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Hi All


Me and my family are thinking of making the big move down under. I have a wife and two sons who are both very much into football or soccer whatever you guys call it over there.


I'm worried that they will both not be able to follow there dreams of becoming professional footballers or to just play in a Sunday league.


If anyone could help me on this matter that would be great.



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We are moving over the Perth in four months time. Having done a bit of research the wee place we are going to staying in has a thriving football team. They have 350 players and field a team for every school year, as well as an over 35s team!

I assume that most places are the same, therefore I would imagine you'd have a local team on your doorstep.

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If you look on football west then there's a list of all the clubs, some are smaller than others but most will offer teams in all age groups (there's no U 17's after U 16's it jumps to U 18's.


I have to say though that if your children are good enough to be professional footballers then the set up in the UK with their academies is probably better than the set up's here in Perth

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