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Bad, bad Mummy!


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Does anyone know whether Fairy laundry detergent and fabric softener are available anywhere in Perth?


A few years ago my daughter developed an itch, no rash, no redness, just an itch, and a terrible one at that. Getting her dressed in the morning became a nightmare. Other non bios made no difference, hypo allergenic products improved it slightly, but switching to Fairy completely cleared it up. So much so I'd kind of forgotten how bad the itch was, and now I get to the bad Mummy bit.... I was at a smaller shop last week and just picked up a box of normal non bio, because they didn't have Fairy, and I was in a rush :0( Cutting a long (and boring) story short she went to Grandma's knicker less this morning, because she was itching too bad to put them on. Now I'm not normally a brand loyal shopper, but this is pretty important. I've checked Woolworths and Coles but they only have the dish washing products. I know there are Brit shops but does anyone know if they stock household products? I'll pay whatever I have to, I'll have it shipped from the UK if necessary, but will I be allowed? I know Australia has very strict environmental controls so would I be able to import this easily? It's such a popular brand and they stock the Fairy liquid so I thought maybe there's a reason why the don't stock the laundry products? I will email the moving people to see if and how much I can stash away with our belongings, but I really need to find a reliable source in Perth. Any information would be very gratefully received!


Thanks, Debs x

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Guest guest9824
Does anyone know whether Fairy laundry detergent and fabric softener are available anywhere in Perth?


A few years ago my daughter developed an itch, no rash, no redness, just an itch, and a terrible one at that. Getting her dressed in the morning became a nightmare. Other non bios made no difference, hypo allergenic products improved it slightly, but switching to Fairy completely cleared it up. So much so I'd kind of forgotten how bad the itch was, and now I get to the bad Mummy bit.... I was at a smaller shop last week and just picked up a box of normal non bio, because they didn't have Fairy, and I was in a rush :0( Cutting a long (and boring) story short she went to Grandma's knicker less this morning, because she was itching too bad to put them on. Now I'm not normally a brand loyal shopper, but this is pretty important. I've checked Woolworths and Coles but they only have the dish washing products. I know there are Brit shops but does anyone know if they stock household products? I'll pay whatever I have to, I'll have it shipped from the UK if necessary, but will I be allowed? I know Australia has very strict environmental controls so would I be able to import this easily? It's such a popular brand and they stock the Fairy liquid so I thought maybe there's a reason why the don't stock the laundry products? I will email the moving people to see if and how much I can stash away with our belongings, but I really need to find a reliable source in Perth. Any information would be very gratefully received!


Thanks, Debs x


Hi Deb, think I may have seen it in our English shop in Kala. I had problems with one of my daughters and washing powder, had to buy ones with non bleaching agents in them when she was little, which pretty much ruled most out. I now use cuddly sensitive here, and it's good, although my daughter did seem to grow out of her sensitivity to washing powders. Good luck.



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Seriously, once you've realised how easy it is and how ridiculously cheap it is you'll never buy that dreadful, chemical loaded stuff again.

You can buy the raw ingredients from those weigh and pay type stores or buy it by the sack load online.

This link is a pretty good guide though it does seem pretty labour intensive and it's not. Her cost comparisons are pretty accurate and we don't use soap flakes, preferring to source really good, natural bar soap which we blitz up in an old food processor before adding to the solution.


My daughter suffered with awful eczema in the UK but the sun has mostly cleared that up and her skin is really sensitive to detergent, phenol, sulfates and petroleum based chemicals in laundry liquids.



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