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When can English Children Start School in Perth


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You can tell we are getting near to our leaving date - lots of questions. I have tried to find an answer to my question, but I must be looking in the wrong places.


We have our short term rental sorted for eight weeks after we land, we are coming over on PR visas. Do the schools take children who live in short term rentals, ie eight weeks or do you have to have your long term rental sorted with proof of your tenancy agreement. Its just so I have an idea how long my three children are going to be off school. I have already started to gather work to do for them whilst they are off (which i'm not going to tell them about until the time comes:biglaugh:.


Thanks for your help.

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It's probably best to hold off sending them to school for those eight weeks or they will be rather unsettled having to move schools later.

Ours were off school from when we left the UK in October 2012 until the start of this year, February and had no problems..................although we were really glad when they did start !

Home schooling following the NAPLAN books will help them and you get into the way things are here......depending on their ages.

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You were in the right thread, Education, and there are related answers on one from earlier this month. Here is the link. Lots of good stuff in that one.




When we came over for good, during the first week of November, we did the same as Chardy and just let our son have a long break and he started when the schools went back for the year in February. (Bearing in mind they break up in early December anway.) No harm done and to honest it helped him settle into life here. As for an address perhaps probably be best to contact the school direct via e-mail to check. Each one may be different due to increased in take numbers and high volume of newbies.


Before that though here is a link to enrolment policies into WA State Schools which may have something relevant. Hope that helps because you do not say if it is State or Private schooling.




Hope this is of use.

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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We came over in July and it was a two week school holiday. Our son started school straight after that. I personally wanted him to start school straight away to start making friends and to settle better. I made sure my holiday let was inside the schools catchment area and they accepted me lease agreement as proof. I then moved into my long term rental within the catchment area.

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We arrived at the end of April and my 10 year old started school 2 weeks later.....he left school 3 days before we left the UK, and that was only cos it was a weekend. We had a short term (6 week) rental and we were able to register him into the school in our catchment and just made sure we chose a rental within that catchment area. I wanted my kids to start school as early as they did because they needed to know that this wasn't a holiday and that it was for keeps and also so they could make friends quicker rather than stay at home moping about the UK.

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We arrived on a Thursday and my daughter started the Monday after. If you think you are going to stay roughly in the same area and don't mind a short drive to school I would get them into school as soon as possible. There is a lot to do when you first arrive and it's always nice if you can do it child free. I am a firm believer in getting a routine going as soon as possible.


Some schools are happy with a temporary lease, some aren't. Just ask the local school and if they aren't happy then you will have to keep them off until you have found a permanent rental.

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