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Hooray 457 Reviews Announced!

New Life Down Under

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[h=1]Some good migration news!


Assistant Immigration Minister Michaela Cash is set to announce an inquiry into the sc457 visa scheme, with a pledge to ensure the integrity of the program while scrapping any unnecessary red tape that holds business back, reports the Australian.[/h] [h=2]According to DIBP statistics, the number of 457 visa applications lodged in the year to December 31 fell 37.9 per cent to 23,420 compared to the previous year. Analysts put it largely to the previous government’s election tactics which tightened rules in order to appease union complaints about the scheme, which allows employers to bring in temporary workers from overseas.[/h]

At least the new Government is doing something useful!

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is was all about Gina Rhinehart, she threatened the unions & government with importing hundreds of African mine workers from North Africa and was going to pay them peanuts ( she owns the mines in Africa & does pay them peanuts), she tried to bring them over on 457's, she was going to have them live on the mine 24/7 like they do in Africa, no FIFO, this was going to save her an absolute fortune, it all went quiet after the initial press hype over the saga, hence the govt tightened up on 457's under pressure from the unions.

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is was all about Gina Rhinehart, she threatened the unions & government with importing hundreds of African mine workers from North Africa and was going to pay them peanuts ( she owns the mines in Africa & does pay them peanuts), she tried to bring them over on 457's, she was going to have them live on the mine 24/7 like they do in Africa, no FIFO, this was going to save her an absolute fortune, it all went quiet after the initial press hype over the saga, hence the govt tightened up on 457's under pressure from the unions.


The review will be addressing amongst other things the noncompliance of sponsors, and hopefully be addressing the LMT which is easily exploited by unscrupulous employers.

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Why is it good news that red tape will be lessened so we can bring in more overseas workers when Aussies are losing their jobs weekly? And please do not say we have a skills shortage - I know so many people looking for jobs in a specific professional area in Australia where they are bringing in 457s. Do you really think this government is at last doing something useful?????

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