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Everything posted by Raychelsb

  1. I've used the vacuum pack bags for all of ours which have a scent in them. We will see what they are like at the other end!
  2. anyone going to the meet up tomorrow fancy getting some more takers, let me know, Hayes has asked me about it again today. Have fun to anyone going, hope the weather is ok for you x
  3. Yep we used Go walkabout for a few weeks cover for about £30
  4. Hi Mr PomPom, no you can buy a vehicle with your UK license, my husband did this the day after he arrived in Perth last week. (He is a permanent migrant.) My Brother in law travelled around Australia on a working holiday visa and he also bought a car.
  5. I got walkabout insurance for my husband who went out last week, to cover him for the first few weeks until he had got medicare sorted. Was only about £30. I also wanted it to cover his suitcases not just medical, so it was well worth it.
  6. Hi Janine, we are doing ok thanks. Much better now Hayes is more settled, he started work today and is enjoying exploring a little although he doesn't want to do too much until i get there. hayes won't make the meet up in Sunday but if you guys get any more takers let me know and I will see what we can arrange! x
  7. Hi everyone my husband has been in Perth a week now and is living in Southern River and working in Balcatta. He would like to join a 5 a side so if anyone knows of a team could you let me know please? thanks!
  8. Thanks Druid. RAC have come out more expensive but not by much to be honest and they didnt ask as many questions with regards to modifications etc (The Ford escape is dual fuel which I believe is a modification??) I am trying to sor the insurance out from the UK for hubby in Perth!
  9. My husband has bought a 4x4 which was going to be for personal use and travel to a from work (he starts a job on Monday, he has just arrived this week in Perth.) He is now going to use his vehicle for work use and his company are going to pay for fuel. Do we therefore need to get business insurance? I have got a quote on RAC and the difference is not massive, but I was worried selecting business would mean he is only covered for business use and not personal?? Thanks everyone
  10. I will be interested in answers here too as I am doing to same for insurance and breakdown. I was also going to try AAMI as you can get both from them.....
  11. Good advice thanks Druid. Sounds like a plan to me.
  12. We have a beautiful bed frame which my husband made out of reclaimed oak beams that we are considering having to give up due to customs issues tramsporting in our container. A removals firm said we could look into having it heat treated and certified. Has anyone had any experience with this i.e. - cost, and whether customs did let it in or if you still had to pay for them to treat it or dispose of it? Thanks as always
  13. He has manaed to get a vehicle bought today - a ford escape 4x4, dual fuel. Hopefully it is a good runner and will last him a while until we are properly settled! If anyone has any thoughts good or bad on these models please let me know!
  14. He's in southern river Deb, but can travel for the right vehicle. Thankyou
  15. Hi All If anyone has or knows of one of the above for sale, an old one up to about $3000 please can you let me know. My hubby looking for one for work (he's a carpenter). Or if anyone knows best place to go/look. We are on gumtree so checking there out too. I believe rego covers 3rd party but is it better to buy extra cover in case you are involved in an accident and damage someone elses vehicle? Thanks everyone
  16. So my hubby flew off today, and it has been a pretty awful day. Really upset, very emotional and very stressful (He was 4 kg over on his luggage allowance, so the friendly check in staff made him go the back of the queue, unpack some items and rejoin the queue!) So I have had to bring some clothes home and will post them out for him this week. Then the flight was delayed meaning his connecting flight was very tight so I was sat refreshing the flight tracker online with nerves all over the place. I went back to our home and finished the cleaning, ready for the tenants moving in, and found it very sad, being there on my own, in an empty house, cleaning all the beautiful wooden floors and beams that he has so lovingly fitted over the years. Sorry for the outpouring of emotion! Looking forward to some sleep (if I can) and hopefully a Skype chat in the morning once he has settled into our friends.
  17. So as my husband flies out this Saturday, this week has been a week of goodbyes, or as we like to say, see you soon. Tonight was the absolute worst, saying goodbye to my family, who are very close to my husband. It started with a very touching loom bracelet made by my 7 year old nephew in sheffield wednesday colours and ended up with a very awkward and sad bye with my mum and dad. When it is my turn in October it is going to be unbearable!
  18. Oh God, I have a double barrell with a hyphen!! What happened with your wife?! I'm worried now....
  19. My husband has a Skype interview this weekend now, so both of us within a week! Fingers crossed for us all
  20. that at would be lovely. I'm in Holmfirth but moving to my parents near Pontefract so not far from York (my husband works in .york currently) let's keep in touch and catch up! X
  21. I've got a phone interview next week too! At least I can have some notes! All the best to him. What is it that he does? X
  22. So, after starting the process just over a year ago, my husband finally leaves for Perth next Saturday, with me to follow in October. I have been counting down the days until we move, now it's becoming real I am starting to feel more and more emotional. As yet, I haven't cried once! I don't know if I should go through the grieving process and let it out or keep up the poker face, keep my head down and power through ! I am worried that I will keep pushing things out of my mind and then have a major meltdown later on. My main things at the moment are how I am going to cope without hubby for two months, he's my rock and gets me through my 'oh my god what are we doing' days, how I am going to adjust living back at my parents for two months, saying goodbye to our beautiful home we have renovated, missing the lovely village I live in, and moving out of the home we had our beloved Scooby Doo who should have been coming on this adventure with us. so far i have been strong with regards to my feelings on missing family, in that I have not dwelled on it at all, but I don't know how long that will last, I am dreading having to say my goodbyes and get on a plane on my own in October! So my post is really me letting out some worries and emotions, to help myself and maybe to help others in a similar situation, and to see if anyone has any advice on whether I should let the tears flow or keep calm and carry on! Thanks everyone as always.
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