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Living Costs - 2 month trip

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Hi Everyone


Im heading over for 6-8 weeks in june. visiting my brother.


I'm trying to work out what sort of figures i should be looking to bring over with me!!


during my time in perth, I'm hoping to be spending my time going to as many sporting events as possible, and being a bit of a sports fan, visiting as many venues, both pro and semi pro as possible.


Adding to that the usual sight seeing and a few nights out....


what are the costs like in comparison to england for an average night out? public transport? and anything else people might think i need to know about?


also, costs of entry to sports?



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Not sure on the price of sporting arenas - maybe check the individual places online?

But I'd recommend take as much as you can really. Because with the australian dollar being practically double the pound then everything seems really expensive.

Sorry thats not much help really! But when I was there last year we went to a local pub and I'm sure it was about $10 for a pint.

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Eating out can be expensive, especially in the city. Best looking as someone said at Ticketek or ticket master. for what's on in June and the prices - concerts can also set you back. Examples - Perth Glory is from about $35 - $75, (season will be finished) Western Force about $40 - $75. You might have problems getting tickets for The Eagles or Dockers depending on how well they're doing.

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