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Will dredds stop me getting a professional job in Perth/Fremantle?

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Hey guys,


Can you please tell me if your employers have any rules about dreadlocks or whether they are generally acceptable or not for work in Perth? Or are you an employer who has an opinion?


I'm mixed race and have hair that naturally dredds on a daily basis (it's currently a curly blonde mini-fro. . .bit different to my photo) and having spent 31 years fighting nature I'm thinking about going with it. If I decide to do so then I will get neat, slim girly dredds that I can wear neatly tied up if need be. Part of me thinks this will look a lot smarter than the rebellious and often untameable curls I currently have but I don't know if employers will agree?


I will be looking for work in the youth work sector/uni or school support/community sector. Currently I am a secondary teacher and I enjoy dressing smartly for work (heels, smart dress/trousers with blazer jacket etc) and this would continue.


Opinions please :smile2:

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Keep those Dreds under control for work by tying them back and you will should be OK. I think they become an issue if they are uncared for and just look like a flea ridden mess, as so many do. A friend owns and manages a food retail outlet and we were discussing this recently and she said that if she wanted to recruit someone with Dreds as they fitted her work ethos and business, she would ask them to tie them back or shave them off as she has employed 2 WHV bods with loose Dreds before and had so much negative comments from customers she wouldn't do so again. But that is Perth!!

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