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  1. Jen78

    what to do ?

    Hi, Sorry to hear about your FIL, thoughts go out to you and your family. I am a big believer in fate and believe that you went home for a reason and this was it, to be there for your extended family. Regarding your son, if he has just started year 10 then he would continue in year 10 here for all of the next academic year and sit his exams at the end of year 12, so he will be at no detriment if you left next year. If you are thinking of moving again before your visas run out then if I were you I would do it sooner rather than later so he can finish his education here rather than waiting for him to do his GCSEs / A levels. My eldest daughter was 14 when we moved and in year 9. Luckily she settled in straight away and has made a great group of friends but it has taken her nearly 2 years to find a hobby. She has just been in her first musical and is now planning on being in another 2. next year if she passes the auditions. Before that she would just be on her computer or I pad and admitted that she was bored but didn’t know what she wanted to do with her time. The younger daughter was 10 and in year 6 when we moved and didn’t really settle at all for the first year. She has tried a number of things, Taekwondo, modelling academy, basketball, but nothing stuck. She has finally found a youth group run by the local church that she goes to on a Friday evening and she really enjoys it. Again, that was fairly recently and has helped her to feel that she belongs. She also has a group of friends now that she’s in yr 7 but that has taken a little while to form too. I guess what I’m trying to say is that children don’t always settle and jump straight in to the new life as quickly as we would hope and it can take time to make friends and find hobbies etc. I totally get the not wanting to stuff up his education but if you moved back over next yr he would in effect have another year to prepare for the exams. You know your son though and obviously worry about how he would cope. I suppose you’ve got to consider how unhappy you all would be as a family if you left it much longer knowing how much you enjoyed the ocean and sunshine etc. I think most high schools have psychologists, if you do move back and you are worried, you could always talk to the psych to ask advice or for help on settling him in etc Hope you manage to come to a decision without to much stress. Jen x
  2. Jen78


    Hi, we had a holiday apartment for 2 and a half weeks and that gave us enough time to find a house, buy a car, enrol girls into schools, buy furniture etc so I would say that 3 weeks would be plenty. We moved a 14 yr old and she settled straight away and has made a great group of friends and loves it here. Youngest went into year 6 and didn’t really settle for the first year but was happy enough. As soon as she started high school things came together for her. She still finds it difficult sometimes with new friendship groups etc but that would have happened in the uk anyway I think. Rental wise we got a reference from the estate agent selling our house saying what good condition it was in, together with a copy of our brochure with the pictures so they could see it, and a reference from my friend saying how nice the house was kept, what good neighbours we were and how well behaved the children were. We had a bank account already set up with our house sale money in it and gave them a statement so the knew we would be good for the rent. once you have a rental agreement you can enrol in school but catchment areas are strict so you will need to check out the schools in the areas you are looking at. You will need the rental agreement, confirmation of the set up of utilities at that address usually via email, passports and visas for the children and yourselves as parents. It is a quick process and you will be able to enrol them during next term for a start for the next school year no problem Please don’t the nerves detract from the excitement, it is massive what you are doing but bit by bit it will come together and everything will fall into place. Your head will spin for the first few weeks and months, but it will feel like home in no time. It’s definitely the best thing we could have done and haven’t looked back. Best of luck with your final preparations Jen
  3. Just finishing watching youngest have her swimming lesson after a day in work. After a very busy weekend moving in as we got our keys early, we're planning to celebrate our house settlement which went through today! Very relieved an excited to have own patch of Aussie turf xx
  4. We're only 18 months in and will be applying for citizenship as soon as we can. A longer wait means we'll have to pay a few terms of uni as we can't apply for hecs without being a citizen I think?
  5. Hi, we got an apartment in Como for the first 2.5 weeks, part holiday part getting everything sorted. Re the lease, once we break ours the lease will refresh and new tenants would have to sign up for a year. If you like I can pm you photos and more details. You can apply from the UK, I've got a copy of the application form too if you want to have a look. You can register your interest with the agent and arrange to see it when you arrive. However its being advertised from next week so chances are it might go before you get here. Let me know if you want more details. Good luck with your final preparations x
  6. Hi everyone, Thought it was about time for an update post and a bit of positivity ?. We passed the 18 month mark on 11th July and things have been going from great to even better. We had a good start to our adventure with hubby getting a job in mining before we came - so there are definitely jobs out there to be had for an English person with no contacts or industry experience. I found myself able to volunteer at my youngest daughter's primary school quite a bit which made me some friends and got me out of the house and busy. Fast forward to February and I found myself handing my cv in at the office of said primary school asking for a chance to work in the office and they gave me a shot! I have just been successful in getting a full time contract for the remainder of the school year which means we have just bought a house!! The last piece of the jigsaw we feel. We should be moving in in just over 4 weeks time and we are all very excited to have something of our own - with the obligatory pool no less! I have to say that moving was the best thing we ever did, we adore it here and are loving every minute. I've made loads of new friends and am socialising and going out a lot more. We are trying to get out as a family more at the weekends for a walk and generally end up at a cafe for a treat of some description. My waistline is a little bigger but my / our happiness more than makes up for it and I promise to do more exercise as soon as it stops raining!! Living so close to a major city has definitely opened up a load of opportunities to see concerts, free entertainment, festivals, pub choirs and painting classes - and we are really embracing life and making the most of it. We have the lifestyle we dreamed of when we were watching Wanted Down Under all those years ago! I fully appreciate that there has been a lot of luck in what we have managed to achieve in a relatively short space of time and I don't for a second take what we have for granted but it has been everything that we hoped it would be and a whole heap more. Moving was always going to be a gamble, and I feel like we won the jackpot. I just wanted to let any newbies or members around from when we first moved know how things can work and that it is sometimes worth going for it and hoping for the best because it can work, and my group of friends include 5 families that have migrated and made a huge success out of it. This also means that there is a renovated 4x2 available in Willetton from mid September $550 pw including a gardener once a month. So if anyone wants / needs or knows anyone that wants / needs a rental soon ish in Willetton let me know, I can pm you photos and rental agent details / application form. Take care for now Jen x
  7. I tried an accupressure band for morning sickness and it didn’t work, thanks for the suggestion but we’ll stick to the tabs, parents over in Sept with half a suitcase full !!
  8. Yes, definitely, it’s the thing we ask parents to bring to most of over when they come to visit as we all suffer!
  9. https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/bhp-announce-new-47-billion-iron-ore-mine-in-the-pilbara-highlighting-jobs-growth-in-wa-ng-b88866100z Announced today, in case you didn’t see it on the new thread. ?
  10. https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/bhp-announce-new-47-billion-iron-ore-mine-in-the-pilbara-highlighting-jobs-growth-in-wa-ng-b88866100z Jobs to be created in construction and mining. Positive news ?
  11. Hi again, We arrived about 16 months ago with no family or friends. We wanted to be within a certain radius of the city where there were good schools. We came with 3 high schools in mind - Willetton, Rossmoyne and Leeming. My eldest was due to start yr 9 and my youngest yr 6. We looked at houses in suburbs in catchment areas for these 3 schools and whichever house we liked the best - that's where they went! Eldest ended up at Willetton and youngest at Rostrata - she's now also at Willetton SHS. Rental costs aren't astronomical, ($550 pw for a 4x2 in Willetton) but it's a different story when it comes to buying. This didn't bother us as we're open to renting for a few years and then seeing what happens. I work at a popular, sought after and successful primary school in Willetton, although for primary I'd stick my neck out and say they're much of a muchness really and I'd concentrate on a area for a good high school - if schools are you're priority - which they were for us. In Willetton / Rossmoyne area they're all pretty good anyway. Harrisdale SHS is very new (2017) and currently only has yrs 8 and 7 with a year group enrolling annually until the 2017 yr 7s graduate. Therefore, your older children will not be able to go there. The principle and deputy are the former principle an deputy from Rossmoyne when Rossmoyne SHS was leading the WA league tables for public school a few years ago, so indications are that it is going to be a good school, my colleague was certainly impressed when she went for the parent information night for next yr yr7s. We are not ruling out moving there and moving my youngest there but that will be a couple of years off still. If you're considering Harrisdale then their primary school has only been open for 2 years and is very big with over 1000 children - and it's still growing. I think the local High school would be Canning Vale College but it doesn't enjoy the reputation of Willetton or Rossmoyne. From what I've gathered and heard is that Rossmoyne is more focussed on academic achievement whereas Willetton, although does extremely well academically has a more caring approach to students and offers more vocational courses for those so inclined. We are certainly very happy with it. The booklists, school fees and uniforms are pretty standard in pricing I think, you can google the school's websites and have a look for the fees page, that will tell you what to expect. There is one uniform shop in Willetton that caters for most schools in the area http://www.nellgray.com.au/Uniform-Concepts/Willetton-Super-Store If you look at the schools and the order forms you can see the prices. It was a bit of a shock to go to this from buying a job lot from George at Asda!! The school age cut off dates are pretty much the same as UK even though the school year is Feb - Dec. They are 01 July - 30 June so chances are your son would still be in year 10 here in October. He will have to choose his subjects for his 2 year exam courses to start in Feb of yr 11 with exams a the end of yr 12. Again, you can have a look at the courses available to all high school students on the schools websites as from yr 7 they get to choose 6 courses (electives) a year (3 per semester up to year 9, and 3 for the whole year in year 10) in addition to their core subjects. Sorry if I've bombarded you with info! If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. Jen
  12. Hi, I work in a school office. If you live in the catchment area you will get a place. You can enrol at any time. You will need a lease agreement and 2 proofs of address, Passports and visas for children and parents. They need immunisation records but we only accept them as printed off medicare. Bring your records, once you have registered for medicare, you will have to take them to a gp for them to copy and send to the Australian immunisation register. You can then print them off once you get your centrelink account linked to your my gov account online It sounds complicated but its really easy. Not having this at enrolment won't stop you from enrolling. Whereabouts are you thinking of moving to? Jen
  13. Hi, my daughters are in yrs10 and 7 at Willetton. It is a good school and they are both happy there it is very well resourced and I am pleased with the opportunities they have there. My eldest said it is much better than the high school she went to in the UK. I suppose the only downside is the prices of properties in areas with good schools. We can not afford to buy a house in Willetton, and it is an area where a lot of people rent in order to get their children into the school. There are 2 new housing estates being built here which are in the catchment area for Willetton which will push numbers up even more, not sure how this will effect resources and class numbers in the future. The higher the numbers, the more money the school receives but a large influx at the same time is bound to cause some issues. There has just been a funding cut to Rossmoyne and Willetton SHS too. If your child can enter under gifted and talented or through a specialised program for any school you don’t have to live in the catchment area, this only applies to yr7 admissions though. At the moment they are saying that you can keep your place if after a couple of years you move area but with the increasing numbers overall, they may re think this. From what I can gather, and heard, Rossmoyne strive for better academic achievement, whereas Willetton, although it did ever so slightly better in the league tables last year care more about the welfare of the students whether they be academic or not so much, there are a lot of courses for student who need to take a more vocational path. Obvioulsy I only have experience of Willetton, but have friends whose children go to Rossmoyne, and they are equally happy with that school. It depends on your child. We didn’t necessarily choose Willetton SHS, we knew the 4 or 5 areas we wanted to live in based on them having good schools, and it all got decided by what houses were avavilable to rent and the house we liked the best, and what catchment area it happened to be in was where they went! Another thing to bear in mind, if you’re thinking of this area is Harrisdale SHS, it has been open for 3 years now and is a bit further inland from Willetton but only about 20 mins away in the new development of Harrisdale and Southern River. The principle and deputy principle are the prevous principle and deputy from Rossmoyne SHS from the years when Rossmoyne was doing much better then Willetton. My colleague went to a parents info meeting for next yr 7 and was very impressed. If you have a look at the website and research the accolades that the deputy and priciple af amassed between them, its quite an impressive read. So much so we could consider moving our youngest there if we decide to move. I have no info or knowledge anout Shenton College. I hope this helps. Jen
  14. Wattle Grove primary school is up and running on a new site in a new housing development. It has won awards recently. You can see the hills in the distance. I had an interview there a few weeks ago and was quite impressed. Young leadership team and the principle was very nice.
  15. I would have suggested Canning Vale as parts look nice, just not too sure about the reputation of Canning Vale College? If you're considering renting then I would look at Leeming and Willetton. Expensive to buy, but OK to rent and both have good schools and are nice suburbs.
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