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Which Visa and skills assessment?? So confused!


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Hi, this is my first time posting. We are just in the initial stages of immigration and are trying to do it ourselves instead of through an agency. The problem is which visa and which skills assessment?


I'm a qualified teacher having done a 3 year degree and 2 year PGCE in Early Years and Primary Education, however I have not completed my NQT (which I know is only really required in the UK) as I can't find a post, but have worked on supply now for 2 years. Early Childhood (Pre-primary) teachers are on the SOL as well as the CSOL and primary teachers are on the CSOL. I do believe the best visa would be a 457 but any advice other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


I've just pulled my qualifications together to send away for a skills assessment, but where do they go - AITSL, NOOSR, ACECQA or VETASSESS?? I thought they'd go to AITSL but now not so sure - maybe they have to go to more than one place?


My husband is a Driving Instructor with 2 years experience and he's on the CSOL too. Could he apply for the visa?


Any help and advice would be appreciated as I really don't want to employ an agency with this.

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welcome to PP,

with a 457 you will need to be sponsored by an employer and it is a temporary four year visa, which does not give you free access to schooling (if kids) and medical care. only one of you needs to apply for a visa and the other one can be on it, the way we decided was the skills assessment for my oh was a quarter of the cost as it was for me! no brainer!

if you can go for a 190 -state sponsored or 189 independent you will have much more security should you lose your job (on a 457 you only have 90 days to find a new sponsor)

the immigration website will give you the bodies which assesses skills for each profession,

good luck,

bean :)

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Hi there - Firstly I think you can still call agencies to get information on process without committing to going with them - seems like they will help quite readily up front. Quite obvious really as they will want your business downstream when you eventually get to make an application - I have to say a lady at gomatilda.com has been very helpful over past few days for us.


My wife is a secondary school teacher and some advice we had only yesterday was WA will only sponsor secondary school teachers if you have a job offer in WA at the moment - assume this is linked to schedule 2 listing on the occupations in demand list.. http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/skilledmigration/Pages/Occupationsindemand.aspx

This might change though on 1st March when the list is updated but can't speculate.


Therefore I assume primary school teachers might be subject to similar restrictions and a 190 might be hard to get right now with a 189 might be better option - Note the 190 ties you in to work in the state for 2 years but the 189 is more flexible - you probably know this by now..


Don't know your age or what points you rack up either but 2 year experience doesn't get you any skilled employment points - not assuming anything but here is link for the 189 visa requirements and points etc.. http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/189.aspx


Anyway I'm a bit of a novice who only started researching everything recently after a fabulous 3 weeks in Perth so welcome to the minefield and good luck!

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Hi all, we're in a similar boat, we're off to down under live in Glasgow in 2 weeks to try to get a clearer idea. My husband works in HR in recruitment, HR manager is on the SOL for WA. I'm an RGN (registered nurse) but because I haven't practiced in this for more than 10years, I've been working as an account manager in the pharma industry. We've decided its likely to be OH's points that may get us there. I'm confused about what we have to do first, EOI??, skills assessment, IELTS etc. because our case doesn't seem that straight forward to me, we only want to go to perth as OH wants to work in oil and gas recruitment if possible and we loved perth the most on our month there over Xmas. We are heading towards using a migration agent as it seems easy to get stuff wrong!! Good luck!!

ps we've discounted the 457 visa on advice from here re the 90 day rule and also paying for school fees!!

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Hi Tracey, when down under live in Glasgow?? Might be worth a visit.


I'm not relishing the idea of paying school fees either - do you know actual fees for primary/secondary schools? However, although I have qualifications, without enough work experience and being 43 I don't see a better option - please disagree if you know otherwise.


My husband is a qualified driving instructor with two years work experience, but apart from secondary education qualifications, his driving instructor licence is his highest qual! I just can't see a way around the skills points test to gain enough points!


What I do believe is you need to complete your skills assessment before you submit an EOI. Good luck with your applications.

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Hi Tracey, when down under live in Glasgow?? Might be worth a visit.


I'm not relishing the idea of paying school fees either - do you know actual fees for primary/secondary schools? However, although I have qualifications, without enough work experience and being 43 I don't see a better option - please disagree if you know otherwise.


My husband is a qualified driving instructor with two years work experience, but apart from secondary education qualifications, his driving instructor licence is his highest qual! I just can't see a way around the skills points test to gain enough points!


What I do believe is you need to complete your skills assessment before you submit an EOI. Good luck with your applications.


At 43 you should still be able to get sufficient points under skilled migration - the cut off is now 50 and only gets harder for points at 45. If you have an occupation that is on the SOL then the 189 visa would be the way forward and this is the best of them all. If you did need extra points you could go for a 190 with state sponsorship.


If you are pretty unsure of the way forward then i would consider speaking to a registered migration agent such as Go Matilda

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Hi Linda down under live on 22/23 in Glasgow and its on this weekend in Birmingham. We live in County Durham so either one is a 3 hour drive for us so we've plumped for Glasgow. Hoping to test the water with migration agents there and get a good feel for our options, then kick the process off, we are similar to you guys in age, luckily my husband is a few years younger than me (38 I'm 42) so hopefully we can go on his points fingers crossed!!

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May see you both at Glasgow then..My family and I are from NE in County Durham too!


Our situation is quite tricky as I'm not on SOL and my occupation options on CSOL are not in demand by WA. Irrespective of this I've booked up to take IELTS test at Sunderland on 8th March - they do 2 a month and it's only £125 so worth doing it right up front along with skills test before submitting any EOI as you have to prove points downstream anyhow.


On the 487 front and school fees - these have been pushed back to Jan 2015 - $4k for first child and $2k for subsequent children...with 5 kids this will be quite a costly option for me if it does ever come in but I'm probably prepared to gamble here as our situation might mean its the only way...

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Hi, just been looking at the IELTS tests too as I'll need to do well in them to give me enough skill points for a skilled visa such as 189/190, otherwise its the 457 for me and we'll just have to cope with school fees if and when. Have you looked at the practice tests for the IELTS? I went through them today and they don't seem too bad, so I'll practice a bit more then book mine. do you know if I submit the result with my qualifications for the skills assessment or can I just keep them separate and keep them for proof later?

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Funnily enough yes I looked at the tests for first time this afternoon and seem quite straightforward..


The skills assessment is separate from your IELTS. When you are invited to apply for visa you need to provide evidence behind the points claimed in your EOI - this is where you provide your IELTS results + skills assessment. That's why I think its best to have them done first so you know exactly what your declaring in your EOI and can back it up.


The exact rule is that your points score must be equal to or greater than that declared in your EOI.


All good fun this!


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Hi drhebden and Linda, maybe we should all compare notes in Glasgow?? We're thinking go to Glasgow and then kick the whole process off. So before we do EOI we should do skills assessment and IELTS?? I know IELTS is in Sunderland, need to check skills checking authority for HR manager?? I agree think 457 is out with 2 kids in school never mind 2+ kids, as I'm hoping to work less over there not more so I can pick the kids up myself rather than rely on others!!

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