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Does any one know if there are many plastering jobs in Perth


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Lots of new build over here, from what I understand the plastering is a bit different over here, more dry plastering (don;t know if I've go the terms right). You can get subbie work to the builders I think.




Hi Tracey


Thank you very much for your in put, nice to know there are a lot of new builds.

We are looking at every angle at the moment, before thinking about applying for visa's


LO :biggrin:

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Guest jeff100jeff

hi im a plasterer heading out around sep time ive been out twice in the last 2 years to look around ,there seems to be a lot of sand and cement work .floated on the walls inside then skimmed the finish i saw was grey not the same as ours render outside ,the ceilings and board work were taped

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hi im a plasterer heading out around sep time ive been out twice in the last 2 years to look around ,there seems to be a lot of sand and cement work .floated on the walls inside then skimmed the finish i saw was grey not the same as ours render outside ,the ceilings and board work were taped


Hi Jeff


Thank you very much for your reply,I will pass your message on to my Husband.


Good Luck with your move in September. Will you be taking your tools with you?


LO :biggrin:

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Im a plasterer by trade and been over since the start of feb.


Plastering is totally different to the uk in every respect. Internals are floated in sand and cement, screeded, patched then screeded again.


Unless you know someone here who has a firm your more likely to start as a labourer, no one walks in and trowels on all day. I was lucky i knew a lad and did but also had to labour. Was a shock having to labour again in ways but expect too from the start like all the lads i know have.


If you do 'throw' on render expect to have o do 80-90 metres a day at least yourself whilst patching, screeding etc . Labourers get about $160-180 a day and trowel hands about $200 like i was on.


Onsite ready for 7am and finished between 3-4pm .. Its non stop all day, no breaks etc...


The lads i worked for are all quiet at the moment and new builds arent selling like they did... Ive applied for other posiions but most want residents only or people with 2 years WA experience etc so its not great to be honest.


Also skimming with Lime Putty is different to back home, alot lot less time and i wouldnt expect to even be considered to go staight into this as nearly all firms use wa experience as a guide etc and again you start from the bottom up here regardless what u did in the uk.


Theres also texture coating which ive done and isnt that hard to pick up, just trowelling on acrylic paint, leaving wet joints then next guy rubs and works in with a plastic float.


Sand finish outside is same principal as internals but slightly stronger mix, again screeded , patched etc then rubbed up with a poly float and sponge.


As for tools bring your trowels, all the lads i worked for provide everything else ... you can bring your drill but with diff power supplys/plugs i wouldnt expect to be allowed on site with it here but upto you really..


Just an insight what to expect cos i thought it wouldnt be so diff but like i said expect to be a labourer etc and working flat out all day initially

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Im a plasterer by trade and been over since the start of feb.


Plastering is totally different to the uk in every respect. Internals are floated in sand and cement, screeded, patched then screeded again.


Unless you know someone here who has a firm your more likely to start as a labourer, no one walks in and trowels on all day. I was lucky i knew a lad and did but also had to labour. Was a shock having to labour again in ways but expect too from the start like all the lads i know have.


If you do 'throw' on render expect to have o do 80-90 metres a day at least yourself whilst patching, screeding etc . Labourers get about $160-180 a day and trowel hands about $200 like i was on.


Onsite ready for 7am and finished between 3-4pm .. Its non stop all day, no breaks etc...


The lads i worked for are all quiet at the moment and new builds arent selling like they did... Ive applied for other posiions but most want residents only or people with 2 years WA experience etc so its not great to be honest.


Also skimming with Lime Putty is different to back home, alot lot less time and i wouldnt expect to even be considered to go staight into this as nearly all firms use wa experience as a guide etc and again you start from the bottom up here regardless what u did in the uk.


Theres also texture coating which ive done and isnt that hard to pick up, just trowelling on acrylic paint, leaving wet joints then next guy rubs and works in with a plastic float.


Sand finish outside is same principal as internals but slightly stronger mix, again screeded , patched etc then rubbed up with a poly float and sponge.


As for tools bring your trowels, all the lads i worked for provide everything else ... you can bring your drill but with diff power supplys/plugs i wouldnt expect to be allowed on site with it here but upto you really..


Just an insight what to expect cos i thought it wouldnt be so diff but like i said expect to be a labourer etc and working flat out all day initially


Thank you very much for your advice. You pretty much have confirmed some of the feed back my Husband has been getting.

A family of 4 couldn't live off that sort of wage over there could they?

My Husband has seen some of the methods you are talking about on the net. So nice to have conformation that that is how it is done.


Thanks again.


LO :biggrin:

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No problems at all ... no i doubt a family could live on that day rate here. I was surprised at how expensive it is but there are things that are cheaper than the uk.


Ive been looking for the last week and half for more work but getting nowhere and gets boring sat around lol


Any other questions feel free to ask or pm me :)

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Guest jeff100jeff

hi im a plasterer by trade and coming over in september with wife and 3 kids may i ask how old you are? i am 45 and the thought of puting up 80/90 metres a day in sand and cement is not a nice one,if i was to do that here in hardwall i would get £4 to float it £2 to skim it that would be near on double what they pay .are you working for a big firm or just in a gang?are you just doing new builds?is there no reno work?

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hi im a plasterer by trade and coming over in september with wife and 3 kids may i ask how old you are? i am 45 and the thought of puting up 80/90 metres a day in sand and cement is not a nice one,if i was to do that here in hardwall i would get £4 to float it £2 to skim it that would be near on double what they pay .are you working for a big firm or just in a gang?are you just doing new builds?is there no reno work?




Im 29 . Yes it is an eye opener .. i have been working on new builds and reno's .Ive been working for 2 gangs ... one gang had 2 labourers and 4 of us throwing on... doing nearly a decent sized house a day .. after its thrown on then usually 45 mins later 2 of the more experienced lads screed it ... then we go round patching any low points .. in between this the render thats been screeded off is remixed for patching etc ..


It was an eye opener at first ... basically barrow after barrow is brought in and its non stop.. patching etc does give you a small break but its more physical than anything in the uk ... i could skim a few rooms a day back home and still have plenty of energy .. here with the heat you get home physically shattered and fall alseep whilst drinking a beer lol ... i got home, get showered then slept or a few hours then was still in bed for 9pm lol.


yes i know what your saying about wages ... i was on more in the uk but work was up and down thats why i tried aus ... been out of work for 3 weeks now and soon i'll have to make a choice to prob go back home and set back up.


From lads i speak to the wages were alot higher a few years back when houses been being built in masses and demand was there ... the last lad i worked for was an irish guy but i jacked that in as he seemed to think he could continually abuse me and be on my back all day ... things like mixes werent fast enough yet there was 4 barrows full sat waiting for him .. was just jackal and hyde and i just dreaded what mood he'd be in .. think it summed it up when he said about people not staying working for him that long and it clicked after a few weeks of working for him. and he basically said i had to 'run' round site and i dont mean that jokingly ..


Unfortunatley you start from the bottom here again, labouring and throwing on in between ...most other jobs ive applied for want residents and no backpackers /whv or they want 2 years min WA experience so im stumped at tthe mo .


Applying for any jobs at mo from store work, bar work, labouring, landscaping etc etc but hear nothing ... soon my money will be near going so guess if i dont sort something i will be back in the uk in may ... least i tried here but i wouldnt say theres a mountain of work, the other lad i worked for did for a housing firm but he's been quiet for a good month now as new builds just arent selling ...

Edited by guvnor
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My Son in Law has just got his NVQ II in plastering and also an NVQ II in bricklaying. He is now working and getting experience and looking to get NVQ III in plastering. He has a potentail Employer sponsor here inPerth - does anyone know what skill qualification and experience he needs to satisfy the skills assessment?




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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...
No problems at all ... no i doubt a family could live on that day rate here. I was surprised at how expensive it is but there are things that are cheaper than the uk.


Ive been looking for the last week and half for more work but getting nowhere and gets boring sat around lol


Any other questions feel free to ask or pm me :)


Hi Guvnor


Hows work out there now?

Hope its picking up a bit for you?


LO :)

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hello we are new to this forum we would like to come out to WA on the sol list but my hubby falls out of the sol list trough his age now we consider to go with the 457 visa he is also a qualified plasterer sind over 25 years would he have a change to get work under the 457 visa in WA we dont mind where we have to go do we have a real change here regards kaz

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Personally I would say its easier in the UK ... I worked in Oz last year rendering and setting . The metres you have to put on arent that bad - rendering 80m2 a day etc.

Its the heat that gets you and all i found was that weekends were a write off and when you got home barely had any energy to do anything .

In the uk i can easy do the above metres rendering or setting and still have energy when i get in and play cricket / football at weekends etc


The money side of it wasnt great ... most i was on was $200 a day ... when you consider the cost of living i was actually worse off than the uk.

Not earning that here in the uk but not far from it and i dont get my pants pulled down for basically everything from rent to food.


I basically cut my losses in oz and came back as it was a step backwards and to be honest 15 years of working like they do in oz your body would be in a mess and youd not really be financially better off.


Just my thoughts but since been back i appreciate the uk a hell of a lot more ... i laugh when i hear people moaning about the uk ... like moving to oz it;s all golden paved and easy to make big $$$ ... make no mistake you want to earn top dollar you have to work dam hard and for a firm until your up on the materials and techniques to plaster and can setup on your own.... oz has problems just like the uk - i laugh when i hear people saying o oz will solve everything but it wont


im happy to be back here in a country i took for granted and hated before i went and look at the uk through different eyes now

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Personally I would say its easier in the UK ... I worked in Oz last year rendering and setting . The metres you have to put on arent that bad - rendering 80m2 a day etc.

Its the heat that gets you and all i found was that weekends were a write off and when you got home barely had any energy to do anything .

In the uk i can easy do the above metres rendering or setting and still have energy when i get in and play cricket / football at weekends etc


The money side of it wasnt great ... most i was on was $200 a day ... when you consider the cost of living i was actually worse off than the uk.

Not earning that here in the uk but not far from it and i dont get my pants pulled down for basically everything from rent to food.


I basically cut my losses in oz and came back as it was a step backwards and to be honest 15 years of working like they do in oz your body would be in a mess and youd not really be financially better off.


Just my thoughts but since been back i appreciate the uk a hell of a lot more ... i laugh when i hear people moaning about the uk ... like moving to oz it;s all golden paved and easy to make big $$$ ... make no mistake you want to earn top dollar you have to work dam hard and for a firm until your up on the materials and techniques to plaster and can setup on your own.... oz has problems just like the uk - i laugh when i hear people saying o oz will solve everything but it wont


im happy to be back here in a country i took for granted and hated before i went and look at the uk through different eyes now



Wishing you lots of luck and happiness back in the UK. I understand what you're saying :-)

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting reading your comments about plastering on here. Im hoping to be in perth by october. Currently awaiting skilled visa confirmation. i will coming on temp visa and hoping to get residency after 2 years. Plastering jobs are so thin on the ground in manchester i feel that perth cant be as bad as here. Im a bit worried about the 2 years WA experience issue because how am I going to get experience if no one is willing to take me on. My plan is to stay with friends for a month on arrival and secure myself a job in that time before my wife and children follow me out. Can anyone give me advice on how much I am likely to be earning?

Cheers Andy

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  • 5 months later...

Interesting, but scary reading. We're just about (hopefully) to get our PR visa to go to Perth on my partners occupation. He's a dry liner and has wanted to go to Oz permanently since a WHV more than a decade ago. We're not going for the money, but it would be nice to think we're not going to be worse off than we are here.

Does anyone know what the situation is like at the moment for dry liners? Where is it best to be based for the work that is available? NOR or SOR?

Any information would be great,




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  • 3 months later...

Hi my husband and i are just looking into a 189 visa. Background is 9 years in the trade no qualification. We know (emailed TRA) to confirm that if he goes and completes the AQF 3 certificate via RPL then with the work evidence and employer verifications etc we should get a successful Assessment outcome with them to proceed to EOI

My question is what are the main differences between Solid and Fibrous and which would be the most appropriate one to go ahead with as the person we have contacted isn't very forthcoming with the desired information. My husband does aLot of plasterboard skimming which I Have read isn't the done thing very much over there but where does his work related evidence come into this because it's different In UK to what they do in oz so he wouldn't of had much if at all work doing it that way so couldn't provide evidence of it...?


I hope I am explaining this right but my husband is fast asleep and it's left to me to ask the questions it seems ;-)

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Hi my husband and i are just looking into a 189 visa. Background is 9 years in the trade no qualification. We know (emailed TRA) to confirm that if he goes and completes the AQF 3 certificate via RPL then with the work evidence and employer verifications etc we should get a successful Assessment outcome with them to proceed to EOI

My question is what are the main differences between Solid and Fibrous and which would be the most appropriate one to go ahead with as the person we have contacted isn't very forthcoming with the desired information. My husband does aLot of plasterboard skimming which I Have read isn't the done thing very much over there but where does his work related evidence come into this because it's different In UK to what they do in oz so he wouldn't of had much if at all work doing it that way so couldn't provide evidence of it...?


I hope I am explaining this right but my husband is fast asleep and it's left to me to ask the questions it seems ;-)


Yes he will need the AQF 3 unless you've served apprenticeship and have all the paperwork to back it up for tra.


Solid plastering = floating walls, skimming, gyprocing , Acrylics,

Fibrous plastering = coving, runnging coving etc, moulds


When plasterboards are used in oz there all taped and jointed so he wont be doing that, if he goes into solid plastering then he'll firstly be starting off on the mixers from the bottom up, then rendering all day (80m a day ) .... after that theres setting with lime putty , acrylics and sand finishes... Lucky enough I did all when I was there. Unfortunately he may need to realise that he wont walk in skimming... its from the bottom up again as there materials /techniques vary from the uk... skimming with lime for instance you have to be rapid at throwing on yet neat still....


I would say go into solid because if he hasn't much experience in fibrous then it'll probably set him back .... has he ever made cornice from a profile with hessian etc ??


Hope all this helps - i'll log in when I can but haven't been on here for ages as oz isn't on my agenda at the mo

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Hello and thank you for your reply.


Just asked my husband and no he doesn't do that he says he just buys it?? So it is how he's thought from videos we have watched on YouTube fibrous Isn't the correct code to apply on its solid however the stumbling block here is we still are unsure a out what evidence is needed to be suitable to pass this aqf assessment? Because he doesn't do rendering however he knows of it etc. Would it be better to complete a course in the UK (nvq2) then we will need to wait a further 3 years then to build up his work experience profile again. It will set us back 5 years but it's better than nothing I guess.





Yes he will need the AQF 3 unless you've served apprenticeship and have all the paperwork to back it up for tra.


Solid plastering = floating walls, skimming, gyprocing , Acrylics,

Fibrous plastering = coving, runnging coving etc, moulds


When plasterboards are used in oz there all taped and jointed so he wont be doing that, if he goes into solid plastering then he'll firstly be starting off on the mixers from the bottom up, then rendering all day (80m a day ) .... after that theres setting with lime putty , acrylics and sand finishes... Lucky enough I did all when I was there. Unfortunately he may need to realise that he wont walk in skimming... its from the bottom up again as there materials /techniques vary from the uk... skimming with lime for instance you have to be rapid at throwing on yet neat still....


I would say go into solid because if he hasn't much experience in fibrous then it'll probably set him back .... has he ever made cornice from a profile with hessian etc ??


Hope all this helps - i'll log in when I can but haven't been on here for ages as oz isn't on my agenda at the mo

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