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Teaching Jobs - Primary

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Hi everyone


Having read some posts on here about the teaching jobs in WA, Im a little concerned about finding work when I arrive. Is the job situation really that bad? Im coming out on a 489 and obviously will be restricted to where I work and thinking of settling in Mandurah! Any info would be appreciated.


You will need to settle where the jobs are. It may be that you can find some relief work to begin with, however government schools in Mandurah come under the Perth South Metropolitan area and as such are highly desirable places to live due to proximity to both beach and city.


We have many experienced and graduate teachers that are seeking work. If you are a secondary maths specialist, science or design and technology - then your prospects are good.


If you are primary trained then you should know that in 2015 there is great change, as all Year Sevens will be no longer be educated in primary school but will move to high school - hence the need for the people with the skills above. What this unfortunately means for primary school teachers is that a lot will lose their jobs.


When are you coming? I ask, because all the government and independent schools advertise from July onwards ( for the following year), by Christmas there are no jobs.


Sometimes just by doing relief you can pick up a three to six month contract, but it is really who you know by that stage and the contacts that you have made through relief work.


As you must work in regional WA, then once you have registered with the WA teaching Registration Board (you cannot teach anywhere until you have done that) then you need to indicate that you can work remote and/or regionally. You have far more chance of gaining employment that way. Be aware that these positions are rarely near a beach and are often miles away from anywhere.


You certainly have a chance in Mandurah, but unfortunately because of your visa you will not be able to do relief work in nearby areas such as Rockingham and, Secret Harbour, Baldivis et, where there are many schools.


I personally would register with the WA Teaching Board and then apply to the Department of Education Fixed Term Pool - indicate your preference for regional schools. Also apply to government schools that have are able to merit select their own staff via their own advertised pools, these are called independent schools. You can also apply to private schools, most require a Christian commitment.


It is extremely competitive out there, so come prepared to do the hard yards to find work.

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Hi Sammy1, thanks for the detailed info, really helpful.


I teach secondary school design technology and art. Which specialisms in design tech do they cover in oz? I specialise in textiles and have taught some food. Are they in demand or is it all computers and resistant materials?


When you say some schools are known as independent, does that mean they are still state schools? So different to how we call them in the UK as independent and private are the same thing.


Do schools respond well to people dropping their CVs off with a covering letter to say they are available for supply work? Correct etiquette?

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This is really not good and as I have a family to consider Im seriously contemplating not coming at all!!! Im hoping to leave December time and was hoping I had something to come out too with the new term starting in Feb!!! It would seem staying here would be a safer option!! Why are we still on the SOL!!!


The SOL often does not bear a true relationship to the job situation. In theory it should, but it often takes time for the immigration department to catch up to the situation on the ground.


My advice would be to contact the schools in the mandurah area and ask their opinion

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Guest guest9824

My advice would be get the names of the schools in the area you are looking at, some of the private schools advertise their job vacancies on their own websites, not sure about state schools, ours had quite a few advertisements over Christmas and still has relief posts available ( but we are not regional) , not sure what the situation would be if you weren't actually here yet though, with regards to applying for certain jobs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Sammy1, thanks for the detailed info, really helpful.


I teach secondary school design technology and art. Which specialisms in design tech do they cover in oz? I specialise in textiles and have taught some food. Are they in demand or is it all computers and resistant materials?


When you say some schools are known as independent, does that mean they are still state schools? So different to how we call them in the UK as independent and private are the same thing.


Do schools respond well to people dropping their CVs off with a covering letter to say they are available for supply work? Correct etiquette?


State schools are "public" schools in WA. Independent Public Schools (IPS) are state schools who are run at school level and do not have to toe the line with central office overseeing everything. The numbers of IPS schools are increasing annually as this is the latest "flavour of the month" in education-land in WA at the moment. IPS schools staff themselves following the public sector management rules and all positions are advertised on the government jobs website. http://www.jobs.wa.gov.au. Other public schools are staffed centrally, which is why you need to register online as explained by Sammy.


If you are looking at relief work (supply in UK), all schools organise this themselves and therefore you should contact any schools you wish to teach at and leave your Resume.


There is not a great deal of call for Design and Technology teachers at the moment - most of male and are hanging on to their jobs. There is very little movement in this teaching area. The D & T banner covers many subjects in WA from Home Economics (Food etc) through to pottery, photography, jewellery making, textiles, woodwork, resistant materials etc.... Art Teachers seem to be a dying breed in the public sector and many secondary schools do not have them. Having said all that, the private sector is a different ball game, so you might wish to look at that.


It would be highly unlikely that you would gain a position in a state school until you were in WA. Some IPS schools might consider it, but centrally staffed schools will not give you a look in. The private sector is again a different ball game and all their positions are advertised on the school websites and they will consider overseas teachers as applicants.


Bear in mind that there are hundreds of teachers in WA who are currently out of work so you will have a lot of competition for positions. Having said that, over the next few years a great number of teachers of "baby boom" era will be retiring and this will free up a great number of positions.


If you can teach any other subjects as a relief teacher, you are more likely to gain work than not. Often once you have performed relief at a school and they like you, you can pick up more work and also be considered for any short term contracts that come along. For that reason I recommend that when you are sending out your resume, that you physically go into the school and ask to talk with whoever organises the relief teaching. If you make an impact on them, it is likely they will call you to give you a trial. Schools can be inundated with Resumes from teachers wanting relief work, so make you resume as succinct and comprehensive as you can without rambling on for pages and pages.


Keep positive, but you must also be realistic.

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