september time.

Cant wait im so impatient when it comes to waiting.

Thats our biggest worry really my husband getting a job. He says he would prefer to go out knowing he has a job

To go to.

We also have our house to sell and I have to sell my business which is quite scary for me having owned it for 17 years.

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Oh ive looked at loads im addicted lol

I like mandurah, secret harbour, waikiki but the same as you it all depends on my husbands job.

Im also addicted to wanted down under. Im loving the revisited ones that are on at the moment. I record them then watch them on a night lol.

Has your visas been granted yet?

we are addicted to anything Aussie on tv, wanted down under, nothing to declare, helicopter heroes down under, relocation relocation Australia, etc! obsessed?? moi?? hmmm!....

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No we haven't got ours yet. Our agent says it should be around August september time.

Cant wait im so impatient when it comes to waiting.

Thats our biggest worry really my husband getting a job. He says he would prefer to go out knowing he has a job

To go to.

We also have our house to sell and I have to sell my business which is quite scary for me having owned it for 17 years.




it is a bit scary isnt it lol but all part of the fun. oh i hope he does, i hope my mine does too lol xxxxxxx youll have to let me know if he manages to secure any work before hes there.Ill let you know how we get on too xxxx

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Hi jo

We are hoping to move january 2015 ready for my daughter starting the new school year over there.

I also want to get my son settled into uni here before we go.

That's if everything goes to plan which it never does. My husband is going to start applying for jobs around september time this year.

There is so much to think about we are trying to take it a step at a time but I'm a nightmare I keep looking at areas and houses, im driving my oh mad with it because he cant get his head around that stage yet.

How far on are you with your visa application. Which visa are you applying for??


Sharon xx


hi sharon,


fingers crossed it all goes to plan for you :-) what age is your daughter ? i have lauren and lucy who are 9 and 8.

good luck to your son starting uni.


we are applying for a 189 visa, really early stages, we had to do a medical report for our daughter, she has type 1 diabetes, this took about 7 months, now that that has all been sorted we can start the process, scott has his ielts test on the 8th march, we are not rushing it tho anyway as we need to save money, we have sold our house and living with scotts mum, which is all good.



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hi all,


i have also started watching wanted down under and loving the revisited ones, i didnt realise about nothing to declare, but its on now in the background. i think id quite like a job working there. wonder how id get into it.


scott is at the pub (pool night) and the girls are settled in their room, perth poms time for me !!


has anyone started to make lists, i have so much information i feel like my head is going to explode, i now know what we are doing with all of our stuff, sell / pack / bin.

feel so much better today having sorted that out.


jo. xx

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hi sharon,


fingers crossed it all goes to plan for you :-) what age is your daughter ? i have lauren and lucy who are 9 and 8.

good luck to your son starting uni.


we are applying for a 189 visa, really early stages, we had to do a medical report for our daughter, she has type 1 diabetes, this took about 7 months, now that that has all been sorted we can start the process, scott has his ielts test on the 8th march, we are not rushing it tho anyway as we need to save money, we have sold our house and living with scotts mum, which is all good.




Hi jo

My daughter is 9.

Glad you have got everything sorted with your daughter and the medical report.

You seem really organised with selling your house etc. At least living with parents will help with the savings.

My husband got his ielts results on Saturday 8.5 so pleased about that.

Good look to scott with his ielts in march. Let us know how he gets on.

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Hi jo

My daughter is 9.

Glad you have got everything sorted with your daughter and the medical report.

You seem really organised with selling your house etc. At least living with parents will help with the savings.

My husband got his ielts results on Saturday 8.5 so pleased about that.

Good look to scott with his ielts in march. Let us know how he gets on.



what are you going to do about senior schools ? this is one of my worries that if we dont go to australia then i need to sort out senior school, and also where to live in the uk, my eldest daughter lauren would like to live back in latchingdon but its quite a way from my mums, and i quite like being near my mum, shes only 10 mins away now. really unsure what to do.


fab ielts results !


im glad we have sold our house, but we have a few things to sell, which is a bit of a headache to be honest, i really need to sort it out.

its okay living with scotts mum, not sure scott quite feels the same tho :-/



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If we get our visa or thinking positively should I say when we get our visa we (me, oh and two kids 8 and 5) hope to be heading to Perth in April 2015 ! Or sooner depending on visa grant and house sale. Just a the start of the process got our AQF III and just going through the absolute pain of TRA. It's practically all I think about all day every day! Fingers crossed peeps hope to see you all on the other side!

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what are you going to do about senior schools ? this is one of my worries that if we dont go to australia then i need to sort out senior school, and also where to live in the uk, my eldest daughter lauren would like to live back in latchingdon but its quite a way from my mums, and i quite like being near my mum, shes only 10 mins away now. really unsure what to do.


fab ielts results !


im glad we have sold our house, but we have a few things to sell, which is a bit of a headache to be honest, i really need to sort it out.

its okay living with scotts mum, not sure scott quite feels the same tho :-/




I know its a difficult one really. Thats why we really want to be in oz for the start of year 6.

She will start year 6 in september in the uk but if we go jan 2015 then she will be starting the beginning of year 6 in oz.

Just hope it works out like we hope.

For us its just knowing when to put our house and my business up for sale. In york at the moment house prices have risen and they are selling pretty quick.

We also have 3 house cats so thats another headache lol.

You're brave living with in laws. Dont think I could move in with my parents, there would be major fall outs.

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I know its a difficult one really. Thats why we really want to be in oz for the start of year 6.

She will start year 6 in september in the uk but if we go jan 2015 then she will be starting the beginning of year 6 in oz.

Just hope it works out like we hope.

For us its just knowing when to put our house and my business up for sale. In york at the moment house prices have risen and they are selling pretty quick.

We also have 3 house cats so thats another headache lol.

You're brave living with in laws. Dont think I could move in with my parents, there would be major fall outs.



it would be nice to go sooner rather than later, its just a case of saving enough money. and as we are not pushing the visa through we have been told we should have it by christmas.


what are you going to do with your cats ? we only have one and im not sure what to do with him :-/ im hoping scotts sister will have him.

is your business a hairdressers ? think i read that on another post of yours. i dont know how you would go about selling a business ?

we sold our house to our friend which was fab as we didnt have any estate agent costs or any viewers, and we were able to keep some stuff in the garage :-)

good luck with selling both, fingers crossed it will go smoothly for you.


its okay living with the mil, but a lottery win would be quite good lol !! i think scott has had enough now tbh, but its the only way we are going to get to oz, and the girls are missing having their own space, im really missing not being able to have friends over for dinner at the weekend, but it will all be worth it in the end. i keep thinking of the bigger picture.

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Thats true just keep thinking it will be worth it in the end.

Yes my business is a mens hairdressers. I'm hoping that one of the girls that works for me can raise enough to buy it of me. She has worked for me for 13 years and really wants to buy it. The only problem I have is it was valued last week alot higher than we thought it was worth which is fantastic news for me but not so good for the girl wanting to buy it.

As for the cats im in two minds really I keep saying its not practical to take them. I dread to think what its going to cost us. My daughter gets upset if I mention not taking them.

Its such an expense emigrating isnt it. Are you using an agent? We are using visa bureau which so far have been great.

Are you daughters excited about moving? My daughter keira is excited one minute then she says she wishes her friends could move too.

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We are hoping to be moving between March and August 2015 as my daughter starts high school in the UK in Sept 2015. The rush will be on to tie up everything before then! Still cant decide between WA and QLD though, I will have to go where I get a job!


hi jac2011,


do you have family / friends in WA or QLD ? i really want to go before my eldest is due to start senior school in the uk, but need to start looking now, i dont even know where we will be living tho,


what work to you do ?

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Thats true just keep thinking it will be worth it in the end.

Yes my business is a mens hairdressers. I'm hoping that one of the girls that works for me can raise enough to buy it of me. She has worked for me for 13 years and really wants to buy it. The only problem I have is it was valued last week alot higher than we thought it was worth which is fantastic news for me but not so good for the girl wanting to buy it.

As for the cats im in two minds really I keep saying its not practical to take them. I dread to think what its going to cost us. My daughter gets upset if I mention not taking them.

Its such an expense emigrating isnt it. Are you using an agent? We are using visa bureau which so far have been great.

Are you daughters excited about moving? My daughter keira is excited one minute then she says she wishes her friends could move too.




is there anyone else she can buy the business with ? good news for you though that is worth more than you first thought :-)

i wonder if cats in general can cope with the heat ? the money it will cost to get our cat over to oz will pay for our flights, so he can stay here !

the girls had a rabbit each, but when we moved in with scotts mum, she made us get rid of them, they were both so upset for so long it was heartbreaking, but we was allowed to keep out tomcat.


it is really expensive, we are also using visa bureau :-) they have been great.


lauren my eldest 9, is really excited and cannot wait, but my little one lucy, 8, is not so excited, she says she doesnt want to go, but today, she asked if we could just try it for a year, bless her, think shes struggling with it a bit, really wished id done this years ago, but it never even entered my head tbh !


what will you do when you sell your house, will you rent ?

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