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Everything posted by Zebradeb

  1. We leave in July, I'm worrying about how I take my kids away from their grandparents its a horrible feeling, I wish I could fast forward and miss that bit out, well it works for me on wanted down under anyway
  2. PS) we have done the same, booked for 6 weeks and then will see what we can find. If you have a longer holiday let, Im told that the owner can provide a reference for your new landlord which may help things along when trying to secure a longer term let. Good luck,,, we used stayz
  3. deb where is your rental ( we arrive the week before you) where are your 4 areas... perhaps its somewhere near. Eek! exciting stuff
  4. thanks for the well wishes, I need to get OH to get his CV sorted (that will be another job for me then!) and email ahead of time. We are heading NOR too, and will find something around the Hillarys area given that the children are all enrolled at St MArks, We came over last year and sorted interviews, paperwork and schooling etc. We figured that at least if we found a school, we could commute to it, where as going state route would limit us to catchment> we looked at all options, but the kids loved St Marks so we went with that. Added pressure financially but when you look at it as only be £250 a month for a private education, you certainly wouldn't get that in the UK and its not in reality much different to what state school fees will be for I think 457s from Jan 15. So all in all... we are hopeful that things will fall into place. Im sure it will, may not be the dream to start with, but may as well be broke with a tan than not eh! Adventure which ever way you look at it
  5. Its quite scary we are both secondary school teachers, but may have to turn our hand to other things! We will just have to suck it up. At least we will be living by Westfield so may have to get a part time job in there if needed. It will be strange going from a fairly comfortable/established lifestyle to such a massive change... but hey what an adventure! Where you moving to Deb? and when are you going?? Deb
  6. nice, and good that you have family there... lots of advice ready and waiting for you. sounds like we will arrive around the same time!
  7. Zebradeb

    60k salary

    We are on a PR with 3 kids, salary $90k, based on a $500 dollar rent we should just about break even (according to the forum spreadsheet) that's not lavish just existence, that's without school fees, child care costs or anything. I think to be honest we will really struggle. So we will both have to get a job doing what ever we can until we can get established. Coming out with no savings and money to be paid back to the UK too... I really worry about it, but it will work or it wont, lots will ride on how quickly we can secure jobs. Fingers crossed we will get something sorted, or at least one of us with a secure job before we leave. But hey seriously... when would we ever do anything if we waited until we could 'afford' it... never have kids that's for sure... they cost a fortune!!! (bless them)
  8. Weston clan where are you based... and what schools... thanks for the update, we are hoping that we get jobs as we have no savings.. everything has been eaten up by being in UK and he way that things have unfolded over the last few months. We are going to just come anyway, because if we don't then when... fingers crossed eh! Always great to hear updates, thanks for sharing.
  9. so its been a while since you guys did your updates... how's it going almost a year on?
  10. where you moving to flatpack?
  11. Aldi will be arriving in WA very soon! In the meantime we have found that Coles and Woolworths have had in the main a decent variety particularly the larger stores. If not there is the on line option or an internet search for local british stockists. It would largely depend on where you are based I guess?
  12. Hi there, firstly Im not a primary teacher, Im a secondary teacher.... but I have found that contacting the Teacher registration board have been helpful with questions. Good luck
  13. Hi there, you will find lots of useful information in various threads across this forum which will answer many of the questions going through your mind right. To give you a good idea, I would say to go to an expo in the UK and that will give you a flavour of the various options available. Experts are there and you can listen in on the seminars to help to narrow down the mine field of various visas. Once you have done this you can look on the immi website for more specific info and begin to make a decision on whether or not it worth you using an agent. Personally speaking with paid £100 for an interview with the immigration group in chester and they answered all of our questions, pointed us in the right direction... and then to be honest we completed the application ourselves. Horses for courses though and lots will depend on the complexity of your own situation. All the best, enjoy the adventure!
  14. There are various companies, I think you will find that people have used Oz rentals on the forum. We personally used stayz which is another company, also check out the thread on here for rentals for more tips and what may be available to accommodate you. Good luck!
  15. really up to you, check out the opening hours of the places you want to visit, and the weather online. This should help coupled with the issue of flights. See whats available and the prices. Same on accommodation. When ever you go you should still be able to get a good feel for the place, so see what best fits the family and go with it Good luck with your adventure.
  16. sounds like Rockingham is the place to go and with a van!
  17. Hi there, I guess it would be a case of working out what you didn't like in secret harbour, what you don't like in UK and balancing between the two. I think that its fair to say that the grass always seem greener, but there is good and bad everywhere and its a case of weighing it all up. It must be difficult to have made such a change in your life once, built it again, and returned again, lots of emotions. I hope that it all works out for you. follow your instinct, its usually right. Good luck and I hope that you find what you need
  18. Zebradeb

    Play groups

    where will a list of these be found? I will need to get into this right away!
  19. OH is Design Technology which is in demand, I've been all sorts - secondary, mainly in charge of pastoral and transition so Im hoping that this will be transferable given the situation with changing high school intake. fingers crossed we get jobs... in theory we should be fine, but its scary of course giving up well paid jobs here, to go to oz and start again. Will probably take a while to get the ropes but will be worth it in the end
  20. thanks for the info. not very attached to most things just a case of working out the cheapest way to make it happen. Is it worth bringing the fake Christmas tree for example. Glad tv will both work and be cheap. Mattress wise are the sizing the same: single, double, king> ,,, will bring mattresses if that's the case but the frames aren't worth shipping. We are in a holiday let for first 6 weeks so hopefully we will have found somewhere by then... unless of course we haven't found work. This whole having the money for the full rental contract in the bank just isn't going to happen. we are coming across on a shoe string.. being teachers we may not be able to secure a contract until the feb after ( we arrive in July).. if we did supply would this be enough to be counted as a regular income? OMG this could be a deal breaker
  21. thank you so much for this. We will have to make sure that we have enough money in the bank account to cover the lease then, whether for 6 or 12 months... Thanks for the info, so much to think about. I will sleep better for your post, thanks so much. The ID was for a TFN, Medicare, Driving Licence etc. As for the sleep side.. let me rephrase that, I will sleep IF my OH turns down the superbowl... which seamlessly links to what Im doing now... typing with the Superbowl on!
  22. akasully2 when are you planning on moving out there.. I think time of year for jobs makes a difference.. resistant materials is high demand, if you check on the website or drop the teaching board an email, I'm sure that they will be able to help out with specifics
  23. ... so having spent all these years planning, filling in forms, waiting, waiting some more, going through the process and TA DAH! The Golden ticket arrives... more planning, researching, investigating, going on forums, waiting and next the time will arrive when we shall depart and then arrvive in sunnier shores.... The next chapter of questions: 1) Is it worth bringing our TV's, I know they are expensive there but will they pick up the digital channels that they need to, they are fairly new, we have a smart tv, will it work there? 2) Is most of the TV the same as Sky here... this will be for the newbies I guess who have a more recent comparison.. 3) Clarks shoes.. do the kids where them to school there too? 4) random... bit matresses seem quite expensive out there? Am I misguided in this thinking?? thanks in advance for humouring me
  24. I'm reading this thread whilst trawling through rentals and noticed that a couple of you have commented on being in new rentals so my question is this... I've booked a holiday rental for first 6 weeks. I NEED to find a rental by then...but am worried for the following reasons... so this is what Im doing right now... stressing! 1) Will we find a rental we want within 6 weeks 2) what If we have to just have something and then the dream house comes up 3) how long do rental agreements last 6months? a year? 4) I hope we get back all our docs while we are still in holiday rental 5) what if we don't get a job in that time, will we get a rental if we don't have the income coming in... 6) how do I buy school uniform when its holidays when we arrive and the school uniform shop is closed. these are simple things... but man do they keep me up at night!! ... OMG at this rate I will be having a breakdown before we even get there!
  25. hope you've arrived safely Bridges... im listening to the rain whilst typing.... you certainly wont be!! keep us posted on how its all going!
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