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House rented, flights booked - Perth here we come!!!


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Guest Lisa&Mark
Cant believe we have our date :) fly 14th Sept via hong kong and arrive Monday 19th :)))))))))))


This is it! Emotional and overwhelmed :)


Hi flossiepom,


We fly out on 13th September and arrive 15th and are experiencing the emotional and overwhelmed feelings too!


Packers are in this week, so we're moving in with the in-laws on Wednesday. The past few weeks have been manic and the endings are now beginning!


Good luck with the move!




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HI all


The family and I have all the same feelings , our house sold , belongings in storage prior to shipping, living with friends, an absolute emotional roller coster of emotion of gargantuan proportions although i am sure it will all be worth it in the end. We arrive 22nd November, although i am going out to work on the Gold Coast for 6 weeks prior, then returning for a week to collect my family and then the Perth adventure begins.


Good look to you all



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Hi all,

congratulations on getting your date hope your flight is a good one, we are waiting on our date hopefully will have it confirmed this week but aiming for either the 12th or 19th september fingers crossed, my house is upside down and we are sick of jayes fluid, keep us posted on how it all goes.


cheers tracy

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Congratulations, we got our 457 last week so it has been a hectic week we are heading on Tuesday evening via Singapore with our 2 little boys so not looking forward to the flight with the little fella he is only 17 months. Getting abit nervous now about finding a long term rental etc very confused about areas especially as the 4 year old will be starting school in Feb.


Good luck with all your packing - really hated that bit!

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Guest chrissyb



I'm new this so not really sure what I'm doing. But it sounds so exciting all you guys having leaving parties and flights booked, OMG we have just been granted our visa (arrived in post today waiting for hubby to come home so we can open it together) yikes. Not really sure where to start or what to do first, any ideas? we are planning on leaving in May however I can see that being brought forward but there's so much to do its daunting but very exciting. Any recommendations of removal companies and dog transporting companies would be great ( Bristol area).

Thanks, enjoy your parties, flights and setting foot in the land down under.

All the best


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Hi Chrissyb


Good look with your move.


We used a shipping company called GB Liners (nationwide company) they have currently removed all our belongings prior to shipping and we found them to be very helpfull and efficient and also very competitve on pricing.

For transporting our 2 dogs we are using a company called Transfur , We met the owner of the company at a convention and we immediatley felt at ease and confident in the fact that our dogs would be well cared for, i would recommend both.




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Goodluck Flossiepom:smile:, We are pretty much ready to go ourselves but for work reasons need to wait till next year.:arghh:

Hey Darrell! rough cost of dog transfers mate? We got our bulldog (Benson) part of the family and he's coming with us whatever the cost! (Sorry to hijack the thread Flossiepom!!)


Kind Regards Cozzy

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HI Cozzy


I know what you mean, it was never open to debate as to whether we took both our dogs, they are part of the family and cost whilst important was irrelavent in the end as we wouldn't of left them behind.

We have paid 3K for 2 ****zu dogs, this does not include the quaranteen fees once in Aus, if you want the details of the company please let me know and i will pass them on.







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