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All good reputations, but I note they're ones that are very academic.  Having 2 children who are chalk and cheese I would say that sometimes you need to look and get a feel for a school and if the atmosphere would be right for your child and meet all their needs.  

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Hi, my daughters are in yrs10 and 7 at Willetton.  It is a good school and they are both happy there it is very well resourced and I am pleased with the opportunities they have there.  My eldest said it is much better than the high school she went to in the UK.  

I suppose the only downside is the prices of properties in areas with good schools.  We can not afford to buy a house in Willetton, and it is an area where a lot of people rent in order to get their children into the school.  There are 2 new housing estates being built here which are in the catchment area for Willetton which will push numbers up even more, not sure how this will effect resources and class numbers in the future.  The higher the numbers, the more money the school receives but a large influx at the same time is bound to cause some issues.  There has just been a funding cut to Rossmoyne and Willetton SHS too.  If your child can enter under gifted and talented or through a specialised program for any school you don’t have to live in the catchment area, this only applies to yr7 admissions though.  At the moment they are saying that you can keep your place if after a couple of years you move area but with the increasing numbers overall, they may re think this.  

From what I can gather, and heard,  Rossmoyne strive for better academic achievement, whereas Willetton, although it did ever so slightly better in the league tables last year care more about the welfare of the students whether they be academic or not so much, there are a lot of courses for student who need to take a more vocational path.  Obvioulsy I only have experience of Willetton, but have friends whose children go to Rossmoyne, and they are equally happy with that school.  It depends on your child.

We didn’t necessarily choose Willetton SHS, we knew the 4 or 5 areas we wanted to live in based on them having good schools, and it all got decided by what houses were avavilable to rent and the house we liked the best, and what catchment area it happened to be in was where they went!

Another thing to bear in mind, if you’re thinking of this area is Harrisdale SHS, it has been open for 3 years now and is a bit further inland from Willetton but only about 20 mins away in the new development of Harrisdale and Southern River.  The principle and deputy principle are the prevous principle and deputy from Rossmoyne SHS from the years when Rossmoyne was doing much better then Willetton.  My colleague went to a parents info meeting for next yr 7 and was very impressed.  If you have a look at the  website and research the accolades that the deputy and priciple af amassed between them, its quite an impressive read. So much so we could consider moving our youngest there if we decide to move.

I have no info or knowledge anout Shenton College.

I hope this helps.


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Please guide  which senior high school to choose amongst Shenton, Rossmoyn or Willeton. My son will be starting year 7 in Feb 2019. What are the plus and minuses for all three. thanks

All have good reputations. One is north of the swan river. Traffic may be an issue with where you work. All 3 have strict catchments. Houses in the south will be bigger for same $

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Shenton College is a good all round school.  Achieve good academic results but have great programs in music, cookery, trades, photography, drama, etc. Take pride in producing well rounded kids and trying to cater to each child's individual needs as well as producing good academic results.  Always high up in the rankings (both academic and all-round) for state schools and compares well with a lot of the private ones.

I've had one just finished there and one in Year 11 and have been happy with the school.  

As others have said you need to either be in the catchment area or get in through the GATE program (https://www.education.wa.edu.au/gifted-and-talented)

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