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Two Weeks To Go.....


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Its horrible isn't it? Everyone has such high expectations on how you should be feeling, that when you say you don't feel that way they look at you in disbelief.


We fly 22nd (via Hong Kong)and land 26th. We as a family are still experiencing lots of emotions, still have a few goodbyes to say, and if I am honest not sure it will truly hit me until I am sat on the plane taxing to the run way, as I don't know what the next few weeks/months hold for us. I am a planner and like to know what we are doing when! I have my list of things we need to get done in the first few days, but even then I cant plan time/where/when etc. But we are excited!


Good Luck Alant and LauraHen, we wish you both safe journeys and happy adventures :)

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Thanks everyone - the way I look at it is its not goodbye but see you in a wee while!!


We have decided not to have a farewell party but decided to have a nice meal and some drinks with a select group of friends - we feel it'll be easiest way to deal with saying Cheerio!!


We have a stopover in Singapore for 3 nights so that's something else to look forward to!!


Good luck and best wishes to Laurahen & Neenie - where abouts in perth are you both heading to? Me, my wife Carol & our boy (Cody the cat when he gets here) will be staying SOR with friends in Waikiki

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September 2014 will be here before you know it!! We were in th same position as you guys last year and we are now 'ready' to go....it's such an exciting time!

Cool mad eh!! Doesn't seem real at the moment it's a distant dream! Did you go through the 'why am I doing this stage'? Most of the time I'm like yeah bring it on then another part of me is like I'm giving up good job good standard of living for the unknown!!!??! I've travelled all over the world and never looked back maybe it's the older I get I think more??? My moto is if you don't try you will always look back and kick yourself!

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We went through the why didn't we do this earlier stage - there's no point in having regrets or think I wish we had did that.....we are only here for a visit so you need to make the most of it!


Worse case scenario is that we hate it or we can't get jobs - if that happens we can go somewhere else....the world is so much smaller these days!!!

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We fly in just over 2 weeks, and have got mixed emotions, especially giving up a job to not having 1 out there yet, when I've got a family to provide for! But I see it that its now or never and just get on with the new challenges and face them head on! We are staying with family to start with in tapping, but hopefully get our own place sorted in couple of weeks along with the new job! 1 door closes and another door opens!!

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We fly out next Tuesday, 2 more nights at work. One big night out to go, plus any surprise ones! I just want it all to start now because everything is hard to organise from the uk. I want to buy a car, rent a house, get to work and start earning! Oh yeah and go to the beach and have a beer in the wind and rain and dream of summer......they can shove their $4000 school fees up their bum! It aint spoiling my 4 year holiday!

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