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Anyone fancy a coffee?


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Hi, I'm a married 44yr old with 2 kids -15 and 18 - moved to WA in January 2014 from Scotland. Finally got kids settled in school and university, hubby working and it's time for me now!! I'm a nurse who is waiting to start work soon but would love to meet up with like minded gals who enjoy shopping sprees with lots of coffee/wine breaks, a good laugh and general girly chit chats. Live in Cockburn area but can travel


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Debs - although from Scotland we lived in Warrington for 3 years prior yo coming here - when do plan to come over?? Hope you've got your ahpra reg sorted out cos mine is taking for ever. I applied beg of last September and still waiting!!! Would be lovely to meet up x




I'm not there yet but hope too be soon. I'm a nurse too. Will deffo come for a coffee when we arrive. Hope you're enjoying Perth.



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Debs - although from Scotland we lived in Warrington for 3 years prior yo coming here - when do plan to come over?? Hope you've got your ahpra reg sorted out cos mine is taking for ever. I applied beg of last September and still waiting!!! Would be lovely to meet up x


I work in Warrington hospital. Small world. I am hoping to come end of May. Depends on how long the house sale takes really. I've got AHPRA registration, just need to validate it on arrival. How long does that take? Hope it's not too long. Mine only took 3 weeks from them receiving my application. But I've read a few posts saying it's taking much longer now. Guess I was lucky. If fact I feel that I've been lucky throughout the whole visa process. Every step has gone in my favour with the exception of the hike in visa costs so I'm not moaning. Hope my good luck continues.


I am staying with my lovely friend when we arrive. Jonny and me will look for our own place from there depending on where I get a job. Want to live close to work and I want jonny to be in a school close by. Will look forward to a coffee and chat. Who knows, we could be working buddies lol.



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I was a health visitor in Warrington in orford then penketh. Ahpra have changed criteria for international applicants so taking forever. I'm south of river in area called cockburn. Not that many Brits I think most north of river. Re schools there are loads out there - my son goes to atwell college and seems to enjoy it - he's 15! I'm sure you will be fine re house sale as I hear market is picking up. They've just built a huge new hospital near me called Fiona Stanley hospital. I hear there's loads of jobs there. I'm looking for something more community based. Keep in touch x


QUOTE=travelchic;91070]I work in Warrington hospital. Small world. I am hoping to come end of May. Depends on how long the house sale takes really. I've got AHPRA registration, just need to validate it on arrival. How long does that take? Hope it's not too long. Mine only took 3 weeks from them receiving my application. But I've read a few posts saying it's taking much longer now. Guess I was lucky. If fact I feel that I've been lucky throughout the whole visa process. Every step has gone in my favour with the exception of the hike in visa costs so I'm not moaning. Hope my good luck continues.


I am staying with my lovely friend when we arrive. Jonny and me will look for our own place from there depending on where I get a job. Want to live close to work and I want jonny to be in a school close by. Will look forward to a coffee and chat. Who knows, we could be working buddies lol.



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I was a health visitor in Warrington in orford then penketh. Ahpra have changed criteria for international applicants so taking forever. I'm south of river in area called cockburn. Not that many Brits I think most north of river. Re schools there are loads out there - my son goes to atwell college and seems to enjoy it - he's 15! I'm sure you will be fine re house sale as I hear market is picking up. They've just built a huge new hospital near me called Fiona Stanley hospital. I hear there's loads of jobs there. I'm looking for something more community based. Keep in touch x


QUOTE=travelchic;91070]I work in Warrington hospital. Small world. I am hoping to come end of May. Depends on how long the house sale takes really. I've got AHPRA registration, just need to validate it on arrival. How long does that take? Hope it's not too long. Mine only took 3 weeks from them receiving my application. But I've read a few posts saying it's taking much longer now. Guess I was lucky. If fact I feel that I've been lucky throughout the whole visa process. Every step has gone in my favour with the exception of the hike in visa costs so I'm not moaning. Hope my good luck continues.


I am staying with my lovely friend when we arrive. Jonny and me will look for our own place from there depending on where I get a job. Want to live close to work and I want jonny to be in a school close by. Will look forward to a coffee and chat. Who knows, we could be working buddies lol.




I've sold my house hun. Accepted an offer last week. Just gotta wait now for all that happens following that. From what people have said it takes approx 8 weeks. So I've decided it should all be done by the end of May. If it's done before, my friend has offered to put us up.



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The weather sure is different. I don't think I could handle another cold dark not to forget wet Scottish winter (or summer for that matter where it's less cold, light but still wet) lol. I'm from Hamilton looking forward to the big move. Most days are a mixture of highs n lows to be honest but I'm sure I ll get there.

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It's the biggest decision you will make and you will def have "moments" along the way. Just remember you can always go back and if you don't try it you'll always say "what if?" Go for it. I'm still v early days but need to get out and meet people which ain't the easiest when your kids are older hence this post which isn't really me but I'm def going to go for it. Get out here - lotsa nice wine lol x

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I arrived end of Nov from Bristol UK, You can see earlier posts about us and our journey. We moved from friends in Scarborough 2 weeks ago on 15th Feb to a rental in Munster. I started work with the Fremantle Mental Health service on 17th Feb, at Alma Street clinic for the Melville CMHT... new is hard but mental health and distress is the same wherever you are in the world. I love the challenge and how this move has made me work even harder to settle and belong. The team(s) at Alma Street are fab.. I hope I will have the opportunity to work FT in a permanent post in WA with these teams, so far very happy. I am 21 years qualified with a degree in PSI and recovery obtained in 2012 so ... they are a bit unsure how to implement the recovery model but that takes team working which all the teams have.

so yes would love to meet, coofffeeee much more wine and shopping would be good... tell me where you want to work or where you are working.... we can private message to arrange a much less public venue.



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8 weeks will fly by. Start packing lol. Where does your friend live and where do you fancy living? X


My friend lives in Mullaloo. I've another that lives in Mindarie. I'm not too fussed where I live as long as it's not to far from work. I've got a couple of hospitals who want me to contact them on arrival. I'll sort out a job first. Not bothered about jonny missing a bit of school. If we come out in May he's gonna miss the UK summer holidays anyway and will end up in school right through to dec.



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It's the biggest decision you will make and you will def have "moments" along the way. Just remember you can always go back and if you don't try it you'll always say "what if?" Go for it. I'm still v early days but need to get out and meet people which ain't the easiest when your kids are older hence this post which isn't really me but I'm def going to go for it. Get out here - lotsa nice wine lol x


Def can't wait lotsa nice wine sounds good to me. I can picture it now in my head ahhh sunshine n wine ... Not to shabby lol :)

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Hi Carol


We are flying out in 8 weeks would love to meet up for a couple of wines. I work in a hospital on the Wirral in supplies. I love doing what I do so I am hoping to look at some of the local hospitals for something similar. Are you in the NHS pension I do not know what to do about mine been told can freeze it or transfer it.




It's the biggest decision you will make and you will def have "moments" along the way. Just remember you can always go back and if you don't try it you'll always say "what if?" Go for it. I'm still v early days but need to get out and meet people which ain't the easiest when your kids are older hence this post which isn't really me but I'm def going to go for it. Get out here - lotsa nice wine lol x
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I have an nhs pension and called the pensions officer earlier this week. He said the same. You can just leave it and it will freeze. You can draw on it when your 65 no matter where in the world you live, just so long as the uk is not in a war with the country you are living in lol. The alternative is to wait until you've joined a pension in oz then transfer it over. He said if I come home for any reason, I can simply transfer it back again. I asked him if there were any tax implications with this and he said no.



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Hi, I'm a married 44yr old with 2 kids -15 and 18 - moved to WA in January 2014 from Scotland. Finally got kids settled in school and university, hubby working and it's time for me now!! I'm a nurse who is waiting to start work soon but would love to meet up with like minded gals who enjoy shopping sprees with lots of coffee/wine breaks, a good laugh and general girly chit chats. Live in Cockburn area but can travel






I too am a nurse, there be many!

I love shopping sprees, coffees and wines all that!

not there yet but will be out in April for recci and then moved out by oct the latest.


My oh has interviews the 1st and 2nd of April so ill be free! Ill have my little girl though so may not ideal if your wanting to chill( ill not be on the wine)ha.

any how get in touch if you fancy a meet up xxx

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Elaine

My husband and I live in Ardross I think that's 20 minutes from you. We have been here two years come June, cannot say it was the best move but only two years left then back home to UK. I work as a Clinical Nurse but find nursing way behind. Worked in the hospital system but did not like it so now in Aged Care this is awful too. I am 49 and hubby 43 would love to meet as a couple or girlie days. My name is Angelia.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Lindseyh

Hi there, another Scottish nurse, there are loads of us here. I have been her for 20 months and had many challenges along the way. I do have to warn those waiting to come out there's not many senior nurse jobs, plenty of BAnd 5 type posts but most senior , or clinical nurse posts are few and far between.

i am North of the river and work full time mon-fir, one of those rare day jobs, but would love to catch up over a weekend. My kids are little though.

I'd leave your pension until your sure you staying:cool:

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  • 5 months later...

Hi there,


I am glad I stumbled across this forum. I am a ypung nurse from Scotland. I am in the process of moving to Australia. I have paid for my skills assessment and have sent all my documentation to ANMAC for my skills assessment but have done nothing with AHPRA yet... how did you go about it. Did you wait to hear from ANMAC before contacting AHPRA?



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