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How exciting Linda and how quickly will that time go! We are booking our flights this coming weekend. Hope to fly about 6th of August. Not yet booked any accomodation....eek!!

Who are you flying with?



I can't allow it to go too quickly as I have clients I have to work for and I have little panics about fitting it all in! We fly with Emirates on 24th August. x
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Hi elfie, hows the injury? I think once 4th Aug hits and work is done, son arrives on 8th, that's when i'll start to realize what is happening! We have the shippers coming on the wednesday, thurs and container arrives Fri. We fly on the Friday night 9pm. (getting goosebumps thinking about it!!) Gonna be strange to think I don't have to pack. However, have thrown lots away in prep for it. Beautiful rental in Hillarys awaiting.

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Hi elfie, hows the injury? I think once 4th Aug hits and work is done, son arrives on 8th, that's when i'll start to realize what is happening! We have the shippers coming on the wednesday, thurs and container arrives Fri. We fly on the Friday night 9pm. (getting goosebumps thinking about it!!) Gonna be strange to think I don't have to pack. However, have thrown lots away in prep for it. Beautiful rental in Hillarys awaiting.



Hi Linda

leg is ok no pain thank goodness fracture clinic on friday so will know if i can fly on the 28th July if I cant I want John to come home and forget about the Oz adventure its been too long now since I seen him. Facilities on the site he works are terrible so no skype or phone contact for 2 weeks at a time its not good. So if no fly no Oz end of xxx glad things are going well for you it will soon come around xxxxxxxxxxxx

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yeps really ive even tracked my belongings in the container they are presently docked in Belgium tomorrow they are then loaded and shipped to Italy which takes 10 days. So Friday is the deciding day I can then contact shipping company to arrange for the container to come back from Italy then it will be 3 weeks for my belongings to get back to UK, John before that I hope. A bit less than if in Perth end of Aug they would not be back in UK till end of Oct hey in time for xmas though ........... I have had enough to be honest. From the day John set foot in Australia its gone wrong so if I cant fly on the 28th then its a sign that its not meant to be..... all things happen for a reason.

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Hi Elfie, sorry to hear you are feeling this way. If you can't fly when arranged how long will you have to wait before you can fly? I bet you are feeling so low at the moment because of your injury and not having your husband with you and not being able to contact him easily must be awful and he must feel the same being so far away and not being able to help you. But after all you have been through isn't it worth giving it a try with you both in Australia?

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