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We fly out to Perth in 24 days!


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Hi Perthpoms!


We have a 2 night stop in Hong Kong, flying with Cathay Pacific, we are staying in Kowloon and planning a day at Disney, (we have never done any Disney park and children are 5yr and 19months) So thought it would be a good place to run off some steam for a day, not sure about day 2 yet, BUT my question is, any recommendations from people who have been to HK on the best Dim Sum restaurant. I find it a tricky one here in UK having been to China, the Dim Sum are not quite the same here in the UK. Any other must see/do things in HK?


Also any tips on HK airport, Landing at Perth/Perth Airport. Any MUST do things in the first few days (except the obvious medicare, bank, TFN) We are coming on PR visas and really looking forward to a new adventure!


Anything that must go in the suitcase, we have air and sea freight coming so any suggestions gratefully received.


Also what would you do differently if anything if you were starting the Adventure again? This is me just being nosey, but you never know someone may just have an amazing idea!


Thank you Guys and Gals



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Don't know about HK I'm afraid but I'd say you'll all be pretty wasted and Disneyland is a tall order for a jet lagged family.


With just 20 odd days to go isn't it a little late to be asking whether we'd do anything differently? You're kinda committed now.


I flew alone with my two young kids and we had more electronic devices than Curry's (do you still have Curry's?). Anyway, it was all in vain, I wish I'd shipped the kids stuff because they were only interested in the in-flight entertainment.


Check out Trip Adviser for HK restaurants and make sure you pack coats and fleece's in your luggage, it's pretty cold here at the moment.

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Don't know about HK I'm afraid but I'd say you'll all be pretty wasted and Disneyland is a tall order for a jet lagged family.


With just 20 odd days to go isn't it a little late to be asking whether we'd do anything differently? You're kinda committed now.


I flew alone with my two young kids and we had more electronic devices than Curry's (do you still have Curry's?). Anyway, it was all in vain, I wish I'd shipped the kids stuff because they were only interested in the in-flight entertainment.


Check out Trip Adviser for HK restaurants and make sure you pack coats and fleece's in your luggage, it's pretty cold here at the moment.


Ah Portlaunay, I should of explained myself better, I was just being nosey with the 'what would you do differently' question. We are totally committed, but its always nice to hear other peoples point of view/opinion. It is also helpful to anyone who is just starting out on the journey, to see the replies :)


Yes think we do still have Curry's its not a place I visit often, in flight entertainment, along with a wee snooze we should be ok ;), we are not a big electronic family! If we don't make Disney its no big issue, we are very relaxed about the trip, as there is no point getting stressed as what will be will be. We are just going to go with the flow!


Yes been looking at Trip Adviser, but they have a fair few to choose from, couple are right round the corner from the hotel


Coats/fleeces have now been added to the suitcases, ready to go I always get terribly cold when I am tired and we land 0545!

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I've just remembered our trip to Universal studios. We had a five day stopover in Singers on the way here and the kids wanted to got to the theme park. They were too small to go on the Battlestar Gallactica ride but I thought 'what the hell'. I was three days into my jet lag, it had really hit me and I was feeling rough. Well, the ride literally turned my world upside down. I got off and could hardly walk. I stumbled back to the family, dropped to the ground and pressed my face into the cool grass. It was no good, I was nearing excited delirium and I was moments away from arrest. My wife and kids couldn't stop laughing as I dug my fingers into the turf and pulled myself towards the cooling mist cloud spraying from the nearby cafe. I sat there guzzling cola until my blood sugar balance was restored and I could once again stand.


It wasn't particularly pleasant at the time but the jet lag was gone.


On second thoughts, go to Disneyland and go wild, it'll kill or cure. :wink:


To answer your original question, I'm not sure we'd do anything differently, it's been amazing so far.

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I've just remembered our trip to Universal studios. We had a five day stopover in Singers on the way here and the kids wanted to got to the theme park. They were too small to go on the Battlestar Gallactica ride but I thought 'what the hell'. I was three days into my jet lag, it had really hit me and I was feeling rough. Well, the ride literally turned my world upside down. I got off and could hardly walk. I stumbled back to the family, dropped to the ground and pressed my face into the cool grass. It was no good, I was nearing excited delirium and I was moments away from arrest. My wife and kids couldn't stop laughing as I dug my fingers into the turf and pulled myself towards the cooling mist cloud spraying from the nearby cafe. I sat there guzzling cola until my blood sugar balance was restored and I could once again stand.


It wasn't particularly pleasant at the time but the jet lag was gone.


On second thoughts, go to Disneyland and go wild, it'll kill or cure. :wink:


To answer your original question, I'm not sure we'd do anything differently, it's been amazing so far.


Sorry but sat here laughing at your expense, but rest assured, I can do equally as well! I love the description, I can almost see you doing it!!!


I am definitely a kill or cure type of girl. We are really looking forward to the adventure of this chapter in our lives, bring it on, and maybe one day I will share some embarrassing travel/jet lag stories with you all. But for now we have the biggest journey of our lives impending :)

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Hi neenie, just wanted to wish you good luck for your adventure!! I'll be in same situation in 7 wks time! We have 2 girls, one who's 4 an one who's 2. We will be staying in HK for 4 nights an want to make the most of it! If you come across anything that you would recommend I'd be grateful for any suggestions!

Thanks! Mariaxx

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Exciting times for you. We now have our PR visa and plan to go out in Nov. Have you work lined up?


Hi Cath,


Yes My husband has a job lined up, they have sorted everything for us too, flights, hotels, removals, temp accomm and a rental, so its been a lot less stressful that some have had to deal with, as its all out of my control!


Good Luck for November, it will be here before you know it, time flies in once you have your visas!!

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Hi neenie, just wanted to wish you good luck for your adventure!! I'll be in same situation in 7 wks time! We have 2 girls, one who's 4 an one who's 2. We will be staying in HK for 4 nights an want to make the most of it! If you come across anything that you would recommend I'd be grateful for any suggestions!

Thanks! Mariaxx


Thank you Maria, I most certainly will let you know. There is so much to do in HK that I think we maybe heading back for a holiday in a few years!!!

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Few snaps from when Kate went to Hong Kong last year. She said it's well worth seeing the Po Lin Monastery/Tian Tan Buddha monument (Big Buddha pictured below) the cable cars take you up there. Also Victoria Peak which offers view over Victoria Harbour. The tram takes you up there, Kate says you can get a meal up there and watch the fireworks over the harbour. Also, apparently don't bother queuing, they don't queue in Hong Kong, it's a free for all.

For info, taxis are incredibly cheap in Hong Kong































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Wow Cerberus, thank you for sharing Kate's photos they are amazing. It only reinforces the fact we will have to make a trip back to HK at some point. I think we will have to squeeze in Victoria Peak and the Tian Tan Buddah, the cable car and tram maybe the swaying factor for the children!


Thanks for the queuing tip, and telling us taxis are cheap, means we can hop in a cab if the children or us crash. :)

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We fly out to Perth 3 weeks today! Very scarey now! Container comes next week, we will be staying with my brother for around a month, start work the monday after arrival so no time to see the sights. We were there in April so i'm all Kangaroo/koala'd out still as you can imagine withh a 2 and 5 year old!

Oh well maybe i can check up the pubs instead!

Good Luck all!


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We are flying out on 26th August - my wife delivers our boy, Cody the cat, to the pet shippers on 20th August, container arrives 21st August and I finish work 23rd August.....it'll be a busy few days...more so for my wife than me!! We are staying in Singapore for 3 nights before heading to Perth. We wanted to go via Hong Kong but Cathay Pacific wouldn't guarantee the double baggage allowance from HK to Perth for unused visa holders (sad times) so we decided that Singapore would be an excellent 2nd choice!


Once we get to Perth, we will be staying in Waikiki with friends, which will allows us some time to sort a rental....but we have the joyful task of getting a job as soon as we land.....should be fun!!



Good luck Neenie and all others who are making the move in the next few weeks & months!!!!

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