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Everything is coming together but no one is happy!


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Hello everyone


Well I have had a bit of a whirlwind couple of weeks. On the 22nd Jan I was assigned a case officer and on the 23rd received my 189. This week a job I previously applied for asked if I am still interested in a part time job for 3 to 12 months. All systems go. I am over the moon, things are coming together, seems so surreal and I cannot wait to start my life in Perth. However, all anyone is saying is good news for you, that is what you want. Not heard a congratulations. Have a few others been in the same situation and feel no one is supporting you or happy for you?


Sorry for such a moan and rant on a Friday people!



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Seriously though, you really cannot please everyone. It has taken my husband seven months to find work here and when his brother found out he has finally got a job, the first thing he said was "well I thought they would come back home", he has not even sent a text congratulating him.


Just be happy for yourself, you have a wonderful opportunity ahead of you and you can always moan and rant on here as nearly everyone who has made the move can understand your frustrations. and really Perth is a fantastic place to live and work, I love it here and call it home already and I really do have to pinch myself every day that we made the move and have made Perth our new home.


When do you make the move here? will it just be you or family too?




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Congratulations. Your new exciting adventure awaits, really pleased for you:jiggy: I think nearly everyone here will have someone who reacts in a happy but not so happy way.....some are sad to see you leave and others......well you see a side that's quite surprising. But as Nikki says....leave them to it and I'm sure they'll come around

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Thank you very much everyone and for being so positive. Move will be soon, possibly 7 weeks. So my mind has 101 things going on. My partner and I are meant to be going but he is also using the term 'you' quite alot so I maybe going on my own for the short term.


have a great weekend everyone and thanks again!



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