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Having a medical before CO request


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It makes you feel helpless as everything is in their hands!!! To be honest i wish we had attempted the visa application ourselves...and saved a fair few quid in the process!!


The latest email states that she will look at our application late next week to see if there's any updates/changes!!


Kbounds just stick with pestering your agent...ask ask ask!!

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Hi floorman my husband is a floor fitter to just wondered how you were viewing the job situation in Perth??


we had our medicals done on the mon and received a letter on the fri morning to say they had been uploaded so you should know by now what's happening

Edited by Nancy
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The work situation is great out there for me Nancy...ive been offered a fair few jobs already.We have friends that are in the same and similar trades.It looks a hell of a lot better than here!!!

Does your husband do commercial or domestic flooring?


I understand that our agent is just doing her job...but we have paid her and all im asking is for a password to check on the medicals..dont think thats asking too much myself!!

Fingers crossed that they havent been reffered...

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Hopefully you get the all clear next week the waiting is agonising.

Thats good to know about the jobs The biggest percent of Paul's work is commercial but does domestic as well, he's been told there's jobs available there just doesn't seem to be many advertised and haven't contacted anyone yet as we were waiting to get a visa first.

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I know how you feel we actually never heard if our meds had been successful or not, I phoned the clinic and they said if we hadn't heard anything from them in 48 hours then they had been successful. Our agent was never notified as the meds got uploaded straight from the clinic to the Diac. As soon as we had lodged I asked agent for TRN number and they gave it to me no problem. I only needed that one number to apply for meds no paperwork needed just the number .

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just to say I did get the password from agent to check the skillselect website myself but even up to the day before our visa was issued there was no indication on my log in that the meds had been uploaded I think it all goes on behind the scenes in the skill select dept. My account said "IN PROGRESS" from the day it was lodged to the day is was issued. The meds said "awaiting" and it was driving me mad wondering why they hadn't been uploaded. To be honest It would have been better if I hadn't had the log in , let your agent deal with it I know its soul destroying all the waiting and uncertainty but I worried myself into thinking things had gone wrong and got a bit paranoid for no reason in the end.

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Floorman my agent had to give me details so i could book the medicals as i wanted to before we had CO allocated - as i have my TRN and the password i check twice, three times a day to see if there are any changes!!!! - not helping me as i know my agent will email me as soon as there are any changes anyway !! the constant checking is driving me a bit mental, i actually wish i couldnt check anything ! im convinced something is wrong with my medicals now

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