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457 visas and naff migration agents....

Guest jantplus3

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Guest jantplus3

Just a rant really...... Partner was offered job in july 2012. Migration agent was employed by the company to get us from uk to perth. 457 visa granted in nov, and moved to perth in jan 2013. We realised the limitations of this visa, and with three children under 4 our original intention of me working ( im a teacher) part time were thwarted with the childcare costs... Lack of research on our part, granted. Partner has been ( with boss) to see a second migration agent who advised completely different. He says we should have applied for perm visa back in july, as well as a 457 in a different job area... and we would be half way there. as it stands the company needs to apply for a second 457 as well as starting the pr process for us cos chances are we wont be able to transfer / apply for a permanent visa after 2 years (as planned) because of the wishy washy (his words) PR 457 we are on.




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Guest jantplus3

they are quite happy to.... however because the 457 is in public relations, which apparently is one of the easier ones to get through initially, and the job isn't really, they would be able to refuse permancy. Also we are looking at a quicker ways to get permanancy than waiting two years so that i can work. The occupation is on the right list for a permanent visa straight off so we should have applied for that in the first instance. Don't assume that just because you are on a 457 that you automatically get PR after 2 years......

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Guest guest9824

Sorry to hear your plight Jantplus3. I hope you are successful in getting your visa changed. We came on the same visa and my hubby's employer paid for PR after two years, but as you say it's not an automatic thing. Lets hope your circumstances change for the better, I feel for you especially with 3 children to think about. Hope all goes well in the long run.


pea x

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they are quite happy to.... however because the 457 is in public relations, which apparently is one of the easier ones to get through initially, and the job isn't really, they would be able to refuse permancy. Also we are looking at a quicker ways to get permanancy than waiting two years so that i can work. The occupation is on the right list for a permanent visa straight off so we should have applied for that in the first instance. Don't assume that just because you are on a 457 that you automatically

get PR after 2 years......


Im no expert but surely if the employer has pretended your OH is a profession that he isn't they have acted illegally?

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Guest jantplus3

no, she does a pr type job, but we would be better applying for a permanent visa in a different catagory that covers the industry she's in. Thats why permanancy in public relations isnt guaranteed!!! all advised by a registered migration agent. luckilly her employer is prepared tro shell out another 15k to get it right....

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no, she does a pr type job, but we would be better applying for a permanent visa in a different catagory that covers the industry she's in. Thats why permanancy in public relations isnt guaranteed!!! all advised by a registered migration agent. luckilly her employer is prepared tro shell out another 15k to get it right....


Hi, this all sounds very strange to me!!!! Was your "naff" migration agent a registered one? I am worried that you could get yourself in a difficult situation with DIAC if the visa is not for the occupation in which is was granted for. Your employer could be in breach of their obligations.

Saw someone yesterday who nearly had visa cancelled (457) as in breach of conditions, would have had 28 days to leave country and potential 3 year ban of coming back!

Be very careful with how you handle applications for future visa...

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Hi, this all sounds very strange to me!!!! Was your "naff" migration agent a registered one? I am worried that you could get yourself in a difficult situation with DIAC if the visa is not for the occupation in which is was granted for. Your employer could be in breach of their obligations.

Saw someone yesterday who nearly had visa cancelled (457) as in breach of conditions, would have had 28 days to leave country and potential 3 year ban of coming back!

Be very careful with how you handle applications for future visa...



This seems like good advice to me, I'd be VERY cautious about applying for a perm visa in a different category to your original award. That suggests to me that your role has changed, that the very reason you were bought here to work in the first place is no longer valid and you really don't want to do anything that suggests you have breached the original visa terms.


If your employer is willing to sponsor your PR surely that carries considerable weight with DIAC? Surely that's a massive vote of confidence and an indication of their commitment to you?

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Just a rant really...... Partner was offered job in july 2012. Migration agent was employed by the company to get us from uk to perth. 457 visa granted in nov, and moved to perth in jan 2013. We realised the limitations of this visa, and with three children under 4 our original intention of me working ( im a teacher) part time were thwarted with the childcare costs... Lack of research on our part, granted. Partner has been ( with boss) to see a second migration agent who advised completely different. He says we should have applied for perm visa back in july, as well as a 457 in a different job area... and we would be half way there. as it stands the company needs to apply for a second 457 as well as starting the pr process for us cos chances are we wont be able to transfer / apply for a permanent visa after 2 years (as planned) because of the wishy washy (his words) PR 457 we are on.





Another thought that has crossed my mind. Maybe it could be a naff employer nor a naff migration agent!!! After all a 457 visa is employer driven, not agent driven! The employer has to sign the Nomination, if he wasnt in agreement he should not have signed it! Perhaps the agent has done nothing wrong and the fault appears to be with your employer!

Why does the agent always get the blame ??

After all, if I dont defend my industry and peer group , who will!!!??

Hopefully on this site there are many people who value their agents!! I know a lot of my clients say they wouldn't have got their visa on their own!!!

Has it occured to you that perhaps your employer was not interested in sponsoring you permanently until they had seen whether you were suitable for the role??

Hindsight is a great thing! I certainly wish I was armed with it!!!

Edited by New Life Down Under
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