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Hello and reasons for moving to Perth?


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Hi everyone, I am new to the site and wanted to say hi. So pleased I have found you all as there is so much helpful advice etc I am getting kind of addicted now! We have just submitted our EOI so things are getting serious now and I am starting research on areas to live etc.


Just wondered, what are your reasons for wanting to move to Australia and Perth in particular? Old blighty isn't that bad Is it???

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To satisfy the itch that just wouldn't go away.


Perth...because that was where OH's job was in demand.


Only 9 weeks to go until we move. Still loads to do so feeling anxious but excited too. Hope it all lives up to our expectations and we settle quickly. Feels crazy at times but have to remember that loads of people have done it already and are loving it.


So why are you doing it?

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Hi everyone, I am new to the site and wanted to say hi. So pleased I have found you all as there is so much helpful advice etc I am getting kind of addicted now! We have just submitted our EOI so things are getting serious now and I am starting research on areas to live etc.


Just wondered, what are your reasons for wanting to move to Australia and Perth in particular? Old blighty isn't that bad Is it???


Hi I am hoping to move to perth mainly to join my son and family. After all the rain and dull weather we have had in England why wouldn't anyone want to move to OZ for the sun and life style.

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A chance to live and work in another country before we got too old although my hubby was getting a little dissatisfied with living in the UK. We brought an 11 and 7 year old with us, my daughter will be 19 in a couple of weeks and my son 14, my daughter says she's glad to have had her teenage years here in WA - as a family, it's been a good move for us.

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Guest guest9824
Hi everyone, I am new to the site and wanted to say hi. So pleased I have found you all as there is so much helpful advice etc I am getting kind of addicted now! We have just submitted our EOI so things are getting serious now and I am starting research on areas to live etc.


Just wondered, what are your reasons for wanting to move to Australia and Perth in particular? Old blighty isn't that bad Is it???

Hi Lucaleon, welcome to pp. Blighty wasn't that bad for us at all (I'm not a blighty hater at all) We had a lovely home, good job, nice area, great schools. We got a job offer in Perth, all paid for move, visa etc, have family here, and a history of visiting here, so we bit the bullet and came over, two girls were 11 and 5 at the time, both are very settled now, one off to uni soon the other starts High School soon, been here almost 6 years, citizens. Life is good, had huge ups and downs, bereavement, redundancy, health problems....that's life! A good life can be had, it can be expensive, some would argue that's not the case. Everyone has differing values, opinions and views on life here, so I guess it's up to you to make a life here and make it work for you.


good luck. Pea

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Thank you for all your replies. We have just completed and sent our EOI. My husband is the main applicant. He has passed the skills assessment and IELTS. We love Perth, have friends there and have visited many times. My husband has wanted to move there since out first visit in 2000. He has finally got me to agree to moving before its too late (also an itch that won't go away!). I can see all the positives of moving (especially today with the sleet whipping around my ears) and go through bouts of being really excited about moving, then fear sets in and I think about the positives of our lives here in England. We live in a nice area, jobs not bad, eldest son settled in school (Age 5) , baby settled at child minders (neally 1), family near by. Hence the reason for my question. I think it will be an amazing achievement and look forward to the challenge but it helps to learn others peoples reasons for moving, as its not realistic to think it will be all beach life and sunshine.

Good luck to all those who are neally there! We have still got a little to go before we are granted the visa but are hopeful it won't be too long !

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For us UK was not so bad, although due to my work we hadn't been living there for some significant time before we decided to move to Australia.


Its easier in Perth to get a better work/life balance. Living near the beach is great for yourself and the kids. Climate speaks for itself, mild winters, hot summers, spring and autumn are fantastic - if you are an outdoors person then you will have a marvellous time here :-) If you are an snowboarder then you will need to convert to sandboarding though - head up Lancelin direction for that :-)

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