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My husband and I applied for a  parent visa 173  in March  2015. Looking at the website, They are now a month away from working on our visa!

our son has been living in Perth for 11 years and our daughter and grandchildren for 5 years. We have been back and forward 14 times!! So as you can imagine this visa can't come quick enough! 

We are wondering if its possible to buy a house outright with no mortgage on a 173 visa?

Thanks in advance




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Hi bev, 

just seen your post and thought would see if can gain some insight from your experience...

i am looking at the contributory parent visas (subclass 173) for my parents, but prices seem so crazy! If you don't mind, would you tell me more info about your visa process... i.e, process times, which visas and the costs ? its all confusing! 


thanks in advance! clarity

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Hi Clarity,

our visa got lodged in March 2015, we applied for temporary parent visa. It was finally granted in January 2018!! 

We paid £34,800 and to stay permanently , we have to apply within two years and pay the other half! 

Its a ridiculous amount of money but we want to be close to our children and be part of our grandchildren’s life instead of being ‘cyber grandparents’ 

I hope this is of any help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to message me.

good luck x

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