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experiences of contributory parent visas pretty please!


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HI all, 

Im looking into the contributory parent visa (temp subclass 173), and after some experiences and advice!

So far my understanding is you pay the first instalment on application or $2540, then can take around 2 years to process which they will ask for the second instalment of $29130?

You then can stay in the country for 2 years ( allowing you to try to recover from that huge amount and save), in which you apply for the permanent contributory parent visa subclass 143. 

(again from what I'm understanding ?) For the 143, apply for the 1st instalment, $330, then wait for them to ask for the second instalment of $19420? (Time frame unknown?) 


If anyone can clarify this and let me know from experience, would really appreciate it!


thank you!

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