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Ok so I am in need of some advice...after waiting nearly 4 years for my visa (long story....crap agent ) I finally have it and moving to perth in September. I dreamed of when ad have this visa and now I have it am like omg big move and starting to crap it slightly in am I doing the right thing?am sure you all get like that. Am 27 and single from Glasgow am just wondering how people found it moving out on there own and did you find it hard to make new friends etc?? .....any advice will be amazing to make me feel better haha! I lived in Sydney for a year and had a ball so am feeling a fresh start will be what the doc orderd :))

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Hi Elizabeth, I know exactly how you feel. Im also making the move on my own and I'm 34. In the middle of packing boxes now with only a very short time before I fly (26th March), and also have to fit in quite a few goodbyes. Thankfully I have a job to go to, which I was offered a couple of weeks ago now - nice to not have anymore telephone or skype interviews which are all a bit odd and normally mean getting up quite early in the morning. My friend moved to Perth on her own November 2011 and is absolutelly loving it and would not dream of coming back. See it as an adventure, best not to have any regrets in life! I will let you know how I get on.

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Guest Mavrick7

Dear Elizabeth,


You are right in feeling so.

Same is my case, i waited for two years to get this visa and when i got it last month i became confused on same things i.e. do i have made right decesion?

In my opinion its one big step to leave your country, career, freinds and move to other country starting from scratch, but we should keep in mind that change is always difficult. I remember even within my own country moving from one city to another was a difficult decesion. What i noted in my case was, it took around 3 months atleast to settle in new place.

Just keep faith and try to imagine if you didn't get the visa then you must be more restless.


So your feelings are very natural and nothing to worry about. Yes, definetly it will be hard time (infact very hard time) in the begining but ultimately things will be fine.

We are not the first who are making this move, before us there are millions of poeple who moved to other countries and got settled.





Ok so I am in need of some advice...after waiting nearly 4 years for my visa (long story....crap agent ) I finally have it and moving to perth in September. I dreamed of when ad have this visa and now I have it am like omg big move and starting to crap it slightly in am I doing the right thing?am sure you all get like that. Am 27 and single from Glasgow am just wondering how people found it moving out on there own and did you find it hard to make new friends etc?? .....any advice will be amazing to make me feel better haha! I lived in Sydney for a year and had a ball so am feeling a fresh start will be what the doc orderd :))
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Ok so I am in need of some advice...after waiting nearly 4 years for my visa (long story....crap agent ) I finally have it and moving to perth in September. I dreamed of when ad have this visa and now I have it am like omg big move and starting to crap it slightly in am I doing the right thing?am sure you all get like that. Am 27 and single from Glasgow am just wondering how people found it moving out on there own and did you find it hard to make new friends etc?? .....any advice will be amazing to make me feel better haha! I lived in Sydney for a year and had a ball so am feeling a fresh start will be what the doc orderd :))


Perth is an absolute brilliant place, especially if your young(my wife absolutely loves it!)


Moved over here 7 years ago(started out in Bendigo, VIC), do love England and would if I could go back yearly if I could afford it, but even though I not always lived in the best of places(Narrogin being one because I what I do), I have no desire to head back and live in the UK.


I envy you if you do, as a yet I not living in or near enough to Perth.


Come and enjoy.

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  • 5 months later...

Elizabeth you would be abnormal if you didn't have those thoughts, concerns, worries! Just hold the thought that it isn't a life sentence and if you actually don't like it, you can always try another city, town, or go back to UK. Meanwhile, just concentrate on this new chapter of your life and savour each experience as it happens and be open to all opportunities and friendships. Good Luck to you and let us know how you get on.

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Hey people I have 4 weeks till my big move and waves of emotion going through me am I doing the right thing..will I make new friends....will I settle in ok omg please tell me you all go through the same thing?hahaha am going of my head with worrying x


My wife flies out in eight days, and I fly in thirty days, we are well looking forward to it. You will of course make friends, the Aussies in general, are very friendly, as to settling, who knows what the future holds, but remain positive, and I'm sure that all will be as you wish.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey finnaly hear in Perth after going round Asia for 6 months on the way to Perth! Am looking to make some new friends am feeling a bit out of place this place is massive! If there is anyone out there who would like to hang out let me no am 28 a hairdresser from Scotland I like all the usual things shopping eating out cinema and of course the odd glass of wine and letting me hair down hope to hear from you all soon :) x

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Aw don't be silly I have loads of friends back home that age ur only as old as ya feel ;) aw that would be so lovely to meet you am glad you are feeling settled :) if you are on Facebook add me it's Elizabeth mcinnes if you don't find me you can send me yours and I will try find you look forward to catching up!

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