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Looking to Meet QLD Bound People!


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We are an easy going couple (40 & 47) looking to meet with others planning a move to tropical Queensland.


We arrived in Perth on a Visa 190 in March 2013 but have come to the conclusion that WA is not the state for us to settle in and plan to be Queensland bound in June 2015.


As we have now made the decision and started saving, we are feeling in somewhat limbo again (remember that feeling of waiting for the visa and keeping a secret?!!) ; would love to hear from anyone else in the Perth area in a similar situation.


Rosie & Elliott

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Where in Queensland are you thinking of heading? Have you visited?




We haven't decided but likely Sunshine Coast/Brissie/Gold Coast; I think we will decide once we are there. We are hoping to drive across the top and down to Brissie first and take it from there.


We have visited and did a 3 week trip in September 2012 from Cairns down to Brissie but it's so hard to judge where to live when on your holiday. One thing we have learned from our move to WA is that no matter how much research you do, you never know how you will feel about somewhere until you are actually there. Brisbane is just a great base to work from as we love to get out and about on the weekends and there are many accessible places from there. Have you been?


QLD is very different from WA - that's what I love about this country though. The land itself it just amazing.

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We went to Queensland last year. Visited Cairns, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and gold coast. I really liked the lush greenness of the place. It was my favourite place on the east coast, from what we saw. I got really excited about the prospect of living on Tamborine Mountain. Semi rural living, laid back but within reach of the Gold Coast beaches. I really wasn't keen on the built up areas but the beach was stunning. What is the cost of living like there in comparison?


So, why was Perth not for you? What does QL have that you don't have where you are? Was Perth always a stepping stone? Do you have children that you need to pull from school? Is your job in demand over there too?


Sorry, masses of questions, but interested!

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We went to Queensland last year. Visited Cairns, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and gold coast. I really liked the lush greenness of the place. It was my favourite place on the east coast, from what we saw. I got really excited about the prospect of living on Tamborine Mountain. Semi rural living, laid back but within reach of the Gold Coast beaches. I really wasn't keen on the built up areas but the beach was stunning. What is the cost of living like there in comparison?


So, why was Perth not for you? What does QL have that you don't have where you are? Was Perth always a stepping stone? Do you have children that you need to pull from school? Is your job in demand over there too?


Sorry, masses of questions, but interested!


Hi Akasully2,


We are childless couple and have always kind of lived by following our gut feel so probably won’t have sensible answers that you are looking for!! I think when it comes down to it, we want the tropics and just feel at home over there. We thought Perth might’ve worked for us as it does offer a beach lifestyle and some great camping but all in all , there isn’t enough variety for us close by. We thought that we would be making more money here as well which would compensate for the isolation and we would have $ to take trips to different places but that’s not the case. I think you love it or you don’t and we just don’t. I can see the attraction for families though.


As for work, the Perth market isn’t a bonus for us here either. We came on a 190 visa and I was the principal applicant (Accountant) but have had to take a step back career wise. I did anticipate this would be the case but now that I have 8 months WA experience, should be able to start getting interviews for more challenging positions. My husband is self taught web designer and photographer and would have more opportunities out east. He has been doing ok in Perth but we aren’t sure how sustainable it would be. I was supposed to be the bread winner while he built his business but things are a bit tight as I am not earning as much as I thought I would be....but I think that will change once I have completed the CPA program.


As for cost of living, our biggest expense is rent and judging from realestate.com.au rents look slightly cheaper but it can vary depending on where you live. Our move to Australia certainly wasn’t motivated by our quest for financial freedom, but rather for the love of the land and to enjoy the bush and coastline in our spare time J.


Did you visit QLD as reccie scouting out potential places to live? Where are you now?

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Wallywombat sorry that Perth hasn't worked out for you... but it isn't for everyone and I know that the career side of things in some industries here just do not have the opportunities that there are in the eastern states. My son lives in Queensland for the very same reason... miss him but have great holidays in BrisVegas (his name for it.... but I kinda like it). I hope the move works well for you both.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello wallywombat

I just arrived in Perth from Brisbane about 4 weeks ago, and I love Brisbane but came here to study! For me a major downside of Brisbane is the lack of beaches, true the Sunny Coast and GC have great beaches, but Brisbane, being quite a lot bigger and more populated than Perth, and with roads even worse than Perth's, made getting to the beach a major expedition. The humidity in summer can be a bit much if you're not used to it but I think you acclimatise quite quickly, for me really it was just the beaches, or lack of. I don't like the GC, it's ok to go down there for the day, or as you say live up on Tambo and visit the beaches, the further south the quieter, the nearer Surfers, no thanks.. The Sunny Coast is quaint but perhaps a little slow, very family oriented, great beaches. The best thing about Brissy is the access to everything, including the hinterland which is stunning! So much to see and do!! Enjoy!!

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