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Fact finding trip planned

Guest AndyRead1960

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Guest AndyRead1960

Hi All, planning on visiting WA to put the finishing touches to our fact finding 12 months, the internet is great but I feel that with out this visit we would still be apprehensive of making the right decision, with 2 kids of 12 & 9 schooling and their future is one of the main reasoning for embarking on this adventure. We are looking to meet as many people who can advise and share their own experiences, school visits are lined up and property agents have been contacted, banking is under way. All those of you who have made this move have encountered different problems, so the question is "if you were in my position, what priorities and fact finding would you recommend to utilise our 3 week visit to WA".

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You need to be in the mindset that its not a holiday. Apart from the stuff you have mentioned you should do some realistic shopping, pricing food, furniture, white goods. If you know where you will be living/working then make the commute at the time you will be doing it to see how easy/annoying it is. Do some stuff in the evenings like go to the cinema or go bowling ie stuff you wouldnt do on holiday probably but stuff that is handy to experience.


Don't know what kind of visa you have but there is not a lot you can do around admin stuff like driving license, medicare, tax until you are here for good.

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A commute to areas (at the time you would be starting or finishing work) to see what the journey is like and if you could do it all the time ... for me I didn't want a long commute and i'm very lucky that it's against the flow of traffic to and from the city.

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