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Help please advice needed


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Hiya to all you lovely people, its been a while since we have been on here. But we are back and have loved reading all the threads.xx It appears we have the itch that will not go away.

Our story I am an Aussie (born in Perth) I will be renewing my aussie passport in April and getting kids citizen ship by decent done and passports done.

We will then be starting the spousal visa for my hubby.

All easy you may say, but we are still at the do we don't we phase, more of the yes we should

We both work, myself as an Administration Officer in a school and hubby as a plastics engineer with over 13 years experience. We have four children 12, 11,9 and 2.

I have family in Perth, and really feel deep down that we would give the kids a fitter and maybe happier life .... Or would we??

We would both pack up and come over tomorrow, but then the discussion begins of How much to take????? financially and household goods?????

How easy is it to really get work???? we are both hard workers and happy with any challenge.

We rent in the UK so have nothing to sell, but are we too old to take the risk ????? both aged 42


I am sorry if its a mumble of feelings, but any help and advice would really be appreciated xxxx


Waiting to hear in a soggy uk

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You are certainly not too old. In fact your pretty close to about the normal age of people making the move.


I would be a little cautious though on the statement about a happier life for your kids. In my experience Oz doesnt offer kids a "happier" life, just a different one.


Thanks x one of my biggest concerns is I am remembering my childhood in Australia, and is this clouding my realistic view now??? This is proving a very tough decision.

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thanks...... I guess the excitement of lets do it has passed and the worry has now set in, will we get work??? will we this wont this happen, will it wont it, and so it goes on lol, but then again reading the threads its good to see we are not the only ones feeling this way

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Hi we moved to melbourne 6 months ago and now moving to perth ( where i wanted to go originally so very excited!) i am 39 with three kids here so no you are not too old, i have tried to not think of the what ifs? should we? shouldn't we ? we have just went for it and looked at it as a big adventure and a fantastic experience. Don't get me wrong theres been ups and downs and tears and tantrums but also wonderful experiences and we have a great sense of achievement as a family that we had the courage to do this and not wonder what if in ten years time. Best of luck go for it you won't regret it xx

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TYhe turmoil is normal and having second thoughts is normal as well - i think everyone goes through it.


There has been lots of debate about where is best to bring up kids. I grew up in the UK and had a wonderful childhood - magical is the best way to describe it. I know people who have grown up in Oz and had the same. But the two would just be different. I have great memories of sledging in January with my mates and getting my first cuddle of a girl because she was cold. Growing up in Oz i imagine people have great memories of a January day at the beach. Both are great. Niether better than the other. Just different.

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Hiya to all you lovely people, its been a while since we have been on here. But we are back and have loved reading all the threads.xx It appears we have the itch that will not go away.

Our story I am an Aussie (born in Perth) I will be renewing my aussie passport in April and getting kids citizen ship by decent done and passports done.

We will then be starting the spousal visa for my hubby.

All easy you may say, but we are still at the do we don't we phase, more of the yes we should

We both work, myself as an Administration Officer in a school and hubby as a plastics engineer with over 13 years experience. We have four children 12, 11,9 and 2.

I have family in Perth, and really feel deep down that we would give the kids a fitter and maybe happier life .... Or would we??

We would both pack up and come over tomorrow, but then the discussion begins of How much to take????? financially and household goods?????

How easy is it to really get work???? we are both hard workers and happy with any challenge.

We rent in the UK so have nothing to sell, but are we too old to take the risk ????? both aged 42


I am sorry if its a mumble of feelings, but any help and advice would really be appreciated xxxx


Waiting to hear in a soggy uk


You have the best (and worst!) of both worlds with the dual nationality thing and, if you're in agreement about the itch that won't go away, then just go for it :).


I am an Aussie in the UK too and my hubby took a huge amount of convincing that we should do it (but that is a story for another time!) so you are lucky that you're both dreaming in the same direction. Here's what we are doing: We are keeping our house here in the UK as a bit of security for him that we can always come back, also don't think it's worth selling right now if we don't have to. We are borrowing back some of the mortgage to help set us up and see us through the first few months after moving and to make it easier to secure a rental having the money to pay 6 months up front if needed. We are shipping most of our stuff, but leaving behind furniture that has seen better days so we can have a shopping spree when we get there, happy days!


I am also just waiting to receive a formal offer of employment in the post for a job that I applied for over there a few months ago, so it would seem that after all the battles everything is falling into place nicely for us. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be, and if it's not, you can always come back.


A word of caution about the partner visa processing times, we are at 8 months today since applying and still no visa. We're expecting it any day, but boy is it frustrating not being able to finalise any of our moving plans! Even though we know that it will be granted, there is that tiny little part of you that can't be 100% sure until you have it in writing. I think that you can get around the wait by your hubby entering Oz on a tourist visa then applying for the partner visa on-shore (not sure that this is strictly in line with the conditions of entering as a tourist and I don't think you can bring your whole life with you and expect them not to question your intentions!). A bridging visa would then kick in once his initial tourist visa expired (3 months?) which would give him working rights. Don't quote me on this though, given the dubious nature of this plan I would check it out with someone more reputable than myself first :). Or if you're happy to sit around and wait then apply, forget about it and carry on as normal, and don't bother planning anything until you have the visa granted.


Hindsight hey?

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You have the best (and worst!) of both worlds with the dual nationality thing and, if you're in agreement about the itch that won't go away, then just go for it :).


I am an Aussie in the UK too and my hubby took a huge amount of convincing that we should do it (but that is a story for another time!) so you are lucky that you're both dreaming in the same direction. Here's what we are doing: We are keeping our house here in the UK as a bit of security for him that we can always come back, also don't think it's worth selling right now if we don't have to. We are borrowing back some of the mortgage to help set us up and see us through the first few months after moving and to make it easier to secure a rental having the money to pay 6 months up front if needed. We are shipping most of our stuff, but leaving behind furniture that has seen better days so we can have a shopping spree when we get there, happy days!


I am also just waiting to receive a formal offer of employment in the post for a job that I applied for over there a few months ago, so it would seem that after all the battles everything is falling into place nicely for us. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be, and if it's not, you can always come back.


A word of caution about the partner visa processing times, we are at 8 months today since applying and still no visa. We're expecting it any day, but boy is it frustrating not being able to finalise any of our moving plans! Even though we know that it will be granted, there is that tiny little part of you that can't be 100% sure until you have it in writing. I think that you can get around the wait by your hubby entering Oz on a tourist visa then applying for the partner visa on-shore (not sure that this is strictly in line with the conditions of entering as a tourist and I don't think you can bring your whole life with you and expect them not to question your intentions!). A bridging visa would then kick in once his initial tourist visa expired (3 months?) which would give him working rights. Don't quote me on this though, given the dubious nature of this plan I would check it out with someone more reputable than myself first :). Or if you're happy to sit around and wait then apply, forget about it and carry on as normal, and don't bother planning anything until you have the visa granted.


Hindsight hey?



Thanks so much for your reply, we are going ahead with all the paperwork now, and will see what happens once all signed sealed and delivered. xxx As before we rent, so no need to sell up. I think we will just take one step at a time, otherwise we are getting bogged down in the what ifs xx

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