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uk house how long has is it been for sale?

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With the bad rain we have had it hasn't help with the Uk house market.

Now with a better forcast it should bring the buyers out.( fingers crossed)

How long your house been for sale?

Nice to hear from people in the same boat.



Hello Julie


We thought we wouldnt get the visa as it had been over a year and not heard a thing so we called the case officer in July this year and was told it could be another year so sort of gave up and we put in a new bathroom, ensuite, kitchen with quartz work tops and complete new heating with designer radiators and fully decorated and new carpets throughout. cost over £30,000 to get it how we wanted and then the visa came out of the blue one day early this month. We have another house we rent out round the corner and the last tenant trashed it and vanished last month so we had to put in a new boiler, kitchen, bathroom decorate throughout and new carpets costing over £5,000. only a week ago. Now we want to sell them to move but as you all know not the best time and we wont get the money back we have put into them.... we are now in a position where we have to rent the other house out again and go for a validation trip in Jan 2013 then look at selling next year.... i keep telling myself the exchange rate will be better and house prices in oz will drop later next year so it will all work out or i will go insane with the stress of it all.... We thought getting the visa was the hard bit who knew we had all this to look forward to....


Best of luck to everyone selling hope it all works out

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Hello Julie


We thought we wouldnt get the visa as it had been over a year and not heard a thing so we called the case officer in July this year and was told it could be another year so sort of gave up and we put in a new bathroom, ensuite, kitchen with quartz work tops and complete new heating with designer radiators and fully decorated and new carpets throughout. cost over £30,000 to get it how we wanted and then the visa came out of the blue one day early this month. We have another house we rent out round the corner and the last tenant trashed it and vanished last month so we had to put in a new boiler, kitchen, bathroom decorate throughout and new carpets costing over £5,000. only a week ago. Now we want to sell them to move but as you all know not the best time and we wont get the money back we have put into them.... we are now in a position where we have to rent the other house out again and go for a validation trip in Jan 2013 then look at selling next year.... i keep telling myself the exchange rate will be better and house prices in oz will drop later next year so it will all work out or i will go insane with the stress of it all.... We thought getting the visa was the hard bit who knew we had all this to look forward to....


Best of luck to everyone selling hope it all works out


The after math of the visa grant is the worse! Now we have decided to validate it has taken an enormous pressure off, I am looking at the extra cost as a well deserved holiday.

Good luck with everything :)

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The after math of the visa grant is the worse! Now we have decided to validate it has taken an enormous pressure off, I am looking at the extra cost as a well deserved holiday.

Good luck with everything :)


The house we are renting out round the corner has a new tenant moving in next week they have already paid and taken the keys and i must say seem really nice and we are getting good money for it (it is like new again though) and they have agreed to let us put it up for sale and they will show people around which is written into they tenancy agreement so we are still hopefull but we will just have to wait and see....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi We have had our house on since June only had a few viewings and changed agents after 8weeks. So so fustrated as hubby has a job offer that we have accepted and we have visas there just waiting for us! We have looked into renting but it's just not financially possible as we need some of the capital out of the house. Were trying to stay positive but it's so difficult!

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Hi We have had our house on since June only had a few viewings and changed agents after 8weeks. So so fustrated as hubby has a job offer that we have accepted and we have visas there just waiting for us! We have looked into renting but it's just not financially possible as we need some of the capital out of the house. Were trying to stay positive but it's so difficult!


I know the feeling. ... unfortunately.


House price getting reduced .. Again .. this week, hoping that it will help.

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Thats terrible. But with the sound of that nasty guy he would have messed you about all the way. You will get some one soon now the kids have gone back to school. I am sure the buyers will come out to play.Got everything crossed for you.


We put ours up end of feb had a few viewing and second viewings. At the end of may we accepted a offer! Yeahhhhh turns out we got the buyer from hell!! My agent told this guy we were moving to oz big big mistake, he ended up getting my phone number under the pretence of buying my furniture, turns out the arrogant little person thinks I should give him it as he believes his offer was more than generous!!!! Well we still haven't had a survey done! He decides to knock 5 grand off his offer for a few things I was honest about, so did the jobs myself and they cost less than £600. Well he was told the jobs were done and he rang and left me a message demanding I ring him!! This guy has being told not to contact me as he turned into such a pest and is very inappropriate with me!!

The minute he told me rhe agent had told him about oz and the disappointment in his voice when I told him we weren't going as soon as the agent said, I knew what was coming this guys thinking we have booked our flights and if he leaves it to the last minute he will get a right bargain! His wrong he is we priced the property to sell and I refuse to give it to him I don't care how much I want to be in Perth. So last week I called our time wasters bluff he had till the end of last week to get things rolling or do one!! Well he has now being told to do one!!

Well we have a cash buyer coming to view tomorrow so fingers crossed :)

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Ow gosh thats terrible. But you now have the visa so congratulations. I am sure the money you have spent on your house will pay off in the long run. A lot of people want a housewith all the mod cons etc so you may move qicker than you think. Hopefuly it will be money well spent. Yes stress I have never been as stressed as this. But now the kids are back to school the buyers should come out of the woodwork. Good luck.

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Finding a buyer was easy but getting their mortgage is seemingly impossible !


We are all ready to go our buyer has a first time buyer all ready too..................BUT damn lenders think our house is weird thanks to the same surveyor coming twice.................it was built in 2007 out of a modern closed panel timber frame with not real bricks but a brick slip panel outer (like they use on McDonalds, Sainsburys etc) but this is all "non-traditional" despite being more insulated than any new house you could today.

I just don't get it ??????????????????


Still our buyers are on their 3rd mortgage application and survey just done so everything crossed........................

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Thats terrible. But with the sound of that nasty guy he would have messed you about all the way. You will get some one soon now the kids have gone back to school. I am sure the buyers will come out to play.Got everything crossed for you.


Well we have had another 2 viewers not show up, why do they make appointments then not bother coming?? Dose my head in!!

Well we are running out of time, renting is not a option, so we have booked a validation trip just to take the pressure off! It feels like a huge weight has being lifted from my shoulders and boy do I need a holiday! So all's good :)

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Well we have had another 2 viewers not show up, why do they make appointments then not bother coming?? Dose my head in!!

Well we are running out of time, renting is not a option, so we have booked a validation trip just to take the pressure off! It feels like a huge weight has being lifted from my shoulders and boy do I need a holiday! So all's good :)


We are looking at renting as to be honest the housing market is just too depressed.


We are going out to validate in March and then come back and save, save, save for 2-3 years so that if the housing market is still bad we can rent and ship our goods out. We've got a budget going but its going to be tough to stick to it. After the validation trip we will not have any holidays or luxuries in any shape or form until we depart permanently for Oz.... depressing but hopefully worth it.


Hope you get some genuine viewers soon. Our friends have had their house on the market for just over 7 months and only 3 viewers and even after reducing their asking price still have no new nibbles.. depressing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

just seen this thread.....our house was on the market for 2 years. we 'sold' it 5 times and it fell through 5 times for 5 different reasons. It had to be the most stressful thing I have ever gone through!!! In the end we decided enough was enough and the children were getting older (as were we!!!) and it was now or never. Put the house up for rent, 1 viewer, offer made and accepted, 5 weeks later container arrived and we were on our way to Perth. We have been here 11 weeks now and will be putting the house back on the market next year at the end of our tenants lease. Turns out they are total pains in the arse!! They pay on time but basically want the whole house renovated to THEIR standards (which I believe to be lower than ours!!!) We had decorated every room 3 days before we moved out and cleaned carpets, the place was immaculate!! Now we hear they are sub-letting our loft room and driveway!!!! But will be very difficult to prove those. I just hope that come next summer, we can get rid of them and sell the house!

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