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Guest guest9824

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Guest guest9824

...how to deal with them??? Brian and his lovely family have decided to invade our garden! There is a snailfest going on right in front of our noses. :tongue:


Now I havent reached for the slug pellets yet, but Brian and his harem are pushing me to it. My youngest and I planted some lovely petunias all over our garden, only to find they were part of Brians banquet the other night.:shocked:


Not sure if we have a snail invasion going on at the moment due to the amount of wet weather we have had, but we seem to have lots of the little blighters! :mad:


Any ideas on how to cull them, and before you say it, I am not offering them drinks (ie beer in an open can) with their gourmet buffettttt, but any other ideas of how to move Brian along, would be greatly appreciated!



One Pead off pea:sad:

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I saw the thread title and my first reaction was Yum!

Unfortunately the variety you have are probably inedible.


I don't like pellets and chemicals but find beer traps are really effective around my veggies. This is the one I use;


1.Take 1 empty plastic drink bottle. Cut a flap on either side about5-8cm (2-3") up from the base of the bottle.

2.Pull the flaps out and down, so that they resemble "littledrawbridges".

3.Fill the base of the bottle with beer

4.Bury the base of the bottle near plants you want to protect, and makesure the flaps are out flat so that the snails can easily crawl in.

(Tip:don't cut the top off the bottle. It helps prevent rain or irrigationwater from getting into the trap.)


When your bottle is full with beery, snaily soup I cut the top off and pour it into my compost or the worm farm.

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Guest guest9824
Not had that problem here yet but back in the UK I had a fiendish yet humane solution...


A tennis racket!


As long as your first service is quite gentle, you can launch them over a few gardens without them coming to any harm.



Good one Red, but I'd end up with a forearm like Boris (ginge) Becker if I had to bat all the slippery suckers over the fence! It reminds me of when my mum used to eat perri winkles, orrble things, look like snot, picked out with pin......eeeewwwww..


I suppose it could be a job for the kids, they are off school kicking their heels..hmmmm

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Guest guest9824
I saw the thread title and my first reaction was Yum!

Unfortunately the variety you have are probably inedible.


I don't like pellets and chemicals but find beer traps are really effective around my veggies. This is the one I use;


1.Take 1 empty plastic drink bottle. Cut a flap on either side about5-8cm (2-3") up from the base of the bottle.

2.Pull the flaps out and down, so that they resemble "littledrawbridges".

3.Fill the base of the bottle with beer

4.Bury the base of the bottle near plants you want to protect, and makesure the flaps are out flat so that the snails can easily crawl in.

(Tip:don't cut the top off the bottle. It helps prevent rain or irrigationwater from getting into the trap.)


When your bottle is full with beery, snaily soup I cut the top off and pour it into my compost or the worm farm.


i was thinking of a more slow, painful death.....than languishing in beer, that's far too much fun for the pesky critters! :ssign10:

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