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Information from Uk school for Aus school

The Hawkins

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Hi. Can anyone please let me know what information schools in Perth require for children moving from the UK? I have just received 2 of the briefest ever half term reports for my boys that I have ever seen in my life. :mad:


Do WA schools like to have a full up to date report like at the end of a school year?





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Primary school will require an immunisation record and copy of passport to prove date of birth. If it is a Catholic school then things like baptism certificate, confirmation etc. Schools find school reports useful but don't always ask for them. If there are any reports from speech therapists, occupational therapist, educational psychs, they are worth showing.

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Hi. Can anyone please let me know what information schools in Perth require for children moving from the UK? I have just received 2 of the briefest ever half term reports for my boys that I have ever seen in my life. :mad:


Do WA schools like to have a full up to date report like at the end of a school year?






All they wanted when my son started school here was my bank account details to make sure they got their cash!! Private school and did not even ask for his birth certificate, or anything else other, than a look at his Aussie Citzenship cerificate. :biggrin:


It just makes you laugh but hey it's sunny here, and the surf is nearly always up, so just hang dude and don't worry. It will all work out in the end. :biggrin:

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