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Help please - I dont have a clue where to start


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Hi there,


I am wondering if anyone can please help me. Me and my husband (and two kids) are considering a move to Perth, however we have no idea where to start. I have been to Perth, and loved it, and have friends there - one who suggested this site. We plan to try to get over for a long holiday to check it out, but in the meantime it would be good to know if we have a chance in getting in or if we are wasting our time.


My husband is a field engineer for SKY in the UK, and I work for a finance company in marketing (they have an office in Perth, although I don't think I would be able to transfer, more get in touch when I am there). He has been with the company for 15 years. We had been speaking about Perth for a while but it was only recently his colleague told him their job role was on the "wanted trade" list thingy, that I started thinking about it in more detail.


Please can anyone tell me where to start in this process? I have no idea, and the web is a mind field!


Many thanks


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Hi Dani and welcome to PP. Firstly, you need to see if any of your skills are on the skilled occupations lists which can be found following this link: https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/Work/Skills-assessment-and-assessing-authorities/skilled-occupations-lists


It may be worth having a chat to a migration agent, some offer a free initial consult say if you're eligible.

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Thanks both so much - my husbands job is on the SOL - [TABLE=class: table-100, width: 497]


[TD]Telecommunications Field Engineer[/TD]







I think next step is to speak with a migration agent as you both mentioned. Does anyone have any names? I have seen Go Matilda mentioned?


Thank you again.

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