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Hi everyone,


I have joined this forum off the back of Poms in Oz, which I have been on for a little while. We are just waiting for a CO to be allocated for our 189 visa app. I have found PIO to really helpful and the people are lovely. Perth is one of the places we are considering to move to, so thought now would be a good time to say hello :wubclub:



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Hello M1cha3la Hopeful and Debs,

I have joined PP today, have wanted to move to Perth since we visited in 2004 and were set to move in 2006, unfortunately my brother became ill and it all fell through. He died in 2010 and we are now starting the process again. IELTS is being sat on Saturday eeeeeeek:arghh:! I have had the transcripts from Leeds and Teesside Uni sent off and have all bits ready for skills assessment. Just need to pass this IELTS at an 8. Where are you guys up to in the process??


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Hi Natalie,


Welcome :cute:


I am sorry about your brother. Congrats on starting the ball rolling now, sounds like you are making the right steps. Good luck for your IELTS :wubclub: Which visa are you applying for?


We lodged our visa application last week, so are just awaiting a CO allocation. Our medicals are next week, and will be glad when they are done and dusted, I do not like blood tests hahahaha.



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Thanks for the reply :biggrin:

We plan on applying for the 189, but will look further into the sponsorship visa once I have skills assessment.


Good luck with your medical. How do I go about sorting them?? What visa are you going for?? So Excited, sat watching WDU- revisited while I browse and revise for IELTS :ssign7:


We are going for the 189. When you lodge, you download a medical form which gives you a reference number to use when booking the medical. Not sure of the exact steps as our agent has done it all. There is a list of panel doctors on the immi website and you can go to any one. We have booked Manchester as it was cheaper than our local one, and I get an afternoon of shopping, not that DH knows yet :laugh:


Which IELTS have you got to do? Xx

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I saw the panel list earlier, there isn't one close by but am more than willing to travel. I love Manchester- enjoy your shopping! Will take the edge off your blood taking drama :wink:


I have to do the academic, I have a friend doing it on the same day too so that's nice!


Whats your skilled occupation? I am a Health Visitor but also have degrees in adult nursing, children and family nursing, palliative care and urgent care so am confused what to do for the best.


Want to be in Aus now!!!!! But know I must be patient!

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Hi all, Natalie so sorry to hear about your brother that's so sad, I'm going for a 186, been rushing through the process as only started last sept with it all and approaching a BIG milestone birthday in 7 weeks if you know what I mean :wink:, I did the academic ielts too but was not good on the reading first time round, not because I can't read but because I had not looked carefully enough at what the expectation was, got it second time, though asked for a remark on writing and got the score raised wahoo! Got my skills assessment back today so well pleased, also got a job offer so very lucky, just hoping all works out within the time scale. I am too a mixture of skills and experience, general trained nurse but for 20 years have worked in mental health, children's mental health, custodial health, and eating disorders as specialities, with a msc in advanced nursing. I applied for registered nurse (mental health) and skills assessment has come back as this so all good. Good luck with the ielts!

Edited by Hopeful
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We went at Christmas for a month, loved it. Going out with my hubby and 14 yr old son, have our 26yr old daughter and her hubby there already, they ve been there just over a year and job gets daughter 24 just got a working hol visa and booked her flight for next month. her boyfriend also there, so it's a full family move fingers crossed x


Dougie and Elizabeth, we had a quote for a 20ft container yest, we ll be packing up a four bedroomed detached house and seemed we would be getting quite a lot in it, quote with insurance will be around the 4k mark which given what we are taking would be cheaper than buying new over there

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Not so far, but only done ileits, skills assessment and police checks. To be honest got so much good advice on here and started to study the visas etc and each step has just followed


Hun, an, you do know that once your visa is granted immi give you 12 months from the date of your medical or police check, whichever was first, to validate. If you submit the police check you've already done, you will have to enter Australia on or before 2nd February 2015. By the time your visa is granted you may only be left with about 6 months. Did you get ACRO police check?



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Thanks Bean :laugh:


WOW!! 189 granted! Bet you cartwheeled!! When do you move?? Well done!! Do you have a job to go to?


Natalie xx


cartwheeled, forward rolled and loop the looped! oh and opened some bubbles!!

it was an amazing feeling after waiting what seemd like an eternity(even though it was relatively quick)

its all come to a bit of a standstill now though as OH won't go unless he has a job lined up so I'm very frustrated ! he's looking out for jobs and we aim to come over in October to validate unless he has something sorted beforehand. I'm not a very patient person!....

good luck with your plans

bean xx

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Hi travel chic I need to be there in the next 6 months for the job so expecting if visa granted within time frames they have quoted should be not later than sept x


Just thought I'd point it out in case you hadn't realised. Good luck with your journey. I waited ages for my skills assessment but once I got that it all went very quickly. When ANMAC have finished with your file, ask them to send it to AHPRA for you. They do this every Friday. Everything that's in your ANMAC file is good for AHPRA. The only thing you need to add is a cv, the completed AHPRA form and the payment (think its $350). My ahpra only took 3 weeks at the Perth office, then you have 12 months to validate it.



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