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Having a wobble...


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Hi all, having a real bad wobble day today. We (me 35 and bf 36) are moving out to Perth middle of January. Today all I can think is why the heck are we doing this? We have great family and friends here, earn enough to get by, have a nice house etc etc

We dont have jobs to go to, my bf a spark and Aus citizen (although grew up in Uk) and Ive worked for RM for the past ten years..

I have my cousin out there who we will be staying with for the first few weeks and we have abit of savings to support ourselves for the first few months..

I dont really know what Im asking for here but some positivity may help??

Anyone else feel/felt the same??

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Hi katarina, we're not moving til next year but had many wobbles, we're the same got a decent life here but just think off all the reasons we wanted to go in the first place and the torture of getting a visa and the constant saying of it will be worth it. It is frightening some days as it gets closer an all the worries about getting work, house ext, but we're doing it for the experience and if we don't like it we can always come back;)

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Not having a wobble as such but have spent the last couple of days brooding over stuff I haven't really thought too much about up until now.


Am currently sitting in the car park of a car showroom in tears because I've just sold my car.


I think a lot of it is to do with the fact that to until now I've had so much other stuff to think about with the visas, and moving house. Now there are no other distractions so the worries I've kept at bay for so long haven't got any other competition!


Anyway on a positive note we're going out in January too! Whereabouts are you headed? We're staying with family to start with while we get a feel for work and places to live


N x

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Hi Katarina


I've had loads of wobbles and in fact posted a similar entitled thread in June! I think everyone has a wobble at some point and some have many more than just one...I sure did! I was so focused on getting our visa (I did it all myself) that once we received our visa grant I think it just hit me like a train. We had such a good summer too with friends and family, on the beach every day that I thought why the heck are we doing this?!?


But now I really want to go. Our house is on the market and we're validating in a couple of weeks. I'm so exited!!! I'm glad we've decided to validate first as I'm hoping it will help me to really know this is right for us.


So i think it's only natural to go through all these emotions. A bit like the ones you have to go through when you break up with a partner or lose a loved one. It's a natural part of the process. Something has led you to consider emigrating and so keep positive, after all it will be an adventure, if nothing else. I look at it as a change is as good as a rest. I don't want to run on the same hamster wheel day in day out. I want to try a few other hamster wheels during my life :wink: LOL!


Lou :)

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Great posts everybody thanks. It helps when you have people in the same boat. Sometimes it feels like me and my partner are in our own world!! Ive been quite secretive about everything for the past 18 months that now its out in the open, and we only have a few months to go I suppose Im just questioning myself.

Tomorrow i`ll prob be up on a high again!!

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Am currently sitting in the car park of a car showroom in tears because I've just sold my car.

- See more at: http://www.perthpoms.com/forum/welcome-perth/13091-having-wobble.html#post75044


This made me laugh ( Big hugs)


I completely empathise with you. I can see myself in a couple of months sitting in a similar car showroom car park, bawling my eyes out after selling my beloved, mid life crisis, boy racer car:sad:. Will be worth every tear hopefully :biggrin:.


Bee x

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Good to know I'm not alone in the wobble dept! As others have also said, we are in a great place right now. Everything has fallen into place here, jobs, schools, family & friends. Ideally, we would have made the move 12 months ago when things were less settled but that was not to be. I think that the delay was actually sent to test us to see if this is truly what we wanted. When times got rough on the visa application we just dusted ourselves off and got back on. It was a bloody long and involved process, nothing like they make it look like on the TV. I did it on my own too on behalf of my hubby, who was the main applicant. Therefore to have these occasional doubts now seems crazy.


After going through many different anxieties about the move, I have to remind myself that I must really want this otherwise I wouldn't have felt so gutted when it wasn't going through smoothly and looked as if we wouldn't get the visa.


We too have been and still are, secretive about the move as we don't want our employers to know yet as not moving until April 2014. I wonder if when we tell colleagues whether they will think we are mad. Saying that though, if someone came up to me and said they were leaving to go and live by the Indian Ocean in an English speaking country, where the sun shines and people are friendly I think I would be envious and receive the news with my jaw hanging loose!


Being Nervous is normal. Really excited too. If things are good here, they can be good there. What an amazing opportunity we have made for ourselves. So much of this was luck. Lucky we chose the right careers, lucky we had the right experience and lucky that WA wanted to sponsor, enabling us to get those last 5 points we were short!


So many people want to try this and the door is firmly shut to them. I may be scared but I am going to walk through that open door with a smile on my face. The door has a handle on the other side too, so we can always walk back through it if it doesn't work out.


Good luck everyone making the move.

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So many people want to try this and the door is firmly shut to them. I may be scared but I am going to walk through that open door with a smile on my face. The door has a handle on the other side too, so we can always walk back through it if it doesn't work out.


Good luck everyone making the move.


Loving your analogy about the door :)


If you want to keep your plans quiet don't make the mistake we did; tell no one! We told our friend / neighbour and she's put us right in the doo doo as she's told someone I work with AND someone my hubbie works with despite the fact we told her we hadn't even told all of our family and to keep it to herself! :(



Edited by Lou8670
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Loving your analogy about the door :)


If you want to keep your plans quiet don't make the mistake we did; tell no one! We told our friend / neighbour and she's put us right in the doo doo as she's told someone I work with AND someone my hubbie works with despite the fact we told her we hadn't even told all of our family and to keep it to herself! :(






Debating what to do about putting the house on the mkt. Our neighbour sends her kids to the same school as ours so the news will travel like the Novo virus! Can't lie and say we are moving up the road, it will get out. Maybe this is what it is like 'coming out of the closet', what a relief to be honest and proud!!

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Debating what to do about putting the house on the mkt. Our neighbour sends her kids to the same school as ours so the news will travel like the Novo virus! Can't lie and say we are moving up the road, it will get out. Maybe this is what it is like 'coming out of the closet', what a relief to be honest and proud!!


You could say you're considering moving overseas but want to see if the house sells first. Most people assume it takes years and years to get a visa so they'll get a shock when you sell the house and tell them you're off!

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Hi, agree with all the comments, It took us 4 years and so many hurdles with the visa application, and in the end it was refused because the medical centre failed to post my medical results. We had to undergo the appeal process, which I did as a point of principle. We are sitting in a rented house now as our family house sold so quickly and my car sold in 3 hours on autotrader, so my OH is not happy we are sharing a nissan micra with our daunger (he is 6ft 4" lol). We feel exactly the same about so lucky to be given this opportunity that others dont get, so the door analogy is great. Having to leave my 2 adult sons behind as not on visas, the time it took to process they had become non dependants. We have tried to keep the whole thing secret as I own a business and did not want to devalue it or panic staff, but has proved almost impossible as the closest of friends who were told wer not so discrete.


Constant hurdles seem normal, only 6 weeks ago I underwent surgery and they found problesm so all the doubts came flooding back again. However we only have one life, nobody knows how long, but I want to enjoy mine, not look back and think I watched it pass me by. Looking forward to just doing it now. Will have to be in next few months though we will be on the BBC from Jan so it will be out of the bag then!


Keep positive, even if we were not moving, wobbles happen in our lives in the UK.


Loving your analogy about the door :)


If you want to keep your plans quiet don't make the mistake we did; tell no one! We told our friend / neighbour and she's put us right in the doo doo as she's told someone I work with AND someone my hubbie works with despite the fact we told her we hadn't even told all of our family and to keep it to herself! :(



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Glad you all like my door analogy. One of my better literacy moments!


So No1mum, are you going on 'Wanted Down Under?'. If so, how did you do that? My mum always said we should have applied to them and got a free trip!


After writing all my positive comments last night I had a curve ball thrown at me today. Have just heard from someone already out in Perth that getting a job is proving to be more difficult than expected and that the salaries were lower in light of the down turn. However, she does say that she wouldn't change going out there and just sees it as yet another one of those hurdles to jump over. Even so, still gets you thinking about the security you will leave behind.


Even in light of this I am thinking, 'nothing ventured nothing gained'. It reminds me of when I was 18 (a very long time ago) and it was the summer holidays before I headed off to University some 200+ miles away. I had a mini melt down and got really scared, I didn't want to leave home, the security and everything I already knew. Getting on a train that took me away from everything and everyone that I held dear was daunting. I even had a boyfriend who tried to convince me to stay and not to go so he could be with me.


Well, I did go. I cried buckets as the train headed out. When I got to Preston I felt lost but quickly made new friends as the term went on. It took a while to settle but it was the making of me. It was like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. I wasn't looking forward to it, it wasn't comfortable but I turned out better for it. I had found my wings, I achieved so much more than I could have done if I had stayed at home. I didn't want to be a caterpillar anymore.


Also, the boyfriend turned out to be an unfaithful control freak. He married the woman he cheated on me with and lead her a merry dance for years. So, lucky escape for me!


Who knows what will happen? Perth may not work out for us. But one thing is for sure, if we don't try it, nothing will change.

Edited by Akasully2
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Every days a wobble for me right now!! We've had packers here today and container arrives tomorrow. We fly on the 28th oct.

My heads all over the please. I can't sleep, don't even know the day of the week half the time. I feel sad going to the most depressing places because I know I won't go again lol. I worry about everything and everyone! We have at least two 'farewell' gathings every week till we leave, everyone seems to want a piece of us lol.

Good luck guys, hopfully these wobbles will vanish once we've arrived:cute:

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Every days a wobble for me right now!! We've had packers here today and container arrives tomorrow. We fly on the 28th oct.

My heads all over the please. I can't sleep, don't even know the day of the week half the time. I feel sad going to the most depressing places because I know I won't go again lol. I worry about everything and everyone! We have at least two 'farewell' gathings every week till we leave, everyone seems to want a piece of us lol.

Good luck guys, hopfully these wobbles will vanish once we've arrived:cute:



aaw cornishpoms it sounds like you are having a tough time. I'm sure it's something we will all go through and sometime in the future I'll be on here saying the same thing. take care and try to keep focused on why you are doing this.(did you see the latest pics uploaded by Porty? very inspiring ..) :wubclub:

good luck for the next few weeks,

J xx

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Every days a wobble for me right now!! We've had packers here today and container arrives tomorrow. We fly on the 28th oct.

My heads all over the please. I can't sleep, don't even know the day of the week half the time. I feel sad going to the most depressing places because I know I won't go again lol. I worry about everything and everyone! We have at least two 'farewell' gathings every week till we leave, everyone seems to want a piece of us lol.

Good luck guys, hopfully these wobbles will vanish once we've arrived:cute:


It'll be such a relief when you get on that plane! As my 7 year old said tonight "live your life, YOUR dreams, and not other peoples" ! Lou x

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aaw cornishpoms it sounds like you are having a tough time. I'm sure it's something we will all go through and sometime in the future I'll be on here saying the same thing. take care and try to keep focused on why you are doing this.(did you see the latest pics uploaded by Porty? very inspiring ..) :wubclub:

good luck for the next few weeks,

J xx

Not seen that, will have a look. I need as much positivity as I can! Thank you

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Hi Katarina,


Everybody has a bit of a wobble, but I promise that the move is well worth it. When people at home are griping to you on Skype or email about the weather/economy/traffic/crime/job losses etc etc, you will be here in the sunshine and off to the beach. Too much gets made of the cost of living here; yes, it's expensive, but for most people the higher salaries paid more than compensates. To give you an idea, I am a supervisor at a construction company, and the electrical contractors we sub-let work to invoice us a minimum of $90 + GST per hour. And they are all flat out with work. So your other half will have NO trouble finding a job or finding work if he decides to set up shop on his own.


The first few weeks are the hardest, and once you have gotten them out of the way, you'll never want to go back to the UK.





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Moved out here 18 months ago. I genuinely believe this is the best place I have ever lived. Relaxed lifestyle, loads of jobs, great weather, good food, plenty to do, beautiful beaches. It is absolutely amazing, you'll love it. The most important thing is to fully embrace it and go for it with everything you've got. Work hard to get a job sorted, put yourself out there to make friends, all that sort of stuff.


Everyone has a wobble, but it will pass :)


You'll have a blast!



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