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Contacting schools

Guest Lisa&Mark

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Guest Lisa&Mark

Hi All,


We're 2 1/2 weeks away from flying to Perth so we're desperately trying to sort out schooling for our 8 year-old daughter.


We've checked out the schools of interest online, sent queries via the "contact us" sections and heard....nothing, with the exception of one school!


It seems that the schools will only talk to you once you've filled out the application form and parted with your application fee! We need to get my daughter in school a.s.a.p. so we've been sending queries regarding availability of places, but getting no reply! Why bother putting contact information on the websites if they are clearly not going to reply? Is it fairly standard that the first port of call is to fill out the application and send the app fee? We were hoping to find out availability and organise going into the schools for a look around. :arghh:


Anyone else had problems with this, and if so, what did you end up doing?


Ta muchly,




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We sent emails to 3 schools in our chosen area (all state), one didn't reply, One gave us the catchment area and one wrote the giving us tons of infol, what years my children would be in, links to local high schools - this became our chosen school - we filled in the application and sent it, the principle sorted out a pen pal for my eldest of someone who would be in her class so she could get to know them before arriving and then the first day wouldn't be so daunting. They were terrific

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Guest Legal Angel

Hi Lisa,


We are arriving in just under a week and have an appointment the following Monday morning at a school for my 9 year old.


We knew the area we wanted (I have a brother living there) and as we live in Ireland, wanted a Catholic School, so picked Banksia Grove Catholic School, emailed them, received a positive response, have emailed them school reports etc, from Aisling's school here and its all been a very positive experience for us. Aisling has seen the school on the internet, the uniform, etc and hopefully it won't be totally alien to her when we get there. Having said that, I think children are very adaptable, once we (adults) don't make a fuss - or look like we are making a fuss!


Do you know what area you would like? I think you need to establish that first otherwise you could be bamboozled by the choice - the school we chose is private (though not expensive) but again, I've had experience with the national primary schools with my niece and nephew and they were grand - I wanted catholic to make the transition easier for Aisling - ie. similar ethos to what she was used to.


As time is now of the essence you might try ringing different schools in your preferred areas (7 hours time difference) and see what response you get. I appreciate with only 2 weeks to go you are probably paddling like mad to keep up, I know I was, there is so much to arrange. Saying goodbye has been the hardest part this week, that and fighting with Seven Seas removals (keep clear of them).


Anyway, I hope this has been of some help to you and I wish you all the best with your move. Maybe we could catch up on the sunnyside for a cuppa.


Andrea :smile:

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Guest bakercrew
Hi All,


We're 2 1/2 weeks away from flying to Perth so we're desperately trying to sort out schooling for our 8 year-old daughter.


We've checked out the schools of interest online, sent queries via the "contact us" sections and heard....nothing, with the exception of one school!


It seems that the schools will only talk to you once you've filled out the application form and parted with your application fee! We need to get my daughter in school a.s.a.p. so we've been sending queries regarding availability of places, but getting no reply! Why bother putting contact information on the websites if they are clearly not going to reply? Is it fairly standard that the first port of call is to fill out the application and send the app fee? We were hoping to find out availability and organise going into the schools for a look around. :arghh:


Anyone else had problems with this, and if so, what did you end up doing?


Ta muchly,





Hi we will be in the same boat as you but at end of Oct. We also have an 8 year old girl who we want to get into school before xmas holidays kick in. I have not yet contacted schools due to not settled on area yet still waiting for job offer. Please let me know how you get on and what areas are you looking into.



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Guest Sandisonsonthemove

I've contacted about 10 schools for my 12 year old. I have heard from all of them - some gave loads of information, some referred us to website only and most invited us to give them a call when we landed to have a tour. We are flying out at the end of October and not putting him into school until February.


Good luck


Donna x

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Western Australia is Wait Awhile, everything is far more relaxed here and a lot of places whether it be schools or workplaces get inundated with enquiries from overseas and many wont be interested until you are here. But the good news is you can usually start your child immedietly. I signed my son up on the Monday as it was teachers only day and he started immedietly the following day! I had to run arround like a headless chicken getting all his gear together!

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Hi All,


We're 2 1/2 weeks away from flying to Perth so we're desperately trying to sort out schooling for our 8 year-old daughter.


We've checked out the schools of interest online, sent queries via the "contact us" sections and heard....nothing, with the exception of one school!


It seems that the schools will only talk to you once you've filled out the application form and parted with your application fee! We need to get my daughter in school a.s.a.p. so we've been sending queries regarding availability of places, but getting no reply! Why bother putting contact information on the websites if they are clearly not going to reply? Is it fairly standard that the first port of call is to fill out the application and send the app fee? We were hoping to find out availability and organise going into the schools for a look around. :arghh:


Anyone else had problems with this, and if so, what did you end up doing?


Ta muchly,





What area are you looking at??

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Guest Lisa&Mark

We are heading up to the Hills so we've been focusing our efforts on schools around the Kalamunda area.


We've had a positive response from Kalamunda Christian School, had a "look at the website" from Kalamunda Primary, had absolutely nothing from Helena College Junior and have been told by St Brigids to apply and wait, so it seems as though it's a case of applying and paying the fee, booking a visit once we're there and then keeping fingers crossed!


Thanks for the responses!


Hi Andrea - which area are you going to be in?




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Guest Legal Angel

Hi Lisa,


We will be in Banksia Grove which is a newish suburb near Joondalup - hopefully not far from the beach - which my brother and his wife live in, so I'll have someone to help with the babysitting duties! i don't really know the suburb but my brother is happy there, has had no problems and as I'll be renting for a while, we will try it out and see how we get on. If it doesn't suit we will move, though I wouldn't see us moving too far from that general area. We have 3 days to go, lots of goodbyes and tears but we are excited and looking forward to a new adventure. Its all doom and gloom in Ireland at the moment, so we are off to a new life in the sunshine.


I know how hard it is to pick a school, but you can only do your best and hope that it works out - lots of people have advice, which is helpful, but hopefully you will get a positive vibe from a school/teacher/headmaster etc, and make the best decision for your daughter. Theres only 1 catholic school in the area I wanted so my decision was practically made for me - I had this arranged 2 months ago - its harder when you have a choice and have to pick. Have a look at the children as they leave the school, do they look happy ish, it may or may not be an indication of the general feeling in the school - stand outside with other mums as they wait for their children and have a light chit chat and see what they say - its a tough one. I'll let you know how I get on with Aisling's school on next Monday - I have meeting at 9am - God I hope I don't hate it or I'm in real trouble, ha ha.


I know I have to fill in an application form and pay $50, just to interview, but as they have all Aisling's school records and a spot for her, I'm assuming we are okay.


I'll know next week and update you.


See you in the sunshine



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The $50 application fee is only for private schools though, it might be worth pointing out to those that dont already know. I think really its actually easier to pick a school then think of reasons not to send them. Often the closest school is the easiest, is there really a good reason not to send your child there. Private isnt always best although is some cases it might be if the public schools isnt good. Also a mere google of the schools name might bring up various comments from various forums but be careful about this as most comments will come from people dissatisfied rather than those that are quite happy all and all. Good luck everyone, try not to get too stressed about it.:wubclub:

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